Holland Daze | Chowder Fan Club | Fandom
Chowder Fan Club


—Holland Daze

Chef Holland Daze is the Aluminum Chef and host of his own TV show. He is a pig like character known has the best chef in the world, which is why he is the Aluminum Chef. He's famous because he's in a popular cooking show called the Aluminum Chef. And what makes him the greatest chef in the is his catch phrase, "Wazzam". He was seen in The Catch Phrase when Chowder and Mung went to the Aluminum Stadium to see Holland Daze. Mung Then got jealous of everybody (including Chowder) like him just because he has a popular catchphrase. Then, when Mung challenges Holland Daze to a cook-off and swore on TV (as well as Chowder), he plugged their mouths with soap. He makes a small cameo appearence in A Little Bit of Pizzazz!.


He often says his own catch phrase "Wazzam!" Mung Daal is jealous of him because Chowder pays more attention to Chef Holland Daze and his awesome catchphrase quoting "Every good chef has a catchphrase!"


  • He is a parody of Chef Emeril Lagasse. Lagasse's famous catchphrase "Bam!" is very similar to that of Holland Daze's.
  • Holland Daze's (presumed) first name, "Holland", ties directly to his Dutch accent.
  • His name is a pun on Hollandaise sauce.