Reelstreets | Top Secret!

Top Secret!

Date: 1984
Director: Jim Abrahams, David Zucker, Jerry Zucker
Production Company: Paramount Pictures Corporation

Stars: Val Kilmer, Lucy Gutteridge, Christopher Villiers, Omar Sharif
Location(s): Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, Cornwall, London, Northamptonshire

Region(s): , , ,


An American surf rock musician is invited to East Germany to perform a show and gets caught up in the world of espionage.

Additional Information:

Screen captures by Steve Randall

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If you have any information regarding this production, the locations or, even better, some comparison shots please contact us. Images submitted must be in Landscape orientation, as would be seen on the cinema screen, not Portrait.

We are aware that there are films on the site that were added when the criteria for the inclusion of locations was very different from today and, as a result, there may be scenes missing from some productions. Please do not forward additional screen captures to us but bring the detail to our attention, for we do, and are, 're-addressing' these older entries as time allows.

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An opening sequence has Agent Cedric (Omar Sharif) involved in a fight on the roof of a train in East Germany. Too dark to tell from the capture, but this was filmed on the Nene Valley Railway, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, which was also used in 'Afraid of the Dark' and 'Goldeneye'.

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Action moves to a meeting of the East German High Command, where they have planned a diversionary cultural festival. Unknown location.

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The Americans arrange for rock and roll star Nick Rivers to be sent to the festival. A Beach Boys-style musical sequence makes use of Holywell Bay, Newquay, Cornwall.

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Surfers with rifles for skeet shooting drive down the beach. Holywell Bay, Newquay, Cornwall. The beach front here can also be seen in 'Die Another Day'.

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The jeep continues down the beach. Holywell Bay, Newquay, Cornwall.

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Rifle in hand and girl by his side, a surfer walks toward the sunset. Holywell Bay, Newquay, Cornwall.

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Boarding a train, Rick (Val Kilmer) heads for East Germany. Nene Valley Railway, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

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Nick faces the welcoming committee. Osterley Park House, Isleworth, Greater London, also seen in 'On the Fiddle','The Grass is Greener', 'An Alligator Named Daisy', 'Billion Dollar Brain' and 'A Study in Terror'.

Fenced off when I visited because of slippery steps.

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The crowd sing the East German National Anthem. The stables at Osterley Park House.

Now an eating area for the NT cafe.

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Agent Cedric has an unfortunate meeting with a car crusher machine. Unidentified location.

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Nick has dinner at the Hotel Gey Schluffen. The ubiquitous Heatherden Hall, Pinewood Studios, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire.

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Nick is arrested and faces a firing squad. He may be reprieved if the old woman gets to the phone in time. Rockingham Castle, Rockingham, Corby, Northamptonshire.

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Following his concert, Nick is rescued by Hilary Flammand (Lucy Gutteridge), a member of the resistance. They run to a park. Unidentified location.

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Hillary tells Nick about Nigel (Christopher Villiers), a boy she was stranded with on a desert island, seen in flashback. Holywell Bay, Newquay, Cornwall.

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Nick and Hillary take a ride through the forest. Black Park, Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire

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They arrive at the "Potato Farm" to meet other members of the resistance, only to find it is run by Nigel.

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The group plan the rescue of Hillary's father from prison. Rockingham Castle, Rockingham, Corby, Northamptonshire

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Cunningly disguised as a cow, Nigel and Du Quois, make their way into the prison grounds. Rockingham Castle.

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Nigel and Du Quois cut the power in the generator building, a prop set up at Rockingham Castle.

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The rest of the group enter the prison. Rockingham Castle.

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Nigel, in the rear end of the cow costume, gets a surprise when a bull appears. Rockingham Castle.

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As Hillary's father is rescued, he shows Nick his nearly completed escape tunnel, which looks remarkably like the Holland Tunnel which connects New York City with Jersey City.

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Traitor Nigel has seized Hillary. In pursuit, Nick takes a flying leap over six buses, with help from stuntman Eddie Kidd. Bulstrode Park, Gerrards Cross, Buckinghamshire.

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Nick jumps onto Nigel's landrover in an attempt to save Hillary.

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The combatants plunge from the vehicle to continue the fight underwater. Albert Bridge, Southlea Road, Datchet, Berkshire.