40 Facts about the movie The Long Goodbye - Facts.net
Vida Cordes

Written by Vida Cordes

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett

Source: amazon.com

Released in 1973, “The Long Goodbye” is a neo-noir film directed by Robert Altman and based on Raymond Chandler’s novel of the same name. Starring Elliott Gould in the lead role, this unique and unconventional detective film has gained a cult following over the years. Set in Los Angeles, the movie follows the journey of private investigator Philip Marlowe as he gets entangled in a complex web of deception and murder.

With its innovative narrative structure and gritty portrayal of 1970s Los Angeles, “The Long Goodbye” has become highly regarded for its distinct style and depiction of the noir genre. In this article, we explore 40 fascinating facts about the movie, ranging from behind-the-scenes trivia to its impact on future films. So, grab your trench coat and join us as we delve into the intriguing world of “The Long Goodbye!

Key Takeaways:

  • The Long Goodbye, a 1973 film, is a cult classic with a catchy theme song, unique storytelling, and a darkly humorous take on the noir genre, making it a must-watch for movie enthusiasts.
  • The movie explores complex themes like identity, morality, and betrayal, while showcasing stunning visuals and memorable performances, solidifying its status as a gem of 1970s cinema.
Table of Contents

Released in 1973

The Long Goodbye was released in 1973, making it over four decades old today. Despite its age, the film continues to captivate audiences with its unique storytelling.

Directed by Robert Altman

Robert Altman, known for his innovative and genre-defying filmmaking style, directed The Long Goodbye. He brought his distinctive storytelling approach to this neo-noir crime film.

Based on the novel by Raymond Chandler

The Long Goodbye is based on the novel of the same name written by Raymond Chandler. Chandler’s work is widely regarded as some of the best in the crime fiction genre.

Stars Elliott Gould as Philip Marlowe

Elliott Gould portrays the iconic detective character Philip Marlowe in The Long Goodbye. His performance earned critical acclaim and is considered one of his best roles.

Features a memorable theme song

The movie is known for its catchy and memorable theme song, composed by John Williams. The song has become synonymous with the film and adds to its overall atmosphere.

Set in 1970s Los Angeles

The Long Goodbye is set in the gritty backdrop of 1970s Los Angeles. The film effectively captures the essence of the city during that era.

Known for its unique narrative structure

The film stands out for its innovative narrative structure, which deviates from traditional linear storytelling. This approach adds depth and intrigue to the plot.

Nominated for several awards

The Long Goodbye received multiple award nominations, including Best Supporting Actress for Nina Van Pallandt at the Academy Awards. The film’s screenplay and cinematography were also recognized.

Not a typical film noir

The Long Goodbye subverts the traditional film noir genre, adding a touch of comedy and existentialism to its storytelling. This distinction sets it apart from other films in the genre.

Known for its sharp dialogue

The film’s screenplay, written by Leigh Brackett, is renowned for its sharp and witty dialogue. The dialogues between the characters contribute to the film’s overall appeal.

Features a memorable performance by Sterling Hayden

Sterling Hayden delivers a standout performance as the eccentric writer Roger Wade. His character adds depth and intrigue to the film.

Considered a cult classic

Over the years, The Long Goodbye has gained a dedicated following and is considered a cult classic. Its unique style and unconventional approach have contributed to its enduring popularity.

Explores themes of identity and morality

The film delves into complex themes of identity, morality, and the blurred lines between right and wrong. This exploration adds depth to the story and engages the audience.

Showcases Robert Altman’s signature improvisational style

Robert Altman’s improvisational filming style is evident throughout The Long Goodbye. The actors were encouraged to bring their own ideas and interpretations to the characters.

Features an impressive ensemble cast

In addition to Elliott Gould and Sterling Hayden, the film boasts an impressive ensemble cast, including Nina Van Pallandt and Mark Rydell, who deliver compelling performances.

One of the earlier adaptations of Raymond Chandler’s work

The Long Goodbye is one of the earlier film adaptations of Raymond Chandler’s novels, contributing to its significance in the cinematic landscape.

Explores the dark underbelly of Los Angeles

The film portrays a dark and gritty version of Los Angeles, exploring the seedy underworld and corrupt society that exists beneath its glamorous exterior.

Known for its intricate and engaging plot

The Long Goodbye’s plot is filled with twists, turns, and unexpected revelations that keep viewers engaged from start to finish.

Employs a unique visual style

The film’s cinematography and visual style play a significant role in creating its distinctive atmosphere. The use of lighting and framing enhances the overall viewing experience.

Inspired other neo-noir films

The Long Goodbye’s innovative approach to the noir genre has inspired other filmmakers to explore similar storytelling techniques in their works.

Notable for its dark humor

The film balances its darker themes with moments of dark humor, adding another layer of complexity to the storytelling.

Explores the complexities of friendship

The Long Goodbye delves into the complexities of friendship and loyalty, highlighting the blurred lines between alliances and betrayals.

Features a memorable climax

The film’s climax is gripping and intense, leaving a lasting impression on viewers. It showcases the culmination of the story’s various plot threads.

Considered one of the best adaptations of Chandler’s novels

Many viewers and critics consider The Long Goodbye to be one of the best film adaptations of Raymond Chandler’s novels, capturing the essence of his writing.

Known for its atmospheric soundtrack

The film’s soundtrack, composed by John Williams, adds to the overall atmospheric quality of the movie and enhances key scenes.

Explores the notion of trust

The Long Goodbye delves into the concept of trust and the repercussions of misplaced trust in a world filled with deception and corruption.

Showcases the struggle between integrity and survival

The movie explores the moral dilemma faced by its characters, highlighting the struggle between maintaining one’s integrity and doing what it takes to survive.

Features stunning cinematography

The Long Goodbye boasts stunning cinematography that captures the mood and atmosphere of the story, immersing viewers in its world.

Known for its memorable quotes

The film is filled with memorable quotes that have become iconic, showcasing the film’s sharp writing and compelling dialogue.

Explores the concept of identity crisis

The Long Goodbye delves into the concept of an identity crisis, examining how external forces can shape and blur an individual’s sense of self.

Known for its meticulous attention to detail

The Long Goodbye’s meticulous attention to detail is evident in its production design, costumes, and overall visual aesthetic.

Challenges traditional noir stereotypes

The film defies traditional noir stereotypes by presenting characters who don’t always fit the typical mold, adding depth and complexity to the narrative.

Explores the concept of justice

The Long Goodbye raises questions about justice and the blurred lines between right and wrong in a morally ambiguous world.

Known for its stunning performances

The cast’s performances, including Elliott Gould’s portrayal of Philip Marlowe, are praised for their nuanced and captivating delivery.

Explores the decay of society

The film highlights the decay of society and the loss of moral values, presenting a bleak and dark portrayal of the world.

Known for its open-ended conclusion

The Long Goodbye concludes with an open-ended resolution, leaving room for interpretation and discussion among viewers.

Explores the theme of betrayal

The movie delves into the theme of betrayal, showcasing how trust can be easily broken and the consequences that follow.

Known for its stylish visuals

The Long Goodbye is renowned for its stylish visuals, showcasing the fashion, decor, and overall aesthetic of the 1970s.

Explores the dark side of human nature

The film delves into the dark aspects of human nature, exposing the ugliness that can lurk beneath the surface of seemingly ordinary people.

Considered a gem of 1970s cinema

Overall, The Long Goodbye holds a special place in 1970s cinema and continues to be celebrated for its innovative storytelling and memorable performances.


After exploring these 40 fascinating facts about the movie “The Long Goodbye,” it’s clear that this film is a true masterpiece in the world of cinema. From its innovative approach to the film noir genre to its memorable characters and iconic scenes, “The Long Goodbye” has solidified its place as a classic.With its gripping storyline, stunning cinematography, and impeccable performances, this film has continued to captivate audiences since its release. Whether you’re a fan of film noir or simply appreciate great storytelling, “The Long Goodbye” is a must-watch for any movie enthusiast.So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and immerse yourself in the intriguing world of “The Long Goodbye.” You won’t be disappointed!


Q: Who directed the movie “The Long Goodbye”?

A: “The Long Goodbye” was directed by Robert Altman.

Q: When was “The Long Goodbye” released?

A: The movie was released in 1973.

Q: Who starred in “The Long Goodbye”?

A: The film featured Elliot Gould in the lead role, along with Nina Van Pallandt, Sterling Hayden, and Mark Rydell.

Q: Is “The Long Goodbye” based on a book?

A: Yes, the movie was based on the novel of the same name written by Raymond Chandler.

Q: What is the genre of “The Long Goodbye”?

A: The film is a neo-noir mystery thriller.

Q: Did “The Long Goodbye” receive any awards?

A: While the movie did not win any major awards, it received critical acclaim for its innovative approach to the noir genre.

Q: What is the running time of “The Long Goodbye”?

A: The film has a running time of approximately 112 minutes.

Q: Is “The Long Goodbye” suitable for all audiences?

A: The movie is rated R for adult content and language, so parental guidance is advised.

Q: Are there any notable quotes from “The Long Goodbye”?

A: Yes, one famous quote from the film is “It’s okay with me,” which became a memorable catchphrase associated with the movie.

Q: Is “The Long Goodbye” considered a classic?

A: Absolutely! The film has gained a cult following over the years and is widely regarded as a classic in the film noir genre.

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