19 Captivating Facts About Psy - Facts.net
Gayle Clare

Written by Gayle Clare

Modified & Updated: 28 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Billboard.com

Psy, whose real name is Park Jae-sang, is a South Korean singer, songwriter, and rapper who burst into the international music scene with his global hit “Gangnam Style” in 2012. The infectious dance moves and catchy tunes quickly made him a sensation and turned him into a household name worldwide.

Beyond his undeniable talent and success, there are many fascinating aspects of Psy’s life and career that may not be known to everyone. In this article, we will delve into 19 captivating facts about Psy, ranging from his early life to his rise in the music industry and his impact on popular culture.

Key Takeaways:

  • Psy, the South Korean singer behind “Gangnam Style,” studied business in the US and served in the military before becoming a global music icon with his catchy, humorous, and viral hits.
  • With his iconic “horse dance” and collaborations with international artists, Psy’s music transcends language barriers, showcasing his evolution as an artist and his impact as a cultural icon.
Table of Contents

Psy is a South Korean singer and songwriter.

Born on December 31, 1977, in Seoul, South Korea, Psy, whose real name is Park Jae-sang, rose to fame with his viral hit “Gangnam Style” in 2012, which became the first video on YouTube to hit one billion views.

He studied business administration at Boston University.

Prior to his music career, Psy attended Boston University in the United States, where he studied business administration.

Psy served in the South Korean military.

Like all able-bodied South Korean men, Psy fulfilled his mandatory military service, serving as a soldier in the South Korean military from 2003 to 2005.

He debuted in 2001 with his album ‘Psy from the Psycho World!’

Psy’s musical journey began in 2001 with the release of his debut album, ‘Psy from the Psycho World!’, which showcased his unique style and energetic performances.

Psy’s music is known for its catchy hooks and humorous lyrics.

One of the defining characteristics of Psy’s music is its catchy hooks and entertaining lyrics, often incorporating humor and satire.

His music video for “Gangnam Style” went viral worldwide.

With its infectious dance moves and quirky style, the music video for “Gangnam Style” captured the attention of people all over the globe, propelling Psy to international stardom.

Psy has collaborated with numerous international artists.

Over the years, Psy has collaborated with various artists, including Snoop Dogg, will.i.am, and Diplo, blending different musical styles and creating unique and dynamic tracks.

He has released several successful albums.

Psy has a discography of multiple albums, including “Psyder” in 2002, “Sa 2” in 2006, and “Psy 6 (Six Rules), Part 1” in 2012, all of which have enjoyed commercial success.

Psy holds the record for the most-viewed music video on YouTube.

As of now, Psy’s “Gangnam Style” holds the impressive record for the most-viewed music video on YouTube, with billions of views and counting.

He has received various awards and accolades for his music.

Psy’s talent has been recognized with numerous awards, including the Mnet Asian Music Awards, Melon Music Awards, and the World Music Awards.

Psy has appeared in international television shows, including “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.”

Psy’s popularity extended beyond the music industry, and he made appearances on television shows worldwide, most notably on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show,” where he showcased his signature dance moves.

He has a distinctive dance move called the “horse dance.”

One of Psy’s trademark dance moves is the iconic “horse dance” featured in his hit song “Gangnam Style,” which involves mimicking riding a horse with exaggerated movements.

Psy actively engages with his fans on social media.

Psy is known for his active presence on social media platforms, where he interacts with his fans, shares updates about his music, and showcases glimpses of his personal life.

He has been an ambassador for various charitable causes.

Psy has used his platform to support philanthropic initiatives, serving as an ambassador for organizations such as UNICEF and promoting awareness for important social issues.

Psy has hosted his own TV shows in South Korea.

Aside from his music career, Psy has ventured into television hosting, bringing his charismatic energy to his own shows, such as “The X-Files: Psi-ko” and “Infinite Challenge.”

He has a loyal fanbase known as the “Psycho.”

Psy’s dedicated fanbase, affectionately referred to as the “Psycho,” continues to support him throughout his career, eagerly awaiting new music releases and performances.

Psy has been recognized as a cultural icon.

With his groundbreaking success and global impact, Psy has become a cultural icon, representing the vibrant and innovative music scene of South Korea.

His music transcends language barriers.

Despite primarily singing in Korean, Psy’s music has resonated with audiences worldwide, demonstrating the universal power of music to connect people across different cultures and languages.

Psy continues to evolve as an artist.

Throughout the years, Psy has demonstrated his versatility as an artist, exploring different genres and experimenting with new styles, showcasing his growth and evolution in the music industry.

These captivating facts about Psy showcase the amazing journey of a South Korean artist who made waves in the global music scene. From viral hits to international recognition, Psy’s impact continues to be felt in the world of music and entertainment. Whether you’re a dedicated fan or just discovering his music, Psy’s unique style and infectious energy are sure to leave a lasting impression.


Psy is truly a captivating celebrity, known for his groundbreaking achievements in the music industry. From his iconic hit “Gangnam Style” to his impressive record of being the first YouTube video to surpass one billion views, Psy has left an indelible mark on pop culture. With his infectious energy, charismatic personality, and unique sense of style, he continues to captivate audiences worldwide.Beyond his musical success, Psy is also an accomplished songwriter, producer, and performer, constantly pushing boundaries and reinventing himself. He has won numerous awards, including the prestigious Best Video award at the MTV Europe Music Awards. Psy’s impact goes far beyond just his music, as he has become a cultural phenomenon that transcends borders and language barriers.In conclusion, Psy’s captivating journey in the entertainment industry has solidified his place as a true icon. With his infectious music and larger-than-life personality, he continues to inspire and entertain fans around the globe.


1. What is Psy’s real name?
Psy’s real name is Park Jae-Sang.2. Where is Psy from?
Psy was born in Seoul, South Korea.3. What is Psy’s most famous song?
Psy is best known for his hit single “Gangnam Style,” which became a worldwide sensation.4. How many views does Psy’s “Gangnam Style” have on YouTube?
As of now, “Gangnam Style” has over three billion views on YouTube.5. Has Psy released any other successful songs?
Yes, Psy has released several other successful songs, including “Gentleman” and “Daddy.”6. How old is Psy?
As of 2021, Psy is 43 years old.7. Has Psy won any awards?
Yes, Psy has won numerous awards, including the Best Video award at the MTV Europe Music Awards.8. Is Psy involved in any other creative endeavors?
Apart from his music career, Psy is also involved in producing and writing songs for other artists.9. Has Psy performed in any concerts or tours?
Yes, Psy has performed in concerts and tours all over the world, captivating audiences with his energetic performances.10. Is Psy active on social media?
Yes, Psy is active on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, where he shares updates with his fans.

Psy's captivating journey from South Korea to international stardom is truly inspiring. His unique style and infectious energy have made him a global sensation. If you enjoyed learning about Psy, why not explore more intriguing facts about other fascinating topics? Delve into the world of Kappa Alpha Psi, a prestigious African American fraternity with a rich history. Discover the remarkable legacy of Omega Psi Phi, another influential Greek-letter organization. Lastly, learn about the empowering Climb Out Of Darkness event, which raises awareness for maternal mental health. Each of these subjects offers a wealth of engaging information waiting to be uncovered.

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