Registering a corporation -

Registering a corporation

To register as a corporation, you will need to:

  1. incorporate your business (obtain your articles of incorporation) through federal incorporation or provincial/territorial incorporation
  2. get a federal business number and Corporation income tax account from the Canada Revenue Agency
  3. register as an extra-provincial or extra-territorial corporation in all other Canadian jurisdictions where you plan to do business
  4. apply for any permits and licences your business may need

In some cases, registration for these accounts is streamlined (in other words, you can sometimes get your business number, tax accounts, and provincial registrations as part of the incorporation process). However, this is not true for all provinces and territories. To get started with incorporation and registration for other accounts, choose one of the options below.

If you are not sure whether you want to incorporate federally or in your province/territory, see Choosing between federal incorporation and provincial/territorial incorporation.

Get started with registration

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