Mark Ruffalo Is Recognized 'Way More' for '13 Going on 30' Than MCU
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Mark Ruffalo Says He Is Recognized ‘Way More’ for ’13 Going on 30′ Than for MCU’s Hulk

"There’s two types of people in this world. There’s Hulk people, and there’s '13 Going on 30' people," the actor said celebrating the 2004 rom-com.
13 GOING ON 30, Mark Ruffalo, Jennifer Garner, 2004, (c) Columbia/courtesy Everett Collection
'13 Going on 30'
©Columbia Pictures/Courtesy Everett Collection

Mark Ruffalo is turning back the clock to celebrate 20 years of timeless rom-com “13 Going on 30.”

Ruffalo, who starred opposite Jennifer Garner in the time travel comedy, revisited the film for its 20th anniversary in an Instagram video alongside Garner and co-star Judy Greer. The “Poor Things” actor and Marvel star Ruffalo admitted that among his filmography, “13 Going on 30” still proves to be his most recognizable role…even after playing the Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for more than a decade.

“There’s two types of people in this world. There’s Hulk people, and there’s ’13 Going on 30′ people, and I get equal amounts,” Ruffalo said before adding, “way more ’13 Going on 30.'”

“13 Going on 30” was directed by Gary Winick and written by Cathy Yuspa and Josh Goldsmith. Garner plays Jenna Rink, a 13-year-old who wakes up in 2004 with her dream life after wishing to be “thirty, flirty, and thriving.” However, her childhood best friend Matt (Ruffalo) is no longer part of her high fashion lifestyle. Jenna Rink tries to manage adulthood, win back Matt, and get back to 1987 to correct her mistakes over the course of the film. The film made $96.4 million at the global box office 20 years ago.

Greer in the video even exclaimed in surprise that Brie Larson, Ruffalo’s “Avengers” co-star, was also in “13 Going on 30” as a “Six Chick,” one of the cliquey mean girls seen in the film. But Ruffalo, Garner, and Greer also discussed how different a time it was 20 years ago, when people got their news from a newspaper and talked to people on phones on the street with cords attached to them.

It’s unclear if we’ll see more from the Zoom conversation catch-up soon.

Ruffalo previously told High Snobiety that he was feeling typecast by his rom-com stints prior to the MCU and “Zodiac,” saying, “What I felt immediately in the film world is, once you did one thing well, that’s what they think you are. They will just come to you with that part over and over again. And I was like, ‘No.’ My career is not going to be that. I’m going to do as much as I can to try and make people see me in different ways so that I can do more over the years.”

He added of being cast in “Poor Things,” “I’m 55 now, and you start to think, ‘OK, I’m on the downside of this hill in a way, and there’s a limitation to how long it’s going to last and how long my body’s going to hold up.’ And honestly? I’m getting a little bored of myself as Mark Ruffalo. I was trying to take the ship as close to the reef as I could possibly get without actually running aground. There’s a daringness in this that I normally wouldn’t have. I was just like, ‘Fuck it, If I go down in a flaming disastrous performance, I don’t really give a shit.'”

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