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The View from Here

Harvard’s sanctioning of two Rhodes Scholarship recipients is only the latest in a series of controversies plaguing the prestigious academic prize

The View from Here

France loves a student protest almost as much as a one-euro baguette. So why isn’t Paris burning?

The View from Here

Why Francis Ford Coppola should be cherished for being the last great dreamer in Hollywood

The View from Here

Scenes from the Gaza Solidarity Encampment at Columbia University

The View from Here

For too long, Big Tech has enjoyed freedom without responsibility

The View from Here

Blocking traffic. Throwing soup at the Mona Lisa. Lighting oneself on fire. Radical acts of protest are guaranteed to make headlines. But do they work?

The View from Here

Extra! Extra! AIR MAIL opens a newsstand in New York’s West Village

The View from Here

A qualified defense of other people

The View from Here

How identifying as bisexual became a political bumper sticker for Gen Z

The View from Here

Death takes a holiday: pet cloning is the next best thing to reincarnation

The View from Here

It’s ein shitstorm! English is taking over the European languages, and there’s not much anyone—be it linguists or prime ministers—can do about it

The View from Here

Why is president for life Vladimir Putin bothering with an election campaign?

The View from Here

It turns out that social fragmentation has an upside: it’s harder than ever to cancel somebody

The View from Here

For Alice Wairimu Nderitu, the U.N.’s special adviser on the prevention of genocide, the hot seat keeps getting hotter

The View from Here

Tim Scott can be Trump’s running mate, or he can be Tim Scott—but not both

The View from Here

Navalny could be more of a threat to Putin dead than alive

The View from Here

As the once great Sports Illustrated withers, a former editor reflects on the profligate larks and obtuse decisions that reduced Time Inc. to a punch line

The View from Here

Sara Netanyahu, the prime minister’s wife, closest adviser, and fiercest defender, is seen as a mix of Lady Macbeth and Eva Perón, but without the charm or the cult following

The View from Here

Among the casualties of the Israel-Hamas war: harmony between Black and Jewish Americans

The View from Here

In Putin’s Russia, the only way that women are equal to men is in the brutality of their punishments

The View from Here

Growing up Greek in New York City was a double-edged sword—pride in one’s ancestry mixed with fear of the fez

The View from Here

From Kabul’s Serena to Jerusalem’s King David, war hotels have long served as headquarters and havens for international journalists. In the war in Ukraine, the Kharkiv Palace is the new gathering place

The View from Here

Under China’s darkening shadow, Taiwan survives on a cocktail of caution and muted defiance

The View from Here

Male Israeli intelligence officers dismissed warnings from the front lines that a Hamas attack was imminent. It had a lot to do with the fact that the soldiers sounding the alarm were women