How to disable touch screen on Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide - Support Your Tech

How to disable touch screen on Windows 11: A Step-by-Step Guide

Disabling the touch screen on Windows 11 is a straightforward process that can be done in a few steps. All you need is to access the Device Manager, find the HID-compliant touch screen driver, and disable it. After reading this brief explanation, you should be able to disable the touch screen feature on your Windows 11 device easily.

Step by Step Tutorial on How to Disable Touch Screen on Windows 11

Before starting, let’s clarify what we’re going to do. Disabling the touch screen on Windows 11 involves turning off the touch screen functionality without affecting other system operations. It’s a reversible process, so you can always turn it back on if needed.

Step 1: Open Device Manager

Open the Device Manager on your Windows 11 computer by searching for it in the Start menu or by right-clicking the Start button and selecting it from the list.

The Device Manager is a powerful tool that lets you manage the hardware components of your computer. It’s where you can enable or disable various devices, update drivers, and troubleshoot hardware issues.

Step 2: Find the Touch Screen Driver

In the Device Manager, expand the "Human Interface Devices" section and look for "HID-compliant touch screen."

This step might require a bit of scrolling through the list of devices, but the touch screen driver should be easy to spot. It’s usually labeled clearly to distinguish it from other HID devices.

Step 3: Disable the Touch Screen

Right-click on "HID-compliant touch screen" and select "Disable device" from the context menu.

Disabling the device will not remove the driver from your system; it simply turns off the touch screen functionality. If you have multiple touch screen drivers listed, repeat this step for each one to ensure the touch screen is completely disabled.

After completing these steps, your Windows 11 touch screen will be disabled. The screen will still display images and respond to mouse and keyboard inputs, but it will no longer recognize touch inputs. If you ever decide you want to use the touch screen again, you can re-enable it by following the same steps and selecting "Enable device" instead.

Tips on How to Disable Touch Screen on Windows 11

  • Make sure you’re logged in as an administrator before attempting to disable the touch screen.
  • If you’re unsure about disabling the touch screen, consider creating a system restore point beforehand as a safety measure.
  • After disabling the touch screen, check for any updates to the touch screen driver, as an outdated driver might cause issues.
  • If you experience any problems after disabling the touch screen, try restarting your computer to refresh the system.
  • Remember, disabling the touch screen does not affect the display, so you’ll still be able to use your computer normally with a mouse and keyboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I disable the touch screen on any Windows 11 device?

Yes, you can disable the touch screen on any Windows 11 device that has this feature, as long as you have administrative privileges on the device.

Will disabling the touch screen affect other functions on my computer?

No, disabling the touch screen will only turn off the touch input capability. Other functions, like the display, mouse, and keyboard, will continue to work normally.

What if I don’t see the "HID-compliant touch screen" option in Device Manager?

If you don’t see this option, your device might not have a touch screen or the driver might be named differently. Check under other sections in Device Manager or consult your device’s manual for more information.

How do I re-enable the touch screen after disabling it?

To re-enable the touch screen, follow the same steps outlined above but select "Enable device" instead of "Disable device" in step 3.

Is there a keyboard shortcut to disable the touch screen?

No, there isn’t a keyboard shortcut to disable the touch screen. You’ll need to follow the steps in Device Manager to turn off this feature.


  1. Open Device Manager
  2. Find the Touch Screen Driver
  3. Disable the Touch Screen


So there you have it, a simple and effective way to disable the touch screen on Windows 11. Whether you’re looking to save battery life, avoid accidental touches, or just prefer using a mouse and keyboard, disabling the touch screen can enhance your computing experience. Remember, this change isn’t permanent; you can always turn the touch screen back on if you miss the functionality or if you’re in a situation where it’s more convenient. If you’re not comfortable with changing device settings, it’s always a good idea to consult with a tech-savvy friend or professional. And lastly, if you’re ever in doubt, don’t hesitate to reach out to the Windows support community for help. Disabling the touch screen on windows 11 is just one of the many ways you can tailor your device to fit your needs and preferences. Happy computing!

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