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LEGO Legends of Chima Wiki

Legends of Chima is a LEGO theme that was launched in 2013. The theme takes place in a land called Chima, inhabited by twelve species of anthropomorphic animals: Lions, Gorillas, EaglesBears, BeaversRhinos, Crocodiles, Wolves, Ravens, SkunksFoxes, and Peacocks.

Central to Chima is a floating mountain which produces Chi, a powerful element which the native species use in their technology. The Lions oversaw distributing Chi equally to each species, until the Crocodiles demanded more, and allied with the Wolves, Ravens, and later on, Rhinos, to take it by force. The Lions, Gorillas, Eagles and Bears then allied to defend the Chi, and a war broke out.

Each species makes use of various vehicles, from large vehicles shaped like the species piloting it, to smaller vehicles called Speedorz which have a more consistent shape but still have traits of the species owning them.

The theme was adapted into a TV series, with each episode being 22 minutes long. Currently, three seasons have aired, with no others planned.

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