desktop manager not recoginizing 8250 - BlackBerry Forums at
  1. jayjay1579's Avatar
    I've tried to search and look through the forums for this but didn't see anything unless I'm stupid. I'm trying to upgrade my friends phone to a beta software and anytime we plug in the phone windows gives me a message that says the device has malfunctioned and it won't connect. I've tried restarting the computer, doing a battery pull but nothing helps. One time I left it plugged in while I restarted the computer and it finally let me charge it and let me turn on mass storage but still won't connect to desktop manager.
    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    Last edited by jayjay1579; 04-28-10 at 11:10 PM.
    04-28-10 07:56 PM
  2. anon(140126)'s Avatar
    You're talking about 8520, right? Not 8250. Well, what kind of computer OS do you have? There's some issue using Desktop Manager on Windows 7 because for some reason, it won't install the right drivers for BB phones.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    04-28-10 09:01 PM
  3. fedge's Avatar
    maybe try installing just the drivers from Smartphones, Cell Phones & Smart Phones at
    04-28-10 09:07 PM
  4. fedge's Avatar
    wait heres a direct link to the drivers.. make sure you pick the usb and modem drivers....
    04-28-10 09:09 PM
  5. jayjay1579's Avatar
    Yea I meant 8520 sorry I just realized that. Alright ill try that when I get home. Thank you

    Its running windows xp with everything up to date. Desktop manager is up to date as well.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    04-28-10 10:46 PM
  6. anon(140126)'s Avatar
    Yea I meant 8520 sorry I just realized that. Alright ill try that when I get home. Thank you

    Its running windows xp with everything up to date. Desktop manager is up to date as well.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    Windows XP should run Desktop Manager without any problem. And the posted replies above might work, you can try downloading the drivers manually.

    Posted from my CrackBerry at
    04-28-10 10:52 PM
  7. kevinrh32's Avatar
    I had the same issue with my 8520 and DM not recognizing it on XP...i reinstalled the DM about 4 or 5 times, then i finally gave in and had to restore my comp back to factory and it worked! (had an external drive to load all my files and things on b4). everytime i connected my berry to my comp, the comp recognized it, but i couldn't load any apps to it or connect to DM, so if all else fails, you should restore the comp!
    04-29-10 09:19 AM