Tuition - Pinewood School

Admissions Inquiries

Admissions K-6
Email | 650-209-3020

Admissions 7-12
Email | 650-209-3060

On this episode of Cultivated
Three parents share why Pinewood was the clear choice for their students, and for their families.


Value Every Day

At Pinewood, our offering extends beyond a strong academic education; we're equally committed to fostering character, confidence, and a lifelong passion for learning.

Through our joyful and uplifting learning environment, Pinewood empowers every student to rise as individuals of character. Our students embrace knowledge and opportunity, ready to uplift their communities both now and in the years to come.

We understand that investing in a Pinewood education is a significant commitment. Our tuition reflects the unparalleled academic experience and nurturing environment we provide. And while we know that every family's financial situation is unique, our shared values and vision are what truly bring us together. That's why, on this page, you'll find details about our Financial Assistance program. It underscores our dedication to partnering with all families who believe in the Pinewood experience, ensuring they have the opportunity to join our vibrant community and thrive.

Pinewood is a community where every student is uplifted, inspired, and poised to make a positive mark on the world. We hope you’ll join us.


2024-25 Tuition

Financial Assistance for Students Enrolled in K-12

At Pinewood, we believe in cultivating a diverse and inclusive community, where every student has the opportunity to thrive. We understand that families come from varied financial backgrounds, and we're dedicated to ensuring that economic circumstances don't stand in the way of a top-tier education. If your family requires financial support, we warmly invite you to explore our financial assistance options. While our funds are not unlimited, we genuinely encourage those who require assistance to apply. Please know that the financial assistance process runs parallel to our admissions procedure, so if you anticipate a need for aid, both processes should be undertaken during the admissions season. To maintain transparency and fairness, we've partnered with FAST—a trusted third party—to streamline the online application and help us gauge the level of assistance we can extend.

Financial Assistance Process
  1. Submit an application through FAST by February 15, 2024.
  2. Upload 2023 tax returns to your FAST application through the FAST website by March 1, 2024.
  3. The Financial Assistance Committee reviews the FAST report and notifies parents with the decision letter on March 14, 2024.

FAST Website
FAST Application Questions: 877-326-FAST

All information concerning financial aid is held in confidence by Pinewood School. Only the Financial Assistance Committee will review this information.

Annual Giving

Most independent schools, including Pinewood School, rely upon charitable gifts beyond tuition income to support school programs. The Annual Fund First campaign provides the resources that make the difference between a good education and a truly exceptional one, where innovative ideas for teaching and learning are not held back by operating budget constraints. Pinewood depends on the participation of our entire community to support the Annual Fund First Campaign. We invite you to make a gift this year and every year. Every gift, no matter the size, is important.