With the list of new pets revealed in alpha, one of the pets is a kobold, and it’s acquired from the Brawler’s Guild!


You Are Not Your $#*@! Legplates!


You mean waiting in line simulator?


Hell, it’s about time!

visor close

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You mean chatting with friends, making new ones, and cheering people on simulator?


I never did it so that’d be cool.

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No afking while alt-tabbed with background sound on so you hear when it is your turn simulator. Why the eff do I care about some rando and their battle? I care about me and my progression through the ranks.

Brawlers guild in legion was awesome I got thralls complete lack of surprise cheevo

Fun, ive never done this. What expansions was it around for?

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You sound like a fun person to be around…

Part of the fun of brawler’s guild is watching other people try and fail, cheering them on, helping them when they fall, and having others do the same for you. It’s one of the last social activities in the game.


The random playerbase isn’t a community. Players I know and interact with on the daily/weekly are. Random players are obstacles and competition in many many situations. Unless it’s a world boss or monster world elite, having other people is an annoyance at best. They take/tag mobs, can loot resources, and in this instance, are causing me to actively NOT play the game and wait for them. At best, I can glean intel on bosses they may be ahead of me on but it isn’t like WoW isn’t chock full of 3rd party resources as is. I’ve no vested interest in their success nor do I get my jollies from watching people fail.

Good for those who are more personable than I am and who consider a thriving brawlers guild community a net positive. I will never be among that crowd. My purpose is to collect and achive and move onto to whatever catches my interest next.

It sure is nice to pretend that’s what it was like

Nah, I got pictures of loys of people having fun chatting and the like when a glitch caused it to come back in DF. Was really funny watching people die to a Bruce tuned for like BFA.