Chillin' with Patsy

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Utilizing a Day Off

The Ridge

On Tuesday, June 4th I woke from what seemed to be another wonderful sleep. There are a few things on my mind, basically the health of close loved ones, so prayers and thoughts of them are the last before I sleep. They are also the first thoughts in my morning waking. It was 7 when I came downstairs, with my shadow, to join Bill. He was almost ready for work by that time, so we can chat before his day starts.

I wanted to send out an email this morning that I’d written last night on behalf of both of us, so he had time to read it and make changes if necessary. With that done, a kiss to Gibbs and I and he was off. Gibbs just hates goodbyes but still prepares himself in my dining chair near the window. A few whimpers and whines as Daddy goes out the door but then he quietly watches Ptooties pull away.

Good morning!
Watching Daddy leave.

I had a free day, I’m loving these (although I really don’t mind the days that give me a reason to leave too), with nothing planned. It was a warm start, 16C/61F already at 7! Today would be the hottest that we’ve had in a while, reaching a possible 28C/83F at its peak. That helped me make up my mind since it was overcast at the moment.

With my tea finished, Gibbs and I went out for a joyful romp and then he came inside to look after things. I put on suitable footwear, got my gloves, the shovel, rake and wheelbarrow and headed down the lane. 

This is the apple tree at the road
and the dirt pile is being used to fill holes
to make it easier for the rider on his Rider to cut. 😄

We still have a lot of top soil to move and this was a good morning to do my part. I’d only finished 3 loads in the wheelbarrow, when I noticed Gloria, my friend from down the road, approaching from the west on her walk towards home. 😊 She stopped and I was happy for the break!

Not sure why I'm smiling, I was pooped! 😓

We caught up, she is such a nice lady. I got to know her when I booked the hall for Bill’s party. While we were chatting, her daughter came from their home and so I was able to meet Jessie and hear her story. 😊 She’s a night custodian at the public school in town so we had an immediate connection with school boards. After 20 minutes or so, they moved on and I did another couple of loads. By then, the sun was out and we were all ‘glowing’.
Even Gibbs was ready to retire
from the heat.
I'm so glad he's been groomed.

My intent was to grab my bottle of water, which I’d left in the shed!, and relax but then I saw the mess of the corral hill garden. I had supporting shoes for my feet but none are support on that rocky hillside. However, the disaster in front of me gave me the push I needed so I persevered and pulled the weeds. It looks a lot better even though it is always a half-*** job.

top and bottome
before and after
I hope I didn't have to tell you that!

You can’t get the roots as there are deeply imbedded rocks, so I ‘surface weed’ as best I can. That way rocks don’t go rolling down the hill, me with them. If we could afford a landscaper to come in and do their thing with it, that’s what would happen but we can’t. Oh well. Finally, I found my water bottle and downed it before letting Gibbs out to sit on the shaded step with me. There isn’t much of a breeze but when it comes, it’s heavenly! 😊

A cool down on the stoop

Inside at 11:30, I made my coffee and planned bacon and an egg for lunch. We have been able to take advantage of the solar panels a lot since we arrived home, today being no different. It saves us on our hydro/electric costs and every penny counts, as we all know!
Lunch was filling and tasty.

After lunch, I took the initiative (after hearing Bill mention it this morning) and dumped our black tank. It has been over 2 weeks so we’re doing good. It has been much longer than that since ‘I’ last dumped it. Let me tell you, I had a true brain cramp and because Bill had to change some of the procedure for one reason or another, it is different than what I have from my pictures when we first bought. LOL That’s my excuse but still………….

Finally, the light in my brain came on and I made two trips with our Blue Boy over to our dumping station. The first trip was easy, I didn’t even half fill it. The second one was ¾ full so with a flat tire, let’s just say that I used muscles I didn’t know I had. I took my time and shouldn’t have any complaints in the morning. Yoga stretches to the rescue, just in case! 😊 Donna would be proud.

I had to walk down later to water my poor phlox.
I know they'll likely come back next spring but the
look a little sad right now.

Once that was done, I primed our hand pump AGAIN and filled the watering cans to water the vegetables and pulled them into the sun a bit more. When Gibbs and I walk down to retrieve the mail (once I’ve cooled down) I’ll take a can to water my phlox at the gate. It’s not taking hold yet, although everything else is looking pretty decent.

I think my veggies are looking good.
What was it you said Ken about the lower leaves?
There's that mental fog again.

We have two of the Seabreeze patio mats, one bigger than the other, that we bought from CanAm our first year. They are one of the best values for our money and we brag about them all the time. While other mats get lifted in the winds, ours stays put with no tack down at all. I think twice in our 8 years of rv’ing is all it was affected and then only one corner. Anyway, I’m telling you this because the big one is out 365 days of the year (except for travel days south).

Last summer, maybe two summers ago, I put the smaller one on the east side of the stoop, under the living/dining room awning, jutting up to, but not under, where the barbecue sits. I liked being able to walk out in barefoot stepping from stoop to mat, no matter what direction I went. That was the last thing I did today before I stopped working. I found it in the storage shed (we have no need to take it south with us) and Gibbs helped me spread it out. It still is too big but with an end tucked un der, it works.

Then, after another ‘step sit’ in the shade and breeze with Gibbs we came in. I poured myself an AHA blackberry /lemon sparkling water on ice. Talk about refreshing! It could use some salt but it is a totally guilt-free drink. Bill surprised us by driving up the lane at 3 so that was excellent. He was very very appreciative of what I had done around here.

We hopped on Jazz after 5
Beats cooking!

Robin held a yard sale today, I might have to stop tomorrow
and peruse. We passed by going and returning.
Toot toot!

He had his shower and then I had mine but I still found it hard to cool down. Gibbs and I hadn’t been to the mail yet so it was just as well that Bill stopped to get it for us. 😊 He suggested, instead of baking meatloaf, that we hop on Jazz and go for a ride to Jenny G’s near Hanover for supper. Could I jump off my keto wagon for that? Yesiree!

The drive down Baptist Church Road to home
just over an hour later.

It was a lovely night for it, 27C/81F, and although we each wore our leather jackets and boots, the jackets were mostly undone. Too bad, Jenny G wasn’t open weekdays yet, it’s only June. So, we carried on to A & W for Uncle Burger combos. 

It was a good burger and the rings were too.
Yes, I cheated tonight.

I had onion rings instead of fries but ate the whole burger with a diet Root Beer. Yum. We had a nice ride home, fueling up in Durham before 7 and we couldn’t wait to get out of our jeans!

The sky was beautiful and the clouds gave us some relief
from the heat. Am i actually saying that is a good thing?

Bill made his lunch and we relaxed for the evening. There were 4 turtles in the lane, making nests and 2 up here on the Ridge. They are really pushing now and it’s just too bad we keep spooking them. They should lay at night.  

Look at this ridiculous forecast!

What a great day! I feel that I accomplished a lot today and ending it all with a bike ride is a super bonus!

Gibbs rolling in the gravel

And Mrs. Yertles' are getting desperate.

Be careful where you step, seriously.

Our view from the stoop.
Good night!

Thank you for popping in.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Work Week Begins, Clouds, Rain, Sun

The Ridge

On Monday, June 3rd, it was cloudy when we woke up. That confused me when I looked out my window at 6:45. Hmm, it was supposed to be a sunny warm day, not a cloudy wet warm day. I joined Bill downstairs after getting washed and dressed.

My morning run to town
and home again, mixed weather signs

We were both ready about the same time so since he was taking the propane tank in Ptooties, more on that later, I loaded the 2 recycle bins and garbage bag on the tonneau cover of Black Beauty. I arrived in town with the wipers going intermittently the whole way. Go away rain! I guess I was hopeful for June to be a different kind of month. 😊

It's a mystery for sure.
Sandy and I chatted a couple of times and
can't figure it out. This lock box is in a double locked room
that seemed completely intact this morning. Hmmm.

The Mat was empty when I arrived. There was another washer in need of attention, but a simple fix for Sandy, and I noticed that the lock on the box that held the dryer keys, and a few others, was damaged. Hmmm, again. The door into the mechanical room seemed intact so I took a picture of that and sent it along to Sandy. I wouldn’t be doing the lint trays in the small dryers today.

A walk into see the tall irises in my small
corral garden
This one is easy to maintain.
I'm too embarrassed to show you the big one.
It isn't easy at all and it looks it.

I was able to do the 3 big dryers since they only use screw driver wrenches (or whatever they’re called). I’ll be disappointed when the day comes that no one has left change in their pockets, today my tip was $5.65. 😊 I had no other stops in Durham so returned home. Still had to use the wipers once or twice but by the time I arrived at the Ridge, it had stopped.

Gibbs, on duty.

I had my steel cut oats and yogourt at 10, a late breakfast, and when noon rolled around, I only needed one dinner roll with cheese, lettuce and avocado. When it is wet and there is nothing outside to do (or what I could or wanted to do) I think ‘food’, something I can eat that’s on the keto wagon. I got all the ingredients out for more Wheat Belly Peanut Butter Fudge but decided to go out with Gibbs instead.

Are you coming, Mom?
Can you see him?

Perennials I count on every year.
Tall iris and Corabelle.

We walked to ‘check mail’ and came back with a Canadian Tire flyer. I did drop a greeting card in the mail though so left the flag up. What do you bet that Bill stops to retrieve mail. 😉 Gibbs sat with me in the Bunky while I painted but not until after he checked every nook and cranny for Chippy. He’s been there for sure, there is proof in the pudding, er, in the pail.

Everywhere we look now,
a Mrs. Yertle looking for a place to dig and lay.
No, not there!! Silly, girl.

Also, Chippys everywhere too.
Gibbs knows he was here and isn't convinced
he has left the building. 😂

Gibbs is pretending he's cuddling with Mom but he
is watching under the table for you know who.
Notice the edge of the pail lid, bottom right corner?
Not to mention his feces.

I painted some rocks, put Gibbs inside and painted some more before coming inside. I made the fudge and put it in the fridge to harden. At 4, we walked back down the lane to get the recycle bins so Bill didn’t have to stop and there were two turtles looking for ‘that perfect spot’.  I have ground beef out for supper to maybe have meat loaf with the scalloped spuds but it is a very warm day and I’m now not sure I want to put the oven on in here.

One more walk down the lane, 
two more turtles.
Hello, are you in there? don't be shy!

Gibbs, waiting for me again.
More mail, Mom?
He is totally indifferent to the turtles now,
doesn't notice them half the time.

We’ve reached about 25C/76F (plus humidity) but I’m not complaining! I know it is going to change again. Bill was home around 5 as usual but he’d left work early to take one of our 40-lb propane tanks to Sparling’s in Flesherton to get it re-certified. That is a whole lot more cost efficient than buying new ones. They both need to be done. He dropped one off and when the other one is empty, he’ll do the same with it.

I finished a few today.
Doggies, a new venture for me!

We had a change of heart for supper and decided on pork and beans and I had squash while Bill had toast with his. It was good and he topped off his meal with a dish of rice pudding. 😉 After dishes, he made his lunch and he’ll probably go to the Hangar tonight. This has been a nice day with a few of things to upset the applecart. I hope they work out over the next few days.

It doesn't look like meatloaf and scallop potatoes,
does it? 😄 Check back tomorrow.
Good night!

Thank you for the visit.