Introducing the MDN Web Docs Front-end developer learning pathway - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog

Introducing the MDN Web Docs Front-end developer learning pathway

The MDN Web Docs Learning Area (LA) was first launched in 2015, with the aim of providing a useful counterpart to the regular MDN reference and guide material. MDN had traditionally been aimed at web professionals, but we were getting regular feedback that a lot of our audience found MDN too difficult to understand, and that it lacked coverage of basic topics.

Fast forward 5 years, and the Learning Area material is well-received. It boasts around 3.5–4 million page views per month; a little under 10% of MDN Web Docs’ monthly web traffic.

At this point, the Learning Area does its job pretty well. A lot of people use it to study client-side web technologies, and its loosely-structured, unopinionated, modular nature makes it easy to pick and choose subjects at your own pace. Teachers like it because it is easy to include in their own courses.

However, at the beginning of the year, this area had two shortcomings that we wanted to improve upon:

  1. We’d gotten significant feedback that our users wanted a more opinionated, structured approach to learning web development.
  2. We didn’t include any information on client-side tooling, such as JavaScript frameworks, transformation tools, and deployment tools widely used in the web developer’s workplace.

To remedy these issues, we created the Front-end developer learning pathway (FED learning pathway).

Structured learning

Take a look at the Front-end developer pathway linked above  — you’ll see that it provides a clear structure for learning front-end web development. This is our opinion on how you should get started if you want to become a front-end developer. For example, you should really learn vanilla HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before jumping into frameworks and other such tooling. Accessibility should be front and center in all you do. (All Learning Area sections try to follow accessibility best practices as much as possible).

While the included content isn’t completely exhaustive, it delivers the essentials you need, along with the confidence to look up other information on your own.

The pathway starts by clearly stating the subjects taught, prerequisite knowledge, and where to get help. After that, we provide some useful background reading on how to set up a minimal coding environment. This will allow you to work through all the examples you’ll encounter. We explain what web standards are and how web technologies work together, as well as how to learn and get help effectively.

The bulk of the pathway is dedicated to detailed guides covering:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Web forms
  • Testing and accessibility
  • Modern client-side tooling (which includes client-side JavaScript frameworks)

Throughout the pathway we aim to provide clear direction — where you are now, what you are learning next, and why. We offer enough assessments to provide you with a challenge, and an acknowledgement that you are ready to go on to the next section.


MDN’s aim is to document native web technologies — those supported in browsers. We don’t tend to document tooling built on top of native web technologies because:

  • The creators of that tooling tend to produce their own documentation resources.  To repeat such content would be a waste of effort, and confusing for the community.
  • Libraries and frameworks tend to change much more often than native web technologies. Keeping the documentation up to date would require a lot of effort. Alas, we don’t have the bandwidth to perform regular large-scale testing and updates.
  • MDN is seen as a neutral documentation provider. Documenting tooling is seen by many as a departure from neutrality, especially for tooling created by major players such as Facebook or Google.

Therefore, it came as a surprise to some that we were looking to document such tooling. So why did we do it? Well, the word here is pragmatism. We want to provide the information people need to build sites and apps on the web. Client-side frameworks and other tools are an unmistakable part of that. It would look foolish to leave out that entire part of the ecosystem. So we opted to provide coverage of a subset of tooling “essentials” — enough information to understand the tools, and use them at a basic level. We aim to provide the confidence to look up more advanced information on your own.

New Tools and testing modules

In the Tools and testing Learning Area topic, we’ve provided the following new modules:

  1. Understanding client-side web development tools: An introduction to the different types of client-side tools that are available, how to use the command line to install and use tools. This section delivers a crash course in package managers. It includes a walkthrough of how to set up and use a typical toolchain, from enhancing your code writing experience to deploying your app.
  2. Understanding client-side JavaScript frameworks: A useful grounding in client-side frameworks, in which we aim to answer questions such as “why use a framework?”, “what problems do they solve?”, and “how do they relate to vanilla JavaScript?” We give the reader a basic tutorial series in some of the most popular frameworks. At the time of writing, this includes React, Ember, and Vue.
  3. Git and GitHub: Using links to Github’s guides, we’ve assembled a quickfire guide to Git and GitHub basics, with the intention of writing our own set of guides sometime later on.

Further work

The intention is not just to stop here and call the FED learning pathway done. We are always interested in improving our material to keep it up to date and make it as useful as possible to aspiring developers. And we are interested in expanding our coverage, if that is what our audience wants. For example, our frameworks tutorials are fairly generic to begin with, to allow us to use them as a test bed, while providing some immediate value to readers.


We don’t want to just copy the material provided by tooling vendors, for reasons given above. Instead we want to listen, to find out what the biggest pain points are in learning front-end web development. We’d like to see where you need more coverage, and expand our material to suit. We would like to cover more client-side JavaScript frameworks (we have already got a Svelte tutorial on the way), provide deeper coverage of other tool types (such as transformation tools, testing frameworks, and static site generators), and other things besides.

Your feedback please!

To enable us to make more intelligent choices, we would love your help. If you’ve got a strong idea abou tools or web technologies we should cover on MDN Web Docs, or you think some existing learning material needs improvement, please let us know the details! The best ways to do this are:

  1. Leave a comment on this article.
  2. Fill in our questionnaire (it should only take 5–10 minutes).

So that draws us to a close. Thank you for reading, and for any feedback you choose to share.

We will use it to help improve our education resources, helping the next generation of web devs learn the skills they need to create a better web of tomorrow.

About Chris Mills

Chris Mills is a senior tech writer at Mozilla, where he writes docs and demos about open web apps, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, A11y, WebAssembly, and more. He loves tinkering around with web technologies, and gives occasional tech talks at conferences and universities. He used to work for Opera and W3C, and enjoys playing heavy metal drums and drinking good beer. He lives near Manchester, UK, with his good lady and three beautiful children.

More articles by Chris Mills…


  1. Saboya Gustavo

    Great initiative! Never coded before 2020, and I intend to become a front-end developer since the beginning of this year. Sometimes, my path has slowed due to the evolution of the pandemic in my country. A sad fact, but that bad scenario didn’t make me give up! MDN documents were always at hand when I was in doubt, as well other communities that welcomed me. I will certainly follow this path and be grateful if I can contribute anything. I think I will start sharing this post with my companions. Was the best news of the week!
    A future front-end developer.

    June 11th, 2020 at 14:30

    1. Chris Mills

      Hi Saboya! It sounds like we’ve helped you already , and I hope this new organization of learner docs helps you even more. If you are ever stuck, and need some help, feel free to ask questions over on our discourse Learn forums (; tag me with @chrisdavidmills and I’ll be more likely to see it). The best of luck to you.

      June 12th, 2020 at 03:44

    2. C Brennan

      First, thanks for all mozilla does. I have secured the whole of the web – and – Mozilla easily offers the best of the best. Plus – when you have authority names like Google and Udacity referencing the Docs you already have in place – it further solidifies your already amazing and conscientious presence.

      As to my problem with learning. It’s the freaking links. I take to learning all that is html, CSS, java, or whatever – and by the third page – i’ve been referenced to 100 links all over the whole of the web. Which is pretty much the way the web works. But it is also where it fails terribly and only further fuels this skills gap.

      As for the gap, Mozilla is one of the very few names I confidently state is not partaking in the clear gating practices others have taken to. Understandably so, as it is their livelihood they are protecting.

      I hold an Operations Management degree and although 14 years out – that’s not far enough to be hit by this very gap the way in which i have time and time again.

      I guess — my ask is — has Mozilla ever considered offering an offline approach? Or an altogether different way at looking at the web and these hyperlinks.

      When I had the means – and was well off in life – i had a quality PC that could handle 50 open tabs. But today, where I sit, and I don’t sit for long (j/k) I am working with the cookie cutter junk. Simply bc i can not afford to replace after having literally fried my other cookie cutter (xps 8300 16gb RAM) trying time self- learn.

      Now, as a former Ops Strategist and Project Manager – my mind def works differently than most. The three screen set-up proves that point. As I need to be multi-tasking in top of multi-tasking to be truly effective.

      What I can’t get last however, is the linking – and maybe – well – likely – that fault is my own; but you asked for feedback – and that – the linking on linking – plus no clear path – rather multiple editor options – and version control systems and programming languages – has done nothing for me personally – but give me the git of the whole of the web.

      But, i cat so much as build a complete site because I can’t find a followable path – that is – until i landed on Information Architecture (but now sit stuck trying to figure out how the heck to make npm and best practice pull request (workflow process i’m using GitHub) work in my favor.

      And the way we (that’s every MOOC on the web) have taking to breaking up work into 3 minute videos with half of every module talking to us as if kindergartners (especially coursera, pluralsight and linkedin learning). by the time they get done telling us what we are going to learn and how to turn a computer – they’ve lost 90% of their (oftentimes paying) hopeful learners.

      as stated, I love everything about Mozilla. Your stance on privacy. Your unafraid to champion the internet and stand up to big tech. and the way you do community.

      I used to only ever use Firefox – starting in what no must have been your early beginnings 01-02 timeframe – but – Chrome jut became more integrative – and was more fluid with the way I web.

      I’ve never managed to find an actual community on the net – likely again – user error – as when i type – i do so unfiltered – and oftentimes i come off as an a$$. That is not nor ever my intent (well – unless i land in hypocrisy, gating, stigma, or racism). So, please please please take this as nothing less than honest feedback – as I truly believe in the Firefox way – and hope and pray someday – somehow – i can past my own shortcomings finding myself a home with your amazing cause.

      again, THANKS for your all you do. I have a moonshot of an idea that involves fully immersive learning if you are interested in hearing about – as it has begun to help me a bit. But i won’t bore you with that – as it’s likely you didn’t even make it this far into my dissertation.


      with Wind
      +1 678-338-7339

      June 18th, 2020 at 20:06

  2. Mohamad

    Awesome job! Thank you.

    June 11th, 2020 at 16:38

    1. Chris Mills

      Thanks for the kinds words Mohamad, it means a lot.

      June 12th, 2020 at 03:44

  3. Nishant Singh

    More material to read ♥️. Thanks team MDN

    June 12th, 2020 at 00:02

    1. Chris Mills

      Cheers Nishant!

      June 12th, 2020 at 03:44

  4. pop


    June 12th, 2020 at 02:57

    1. Chris Mills

      Thanks pop!

      June 12th, 2020 at 03:44

  5. shabbir

    I’m a graduate software engg
    With SA & AIas my majors… Over time I gradually shifted to client side roles and international multitasking
    Which eventually made me a BA/PO/AGILE implementor…

    Unfortunately now I’m jobless and would love to return to development/coding and the problem I have is I cannot be as good as today’s fresh grads using the same tech and features upgrades of last 5-7years during their college years…

    I am willing to start for free… However,. Project based self research and refresher courses would be way better than cramming for tech interviews.

    I’m lost …

    June 12th, 2020 at 03:02

    1. Chris Mills

      I’m sorry to hear that you are currently out of work Shabbir. I think that if you have previous experience but it just a bit out of date, it is not too hard to get back into it with some updated learning material. Maybe our learning pathway could help you?

      One thing I have noticed is that modern gradulates tend to be really hot on frameworks and suchlike, but often don’t get taught best practices such as accessibility and semantics. So their skill set is often lacking.

      June 12th, 2020 at 03:47

  6. Jean

    I learnt Django from these resources and it was a very smooth experience.
    I wanted to ask if you guys can put a course on how to secure a web application in production environment.

    June 12th, 2020 at 08:36

    1. Chris Mills

      Hey there! You’ll be pleased to know that better security knowledge on MDN is a common ask, and we are currently working on improving our security docs to provide information on securing web apps, handling 3rd party dependencies securely, protecting against common exploits, etc.

      June 12th, 2020 at 10:17

  7. Buddhika

    Awesome article ,Thank you !

    June 12th, 2020 at 11:13

  8. Rk

    I have used these docs a lot in last 3 months when I built three apps

    June 12th, 2020 at 19:04

  9. thel0ner

    Mozilla changed my life as a developer.
    Please continue the great job.

    June 12th, 2020 at 21:12

    1. Chris Mills

      Thanks to everyone above for the kind words, and I’m so glad this information is proving useful!

      June 13th, 2020 at 05:41

  10. Tej

    I made a MDN Periodic table for folks who want to keep a handy bookmark to awesome resources provided by MDN.

    MDN Periodic Table:

    June 12th, 2020 at 22:24

    1. Chris Mills

      I love this. Nice work Tej!

      June 13th, 2020 at 05:41

    2. greg

      Fantastic creation – love the Periodic Table paradigm!

      I would also find it useful if you might add a :)

      June 15th, 2020 at 05:19

  11. Andrew Abbott

    Thank you for the article! It gives me a better understand the journey ahead. I’m working my way through CSS3 now and have largely preferred MDN Web Docs over any other learning platform.

    June 13th, 2020 at 22:43

    1. Chris Mills

      Thank you Andrew for the kind words, and I’m so glad you are finding it useful. do you think there is anything we could do better?

      June 14th, 2020 at 09:01

  12. Jereti

    Thanks Chris for the article. I jumped straight to CSS and you explained in a easy and logical way. I now understand some of the concepts that I was not clear with before

    June 14th, 2020 at 22:27

    1. Chris Mills

      Great! Glad you found it useful Jereti.

      June 15th, 2020 at 01:32

  13. Yoel Torres


    Thank you for this great news!
    Is there a chance we could get the contents for offline viewing?

    June 15th, 2020 at 00:13

    1. Chris Mills

      This would be nice Yoel, for sure. I’ll look into this and see if there is an easy solution we can offer.

      June 15th, 2020 at 01:33

  14. Sergo Gabunia

    Hello. I have to start from this

    June 15th, 2020 at 11:52

    1. Chris Mills

      Hi Sergo. You don’t _have to_ start with this page — you can start anywhere in our content, and work through it in whatever order you wish. The Front-end developer learning pathway is basically our recommendation of a good order in which to learn front-end web technologies when working towards being a front-end developer.

      June 16th, 2020 at 00:22

      1. Sergo Gabunia

        Thank you, Chris

        June 17th, 2020 at 06:40

  15. sourabh sharma

    fuck man love you..
    Why universities and institute don’t think like that..thankyou man…

    June 17th, 2020 at 23:26

    1. Chris Mills


      I think some universities do, it is just that front-end development has never been a comfortable fit in traditional university structures — too technical for a design faculty, too diverse for compsci faculties (not seen as “proper programming”, etc).

      One of the reasons I initially set up the MDN Learning Area with quite a loose structure is so that it would be easy for universities to take it, and chop it up and include it in their curricula however they want.

      But we have also had several requests for a more structured, opinionates learning structure, hence the Front-end developer learing pathway.

      June 18th, 2020 at 06:18

  16. Sam Kim

    Isn’t there any back-end learning pathway?

    June 18th, 2020 at 00:46

    1. Chris Mills

      I’m afraid not. MDN is primarily focused on front-end technologies — that gives us a huge amount of content needs to focus on already. We do have a server-side development module (, but this is supposed to be mroe of a light introduction, not a full treatment.

      We did think of doing more server-side content at some point, so we could eventually create a full-stack developer learning pathway, but we are not going to get to that any time soon.

      June 18th, 2020 at 06:23

      1. Sam Kim

        Thanks for your kind answer.
        Have a great day.

        June 18th, 2020 at 20:36

  17. Flores Pinto

    Awsome news… As an aspiring front-end developer that started the learning process, this will be a great resource…
    Thanks for contributing to quality learning tools for those searching to enter this area.
    Yours truly,
    Future female developer

    June 18th, 2020 at 03:47

    1. Chris Mills

      Thanks for your kind words Flores, and the best of luck with your learning. I’m sure you will become awesome.

      If you have any queries, feel free to ask questions in our learning forum ( If you tag me in your post with @chrisdavidmills, I will get alerted to it.

      June 18th, 2020 at 06:28

  18. Michael Wagener

    Hi Chris:

    Thanks for a great article… very timely as I am keen to embark on a journey to acquire the skills necessary to work with confidence in the FED space… I love design and plan to carve out a new path for myself in UX/UI where I think FED skills are a pretty key part of the journey. So I am really looking forward to getting involved with materials and courses that MDN provides :)


    June 18th, 2020 at 04:46

    1. Chris Mills

      Very cool Michael — good luck with your learning! You’ll have to let me know what you think.

      June 18th, 2020 at 06:33

  19. Bernard Palmer

    Hi Chris,
    I’m very old and 20 years ago hired 15 students to build for me the worlds first spam free email system using php. It worked like a charm in fact it still works like a charm but it has some minor problems but I can’t find anyone who will have a look at it because it’s so old so I decided to learn coding so I can fix it myself and then I came across your tutorial. I just spent 15 minutes trying to find out what MDN means. According to one source (bing) its to do with dialing a mobile phone “MdN meaning MDN stands for Mobile Directory Number.” Age has taught me if they can’t understand things from the beginning then you’re going to be really buggered later on.. Thought I let you youngsters get on with it and I’ll just go and have another little nap.

    For your edification here’s the worlds first and only (afaik) spam free emailer. It’s still beautiful I think , though my children say its too dated that’s why nobody uses it. So what, so am I but their mother still finds me useful.

    June 18th, 2020 at 05:45

    1. Chris Mills

      Nice one Bernard, thanks for sharing ;-)

      FYI, MDN standards for Mozilla Developer Network, but our modern site name is MDN Web Docs. See here for more info:

      June 18th, 2020 at 06:36

  20. Javier Molina Rivero

    De momento, no puedo sino agradecer todo el material facilitado y” empaparme” de él, en mi intención de comprender y poder llegar a trabajar haciendo uso de ello.
    Mil gracias y , por supuesto, suerte en todas sus iniciativas.

    June 18th, 2020 at 08:32

  21. Dave

    I’m a couple of years into development now and have used your documentation heavily. However, I’m now at the point where I *need* something more opinionated. Flexibility and freedom to choose are great for senior developers, but for someone very early on like me, it inevitably leads to me making the wrong decision and doing a lot of refactoring or rebuilding. While this can be a great learning experience, oftentimes it’s not.

    With freedom comes the ability to do it the easy way, the right way and the wrong way. We need guidance, even a little, from those with experience. You don’t let a child walk off a cliff, just because there’s no fence there. You explain that walking along the cliff edge, or turning back, is a better way. I don’t like having the freedom to walk off a cliff, even if I can eventually climb back up. I’d rather someone tells me that the fall will hurt. So this is a welcome addition to the already excellent resource. Thank you.

    June 18th, 2020 at 08:34

  22. Estuardo

    I just would want to say THANK YOU to all Mozilla team for the great job all you are doing. My country Guatemala as almost all countries in the world has been affected by the pandemic, however, having all these great information it is helping me to improve my skills and my goal is to have a better job in the future.

    Thanks Mozilla for all you effort!

    June 18th, 2020 at 08:41

  23. Himanshu Maurya

    You are doing a GREAT JOB !!

    June 18th, 2020 at 08:54

  24. Chris Mills

    Thank you Javier, Dave, Estuardo, and Himanshu!

    I am so glad this is making a difference during this difficult time.

    And Dave, thank you also for sharing your perspective here. This is exactly the kind of reasoning behind why we created the learning pathway, and I’d love to hear your thoughts on how effective it is at providing a guiding hand.

    June 18th, 2020 at 09:02

  25. Chris Johnson

    Very nice. It’s clear that a great deal of work went into creating this documentation and the structured learning materials. MDN continues to be my go-to source for everything front end-related, as it is the most comprehensive, complete, well written and accurate documentation. Thank you for all you do at MDN.

    June 18th, 2020 at 09:11

    1. Chris Mills

      Thanks Chris!

      June 18th, 2020 at 11:17

  26. matjung

    My personal believe is that already plenty of other institutions offer structured training in the field of front-end web development.
    Given that you are engineering the Firefox browser you certainly have the credibility to compile training material.
    I do not remember when I went to MDN the first time. Up to now I never had the feeling that its content is too complicated or too confusing.
    If there is a need for a “learning pathway” then I am more interested in learning “how to write my own plugins for Firefox”.
    I would not consider *.js as part of Tooling, rather as part of JavaScript.
    And yes, with the frameworks you are doing some marketing for them.
    There is nothing wrong if frameworks spend money on you – but please indicate if you got sponsored by react.js, vue.js, etc.
    Regarding server side scripting, I am missing articles about perl, php, .net or java
    I think people will easily mix up MDN content from LA content.
    Why not move the Learning Area into a dedicated sub level domain.
    One could also extend the learning path with more information about web hosting, domain names, wordpress and drupal.
    Some training competitors offer quizzes, questions to the text, simple tasks so that the reader can check if he understood the learning material.
    Please keep on compiling content for Mozilla.

    June 18th, 2020 at 09:18

    1. Chris Mills

      Hi matjung, and thanks for your feedback. To answer a few of your points:

      1. We do have some information on building browser extensions; see and We’d love to hear more feedback on what more you’d like to see.

      2. We are not sponsored by the framework vendors — we decided to create some framework document for the sake of pragmatism — we can’t claim to cover front-end web development, but not talk about client-side frameworks, as they are such a central part of today’s toolset. We also wanted to try to provide a more neutral, balanced view of frameworks.

      3. We are probably not going to provide more server-side resources for a while — we are mainly focused on client-side technologies.

      4. I agree that people could mix up the learning area and regular MDN, but I’m not sure this matters too much as long as the content overall makes sense.

      June 18th, 2020 at 11:46

  27. Mahmoud U.S

    I am a beginner and very positive that MDN documentation is gonna be of great help to me in my journey to become a full stack web developer.
    Thank Chris and thanks MDN.

    June 18th, 2020 at 09:48

    1. Chris Mills

      And thank you Mahmoud! Good luck with your learning!

      June 18th, 2020 at 11:19

  28. Peter Delf

    It’s an invaluable resource. Keep up the good work!

    June 18th, 2020 at 10:02

    1. Chris Mills

      Cheers Peter!

      June 18th, 2020 at 11:19

  29. Hugh Mosno

    no one way is perfect
    but the thing I love most about MDN
    is that is feels honest
    much love from Cape Town

    June 18th, 2020 at 12:47

  30. Tobias

    I started coding about two months ago and I really enjoy it. The beginning was or is difficult and finding learning aids is also not easy. I began with freeCodeCamp and switched to W3Schools, but always coming back to Mozilla when I wanted to get to know more and dive deeper. Unfortunately I didn’t know anything about this path yet. I’ve already gone through HTML and CSS, I’m currently at Bootstrap and wanted to build my portfolio website. Instead, I will take a closer look at your offer and possibly go through everything again. Sure, however, I will deal with Javascript, which I then like to do here. Thank you very much for your work, appreciate it!

    June 18th, 2020 at 12:58

  31. Spandan

    Thanks for the article Chris. It’s an excellent start for anyone to get going with FED. Also this structure is immensely going to help guide the steps needed to be followed to reach a milestone across FED areas. Thanks a lot.

    From suggestion perspective I would suggest if there can be quizzes and if that can be transformed onto open certifications for folks completing the learning paths and successfully completing the quizzes as per the set benchmarks.


    June 18th, 2020 at 13:21

  32. Ekejimbe Chijioke Sunday

    This is great!
    I have already started learning web development on MDN platform some months ago.

    This will guide and help me a lot.

    Thank you so much

    June 18th, 2020 at 14:24

  33. Doug Dyer

    Greetings Chris,
    As you yourself can tell by all the comments above, your work and the whole MDN Learners area efforts are very much appreciated by all who partake. I have no doubt all these commenters including myself are so very much more grateful for MDN efforts than their words can convey. You personally have helped me out with my own dumb questions without fail, and I marvel at how you find the time to personally reply to, it seems to me,
    all people’s queries! Well done! We can’t thank you enough. Please keep up the good work. Did you know many people do all of this learning using just an iPad (Pro maybe?) and that is testimony to how versatile and useful your courses and amenities are, and how accessible and useable they are to all future potential developers. Can’t thank you enough!

    June 18th, 2020 at 16:07

  34. Chris

    Thanks for putting this learning path together! I’m going to pair this course with Jen Simmons’s HTML course on and her YouTube series on CSS Grid.

    June 18th, 2020 at 19:57

  35. Frander

    I have a suggestion. The pathway is really good, I’m a begginer from Latin America. I have just an idea:
    Something to save the progress, like a bar that saves the progress you’ve done.
    Just it
    Thanks for helping us to learn for free.

    June 19th, 2020 at 12:14

  36. Wolfgang

    I’ve been a long time backend developer and at the moment I’m looking to get my frontend skills up to speed. I have been working on the complete web development trail. I have to say this is excellent work!
    Hopefully this will make web technology much more accessible to a lot of people.
    Thank you Mozilla for your hard work!

    June 20th, 2020 at 08:59

  37. Baha Hijazi

    Thanks for your efforts, MDN is a great resource for sure, however you already mention FreeCodeCamp somewhere for learning as I remember, and it is great, so why not join forces with them or something like that?

    June 21st, 2020 at 07:57

  38. Bonghwan

    Any certification is issued? I think new certification would encourage people to join and help them to get better careers.

    June 23rd, 2020 at 00:47

  39. Jai Ganesh Prakasam

    Mozilla docs were very helpful for me to understand the basic code which I was using. Section about Flex was impressive. I was using it very often but only when I read the docs everything made sence. I will definitely recommend any one who wants to start a career in frontend to go over this docs before heading on to any other material available out there. It will save a ton of their development time in the initial stages.

    June 28th, 2020 at 06:14

  40. Sunakshi Jain

    First of all thank you for providing a basic learning path for someone to start learning FE. The one thing which I feel missing is a section on Unit Tests.. I understand that every framework or library has there way of writing test cases but providing a bit of information or linking the official test libraries with each of the framework(if its possible) would be cherry on the cake. :)

    June 28th, 2020 at 23:53

Comments are closed for this article.