防盜的英文單字,防盜的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典



防盜保險burglary [robbery] insurance

防盜保險柜burglary resistant safes

防盜玻璃窗anti-burglary glazing ; burglaryglazing

防盜警報器burglar alarm

防盜門burglar alarm

防盜面板Detachable pront panel

防盜器Car Burglar Alarm ; immobilizer ; CAR ALARM SYSTEM

防盜軟件WeFinder ; Cerberus ; Thief Alert

防盜意識anti-theft alertness

機箱防盜Chassis Intrusion

汽車防盜guard against theft of ; automobile burglar alarm system ; auto anti theft ; gps


  • ——購買電視購物里的東西。包括但不限於:律師服務,廚房刀具,防盜報警器,珠寶,西太平洋大學畢業證。

    buy products sold on tv (including but not limited to: lawyer services, kitchen knives, burglar alarms, jewelry, and college degrees)

  • 現在的汽車制造商給汽車加上了許多防盜裝置,以前的可沒有。

    car manufacturers in recent years have added many theft deterrents that older models don「t have.

  • 我想不通為什么要用這么先進的防盜技術來做這張卡,於是我問導游

    since i couldn’t help but wonder why such sophisticated theft-avoidance technology needed to be used, i commented to my tour guide

  • 鎖門時別忘掛防盜鏈.

    remember to put the chain on the door when you lock it.

  • 如果你把一個dvd盒上的塑料防盜標簽拆下來,你將會發現看起來像鋁箔的一層很薄的金屬玻璃。

    if you took apart the plastic anti-theft tag on a dvd case, you」d find a thin piece of metallic glass that looks like aluminum foil.

  • 居住環境的安全性表現在日常安全系統、防災系統、防盜系統等方面。

    the safety of housing environments lies in daily safety system disaster prevention system security system etc.

  • 同時通過每件商品上的防盜射頻掃描標簽,經理可以調用他的銷售和庫存的快照,或者通過星期六凈資產追蹤交貨情況。

    and with anti-theft rfid tags on every product, the manager can call up a snapshot of his sales and inventory, or track incoming deliveries by sat nav.

  • 今年零售商們花費了268億,今年防盜所花費的金額達到了168億美元,也就是銷售額的0.34%。

    this year retailers spent $26.8 billion, or 0.34% of sales, on preventing theft.

  • 防盜警報器一響,警衛就放出了警犬.

    the guard loosed the dogs when the burglar alarm went off.

  • 科學家推斷,這種「防盜報警器」是為了引起更大生物的注意,有可能能夠吃掉它的敵人,從而將它解救出來。

    this 「burglar alarm,」 scientists speculate, is meant to attract the attention of an even bigger creature that might be able to eat the predator and free the jellyfish.

  • 如果有盜賊潛入大樓,電子防盜報警裝置會發出響亮的報警聲。

    the burglar alarm will make a loud ringing noise when someone tries to enter the building secretly and illegally.

  • 他的脾性暴烈,在自己的床邊放了一把斧頭防盜,而且會親手把對方擊倒,而不會用法律解決問題,我也曾經見過他用馬鞭追捕一群人。

    he had a violent temper and kept a hatchet at his bedside for burglars and would knock a man down instead of going to law, and i once saw him hunt a group of men with a horsewhip.

  • 防盜警報器一動就會響。

    the burglar alarm is activated by movement.

  • 這起盜竊案,可以說是價值連城的物品,其防盜措施卻極其落后的一個典型例子。

    this theft is an example of very poor security around objects with extremely high value.

  • 每季度要交一小筆防盜防搶保險金.

    a small sum of money is supposed to be forked out quarterly for burglary and robbery insurance.

  • 同樣,老式晶體管收音機,以及日益普及於航運及防盜裝置上的,更新式的現代無線射頻識別技術(rfid),都是僅僅從無線電波中獲取能量。

    and similarly old crystal radio sets and more recently modern radio frequency identification (rfid) tags, increasingly used in shipping and as antitheft devices, are powered purely by radiowaves.

  • 而他們所使用的自行車將會是名為bixis的能夠飛馳的自行車,這種自行車由一家加拿大公司生產,既耐用又防盜

    the bikes themselves will come from a canadian company that makes heavy-duty, theft-resistant bikes called bixis, for fleet use.

  • ?尋找保安公司提供防盜報警系統套件安裝.

    look for security companies that offers burglar alarm system kit installation.

  • 貴重物品保管箱通常存放在防盜、防火的保險庫中.

    safe-deposit boxes are kept in vaults that are usually burglar-proof and fireproof.

  • 不過出於安全考慮,這套系統不會在車輛的行駛過程中觸發防盜機制。

    the system will not stop a running vehicle.

  • 他們在社區進行治安巡邏,并向居民宣傳防盜等安全知識。

    they will patrol around the communities and publicize anti-theft knowledge to residents.

  • 我不得不在家里裝置防盜警鈴以防竊賊.

    i have to safeguard my house against burglars.

  • 令人難以置信的是,博物館的防盜報警器并未觸發,竊賊僅僅打破了一扇窗就進入博物館,將名畫從框架上取走而無人發現。

    unbelievably, the museum didn’t have a functioning burglar alarm, and the thief was able to simply smash a window and remove the pictures from their frames, without incident.

  • 有時候,他們把防盜標簽扯掉,順走那一只鞋。

    sometimes, they「ve snapped off the security tag and just taken the one shoe.

  • 即便如此,他也認為,像基於手機的驗證技術等新方法可以「使目標更堅固」,就像防盜報警器多少會使你家變得難偷一點。

    even so, he thinks novel approaches such as mobile-based validation may 「harden the target」, just as a burglar alarm makes your home somewhat trickier to rob.

  • 房門上鎖是為了防盜

    the doors were padlocked to prevent theft.

  • 現在,我應該把這里的,防盜這個位置上,put,in,this,test,that,i,had,up,here。,把它從這里拿出去。

    now, here」s where i should've test get it out from there.

  • 這所地下保管庫是防盜的.

    this underground vault is theftproof.

  • 我有一把鎖,可是另外又買了一把作為附加的防盜保障.

    i have one lock but i bought another as an additional insurance against thieves.

  • 為了執行規定,建筑商必須安裝高質量的門鎖和防盜門窗。

    to comply with the code, builders had to fit high-quality locks and burglar-proof windows and doors.

  • 狗能防盜.

    the dog is a protection against burglars.