About Us | Thomas Mills High School & Sixth Form

About Us

On behalf of everyone at Thomas Mills High School, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the website of the school. We are a flourishing 11-18 high school situated in the pleasant and historic town of Framlingham, Suffolk. We are consistently one of the region’s highest performing schools.

There is a thirst for learning amongst the pupils and as a parent once remarked, “it’s cool to learn here.” We have high expectations of our pupils and well qualified staff. Through excellent teaching and learning, pupils make very good progress here. We are very proud of our broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils can genuinely discover and excel in their talents! Pupils progress to a range of destinations from university (including over 10 students to Oxbridge over the past five years), college, training or employment.

Like its predecessor schools, including the prestigious Mills Grammar School and Framlingham Area School, pupils travel from all of east and central Suffolk to experience an academic education with quality. The school is large enough to provide a range of options and a site with excellent facilities. We’re also still small enough for pupils to develop as individuals. The experience at Thomas Mills can truly enrich pupils’ lives. A bright future starts here!

There is an impressive range of extra-curricular activities which support our pupils as they become active members of the community. Visitors often remark on the calm, purposeful and self-disciplined atmosphere. Our school ethos is shaped by our Charter of Values which blends tradition and innovation.

This website should give you a glimpse of the exciting opportunities on offer at this busy and successful school. There is an Open Day in the Autumn Term and two Sixth Form Information Evenings in November. However, should you wish to view the school at any other time, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We shall be delighted to meet you and show you what we have to offer.