【電動車+特斯拉】職缺 - 2024年4月熱門工作機會 - 1111人力銀行

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At Tesla, our Tesla Advisor, consistently deliver on an incredible educational, immersive, and exciting experience to all of our current and future customers. They constitute Tesla’s front line and are our brand ambassadors, supporting our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy by creating memorable experiences for our customers. As a Tesla Advisor, you will support customers from the moment they walk into our showrooms to learn about Tesla. We’ve created one of the most innovative vehicles ever made, and you will help deliver an equally innovative buying experience. Responsibilities: • Engage walk in guests promptly, personally and with the goal of opening the conversation and ensuring they feel welcome • Understand who our guests are, what brought them to Tesla, their intent and timeline to purchase, thus creating a robust Customer Profile • Educate and excite guests by answering their questions and providing a tailored experience based upon their interests and agenda • Demonstrate a mastery of all Tesla products and services, as well as local incentives for EV owners • Help Tesla maintain a healthy sales pipeline by collecting customer contact information and scheduling Test Drives for individuals who exhibit purchase intent or potential • Regularly update the CRM system to ensure accurate and timely sales and delivery information is available to management • Prepare vehicles and host delivery appointments, including new owner orientations tailored to the individual customer’s needs and comfort level普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


At Tesla, our Tesla Advisor, consistently deliver on an incredible educational, immersive, and exciting experience to all of our current and future customers. They constitute Tesla’s front line and are our brand ambassadors, supporting our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy by creating memorable experiences for our customers. As a Tesla Advisor, you will support customers from the moment they walk into our showrooms to learn about Tesla. We’ve created one of the most innovative vehicles ever made, and you will help deliver an equally innovative buying experience. Responsibilities: • Engage walk in guests promptly, personally and with the goal of opening the conversation and ensuring they feel welcome • Understand who our guests are, what brought them to Tesla, their intent and timeline to purchase, thus creating a robust Customer Profile • Educate and excite guests by answering their questions and providing a tailored experience based upon their interests and agenda • Demonstrate a mastery of all Tesla products and services, as well as local incentives for EV owners • Help Tesla maintain a healthy sales pipeline by collecting customer contact information and scheduling Test Drives for individuals who exhibit purchase intent or potential • Regularly update the CRM system to ensure accurate and timely sales and delivery information is available to management • Prepare vehicles and host delivery appointments, including new owner orientations tailored to the individual customer’s needs and comfort level普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


At Tesla, our Tesla Advisor, consistently deliver on an incredible educational, immersive, and exciting experience to all of our current and future customers. They constitute Tesla’s front line and are our brand ambassadors, supporting our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy by creating memorable experiences for our customers. As a Tesla Advisor, you will support customers from the moment they walk into our showrooms to learn about Tesla. We’ve created one of the most innovative vehicles ever made, and you will help deliver an equally innovative buying experience. Responsibilities: • Engage walk in guests promptly, personally and with the goal of opening the conversation and ensuring they feel welcome • Understand who our guests are, what brought them to Tesla, their intent and timeline to purchase, thus creating a robust Customer Profile • Educate and excite guests by answering their questions and providing a tailored experience based upon their interests and agenda • Demonstrate a mastery of all Tesla products and services, as well as local incentives for EV owners • Help Tesla maintain a healthy sales pipeline by collecting customer contact information and scheduling Test Drives for individuals who exhibit purchase intent or potential • Regularly update the CRM system to ensure accurate and timely sales and delivery information is available to management • Prepare vehicles and host delivery appointments, including new owner orientations tailored to the individual customer’s needs and comfort level

應徵人數|1-5 人


At Tesla, our 〝Tesla Advisor〝, consistently deliver on an incredible educational, immersive, and exciting experience to all of our current and future customers. They constitute Tesla’s front line and are our brand ambassadors, supporting our mission to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy by creating memorable experiences for our customers. As a Tesla Advisor I, you will support customers from the moment they walk into our showrooms to learn about Tesla. We’ve created one of the most innovative vehicles ever made, and you will help deliver an equally innovative buying experience. Responsibilities: • Engage walk in guests promptly, personally and with the goal of opening the conversation and ensuring they feel welcome • Understand who our guests are, what brought them to Tesla, their intent and timeline to purchase, thus creating a robust Customer Profile • Educate and excite guests by answering their questions and providing a tailored experience based upon their interests and agenda • Demonstrate a mastery of all Tesla products and services, as well as local incentives for EV owners • Help Tesla maintain a healthy sales pipeline by collecting customer contact information and scheduling Test Drives for individuals who exhibit purchase intent or potential • Regularly update the CRM system to ensure accurate and timely sales and delivery information is available to management • Prepare vehicles and host delivery appointments, including new owner orientations tailored to the individual customer’s needs and comfort level普通小型車

應徵人數|1-5 人


*優渥薪酬:年薪14個月,資歷三年以上挑戰百萬年薪 *世界舞台:事業版圖跨足海外,新加坡、歐洲...等你插旗! *關鍵技術:擁有未來電動車心臟的技術,連特斯拉聯合創辦人也讚賞 *輪班另享有班別津貼 *提供宿舍(若有符合桃科廠住宿資格者,可依規定提出申請,享有優惠住宿費) 【Job Description】 1.統計分析能力 2.製程能力蒐集與提升 3.品質異常分析與改善 4.降低損耗與製程最佳化 5.SOP撰寫與編修 6.機台設備驗收 ※公司簡介: 輝能科技為固態電池之全球技術領先者,安全性、能量密度之發展皆能遠遠超越現行所有鋰離電池,一個具有成長願景的公司,一個能發揮所長又有挑戰的工作。 ※公司網址:http://www.prologium.com/ ※公司影片1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4_-x59Y6Dk ※公司影片2:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBmfu71MX10 ※公司介紹3:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=har6L20hiZI電機工程學類,電子工程學類,光電工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


*優渥薪酬:年薪14個月,資歷三年以上挑戰百萬年薪 *世界舞台:事業版圖跨足海外,新加坡、歐洲...等你插旗! *關鍵技術:擁有未來電動車心臟的技術,連特斯拉聯合創辦人也讚賞 *輪班另享有班別津貼 *提供宿舍(若有符合桃科廠住宿資格者,可依規定提出申請,享有優惠住宿費) 【Job Description】 1.設備保養維修 2.設備專案改善、設備異常處理、分析、追蹤及標準化導入 3.設備效率或稼動提升 4.協助EDR實驗執行及設備調整操作 5.設備相關SOP編列撰寫 ※公司簡介: 輝能科技為固態電池之全球技術領先者,安全性、能量密度之發展皆能遠遠超越現行所有鋰離電池,一個具有成長願景的公司,一個能發揮所長又有挑戰的工作。 ※公司網址:http://www.prologium.com/ ※公司影片1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4_-x59Y6Dk ※公司影片2:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBmfu71MX10 ※公司介紹3:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=har6L20hiZI電機工程學類,電子工程學類,光電工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


應屆畢業工程相關科系,我們是全固態鋰電池芯製造商,屬能源車市場、電能系統最核心部分,如果您對於產品生產,良率提升及設備開發及維護工作有興趣,並可接受輪班,歡迎踴躍投遞。 *優渥薪酬:年薪14個月+廠區獎金2個月,資歷三年以上挑戰百萬年薪,年薪挑戰20個月 *世界舞台:事業版圖跨足海外,新加坡、歐洲...等你插旗! *關鍵技術:擁有未來電動車心臟的技術,連特斯拉聯合創辦人也讚賞 *輪班另享有班別津貼 *相關租金補助措施(需面試核定) ※公司簡介: 輝能科技為固態電池之全球技術領先者,安全性、能量密度之發展皆能遠遠超越現行所有鋰離電池,一個具有成長願景的公司,一個能發揮所長又有挑戰的工作。 ※公司網址:http://www.prologium.com/ ※公司影片1:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4_-x59Y6Dk ※公司影片2:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBmfu71MX10 ※公司介紹3:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=har6L20hiZI電機工程學類,電子工程學類,化學工程學類

應徵人數|1-5 人


鉗工 1、可獨立打孔攻牙 2、設備落位安裝 3、能看懂設備佈局圖 4、熟練使用遊標卡尺,塞尺等鉗工常用測量工具。 電工 1、能看懂電氣原理圖, 2、可以獨立根據圖紙完成電櫃的安裝, 3、獨立排除設備發生的線路問題點, 4、有電氣相關證照佳, 5、熟練使用電工測量工具。 電池安裝 1、電動車電池成產線相關經驗, 2、看得懂電路圖會配電, 3、熟悉SIMATIC PLC控制器佳。 教育訓練在台南東區 此為外派職缺 ,上班地點特斯拉美國加州、德州廠

應徵人數|1-5 人


鉗工 1、可獨立打孔攻牙 2、設備落位安裝 3、能看懂設備佈局圖 4、熟練使用遊標卡尺,塞尺等鉗工常用測量工具。 電工 1.能看懂電氣原理圖, 2、可以獨立根據圖紙完成電櫃的安裝, 3、獨立排除設備發生的線路問題點, 4、有電氣相關證照佳, 5、熟練使用電工測量工具。 電池安裝 1、電動車電池成產線相關經驗, 2、看得懂電路圖會配電, 3、熟悉SIMATIC PLC控制器佳。 教育訓練地點在台南市東區 此為外派職缺,上班地點在美國加州、德州的特斯拉電動車工廠

應徵人數|1-5 人


Tesla Advisor (Part-time) - 客戶體驗銷售工讀生 薪資福利:時薪$220 上班地點: 台南-台南中西區 上班時間: • 週一~週日上班,每天排班8小時 • 一週至少安排3-4天 • 長期配合,至少半年起,高機率轉正 • 及時、個性化地讓客人走進來,目標是開啟對話並確保他們感到賓至如歸 • 了解我們的客人是誰,是什麼讓他們來到特斯拉,他們的購買意圖和時間表,從而創建一個強大的客戶檔案 • 通過回答客人的問題並根據他們的興趣和議程提供量身定制的體驗來教育和激發客人的興趣 • 展示對所有 Tesla 產品和服務的精通,以及對 EV 車主的當地激勵措施 • 通過收集客戶聯繫信息並為表現出購買意向或潛在購買意向的個人安排試駕,幫助 Tesla 保持健康的銷售渠道 • 定期更新 CRM 系統以確保管理層可以獲得準確及時的銷售和交付信息 • 準備車輛和主持交付預約,包括根據個別客戶的需求和舒適度量身定制的新車主介紹 需求條件: • 英文佳加分(非必要條件) • 開朗活潑又健談 • 有服務業或銷售經驗

應徵人數|1-5 人


Tesla Advisor (Part-time) - 客戶體驗銷售工讀生 薪資福利:時薪$220 上班地點: 高雄-高雄鼓山區 上班時間: • 週一~週日上班,10:30-22:00,排班8小時 -平日至少安排2個全天,或至少是下午開始就可以配合排班 -週末2天都要可以彈性排班(不一定都會排班但希望能彈性配合) • 至少配合半年起,長期需求,高機率轉正 • 及時、個性化地讓客人走進來,目標是開啟對話並確保他們感到賓至如歸 • 了解我們的客人是誰,是什麼讓他們來到特斯拉,他們的購買意圖和時間表,從而創建一個強大的客戶檔案 • 通過回答客人的問題並根據他們的興趣和議程提供量身定制的體驗來教育和激發客人的興趣 • 展示對所有 Tesla 產品和服務的精通,以及對 EV 車主的當地激勵措施 • 通過收集客戶聯繫信息並為表現出購買意向或潛在購買意向的個人安排試駕,幫助 Tesla 保持健康的銷售渠道 • 定期更新 CRM 系統以確保管理層可以獲得準確及時的銷售和交付信息 • 準備車輛和主持交付預約,包括根據個別客戶的需求和舒適度量身定制的新車主介紹 需求條件: • 英文佳加分(非必要條件) • 開朗活潑又健談 • 有服務業或銷售經驗

應徵人數|1-5 人


The Role: 在Tesla,我們的Tesla顧問始終如一地為我們所有當前和未來的客戶提供令人難以置信的教育、身臨其境和令人興奮的體驗。他們構成了特斯拉的前線,是我們的品牌大使,支持我們通過為客戶創造難忘的體驗來加速世界向可持續能源過渡的使命。 作為Tesla 顧問,從客戶走進我們的展廳了解 Tesla 的那一刻起,您就將為他們提供支持。我們創造了有史以來最具創新性的車輛之一,您將幫助提供同樣創新的購買體驗。 Responsibilities: • 及時、個性化地讓客人走進來,目標是開啟對話並確保他們感到賓至如歸 • 了解我們的客人是誰,是什麼讓他們來到特斯拉,他們的購買意圖和時間表,從而創建一個強大的客戶檔案 • 通過回答客人的問題並根據他們的興趣和議程提供量身定制的體驗來教育和激發客人的興趣 • 展示對所有 Tesla 產品和服務的精通,以及對 EV 車主的當地激勵措施 • 通過收集客戶聯繫信息並為表現出購買意向或潛在購買意向的個人安排試駕,幫助 Tesla 保持健康的銷售渠道 • 定期更新 CRM 系統以確保管理層可以獲得準確及時的銷售和交付信息 • 準備車輛和主持交付預約,包括根據個別客戶的需求和舒適度量身定制的新車主介紹

應徵人數|1-5 人


▶面試請找游專員◀ ▶加LINE預約優先安排面試➠@hopehr101 (要加@唷)◀ ▶另有安平、仁德、安南、南科、永康、新市、安定職缺可詢問唷◀ –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 【特斯拉零件仁德廠】 ➡️工作內容:螺絲分類員 ➡️工作地點:台南市仁德區新田二街 ➡️工作時間: ➡️固定班-周休六日 早:08:00-17:00 $28020-40000 中:17:00-01:00 $35720-52000 ➡️輪班-一週輪 早:08:00-17:00 中:17:00-01:00 $33020-48000 ✨久坐、伙食補助、3個月轉正、免搬重、津貼、領現、週預支 ✅服務專員➠游專員 yuri ✅手機➠0968900272 ✅電話➠06-703-0986分機101 ✅LINE➠@hopehr101 (要加@唷)

應徵人數|1-5 人
