GER24 Dark Satellites | Palace Nova

GER24 Dark Satellites

GER24 Dark Satellites

GER24 Dark Satellites

In poetic vignettes, this tender ensemble drama from Thomas Stuber (In the Aisles) based on the short story collection by Clemens Meyer and starring Nastassja Kinski (Paris Texas), explores three stories of longing in nighttime Leipzig set amongst the everyday lives of its characters.

A snack bar owner smokes with his Muslim neighbour in the stairwell of their apartment building, looking out to the brutalist concrete buildings on the city’s outskirts - relics of the GDR past. As the nights go on, they draw closer to one another. A security guard watches over a satellite town with a residential complex that many foreigners call home. On night patrol, he encounters a young Ukrainian woman who fled her home country when the war broke out. A cleaner meets a hairdresser in a train station bar after her night shift. They become friends and spend many nights together in the station, escaping their loneliness.

The all-star ensemble features Martina Gedeck (The Lives of Others), Albrecht Schuch (All Quiet on the Western Front), Charly Hübner (The Lives of Others), and Peter Kurth (Babylon Berlin).

"Expertly acted ensemble drama full of quiet poetry." - Spielfilm

OFFICIAL SELECTION – Berlin Film Festival 2023

OFFICIAL SELECTION - Vlissingen Film Festival 2023

Rating: MA15
Runtime: 120 mins

Session Times

Eastend Cinemas
Tue, Jun 4:

Prospect Cinemas
Wed, Jun 5:

Festival Highlights