Diplomat Hotel Baguio Guide: Everything You Need to Know - Wander Era
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Diplomat Hotel Baguio Guide: Everything You Need to Know

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Diplomat Hotel is one of the most popular historic buildings in Baguio City. It is located at the Dominican Hill and is known for its old world charm and haunted stories. The hotel was built around 1913 and has been frequented by many tourists and locals alike. If you’re planning to visit Baguio City, here’s everything you need to know about Diplomat Hotel.

About Diplomat Hotel Baguio

diplomat hotel

Baguio City Heritage Hill and Nature Park Garden is where you will find the Dominican Hill Retreat House, also known as Diplomat Hotel. It’s history dates back to 1913. It was built as a vacation house for the Dominicans which was then turned into a school but because of the lack of students, it went back to being a vacation house.

However, during the World War II, the house a became the Refugee Center of the Dominicans and sheltered people who were fleeing the Japanese Forces.

During the war, the house was converted into the Japanese Headquarters. It was said that priests, nuns, children and babies were massacred here. When the country was liberated, Americans bombed the building and the remaining Japanese soldiers committed suicide.

When the war was finished, the structure was rehabilitated and turned into a hotel. By 1987, the owner died and the hotel stopped its operations which leads us to its current state.

Because of its history, the Diplomat Hotel became famous as a haunted place. It was even featured in several TV shows.

As of November 2022, visitors can no longer go inside the Diplomat Hotel. Its structures have become weak all due to the recent earthquakes.

How to get there

diplomat hotel

Via Commute

Ride a jeep or taxi from town and tell the driver to drop you off at Diplomat Hotel.

Via Private Vehicle

If you’re driving, just search for Dominican Hill in Waze or Google Maps. You will surely find it. There’s a limited parking lot so you can park your car there.

Entrance Fee and Hours

The current entrance fee is P10 per person for adults and P5 per person for children.

diplomat hotel

Best time to visit

The best time to visit is from December to May when the rain is less frequent.

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