Equaliser vs. Equalizer — What’s the Difference?

Equaliser vs. Equalizer — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 15, 2024
"Equaliser" is the British English spelling, while "Equalizer" is the American English spelling, both referring to a device or software that adjusts audio frequencies.
Equaliser vs. Equalizer — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Equaliser and Equalizer


Key Differences

The term "equaliser" is primarily used in British English, reflecting the regional spelling conventions. It refers to the same device or software that modifies the balance between frequency components in an audio signal. "Equalizer," on the other hand, is the American English spelling of the same term, used in the United States and other regions following American English standards.
In terms of functionality, both "equaliser" and "equalizer" are used to describe audio processing tools that adjust different frequency bands to enhance or modify the sound quality. Whether in music production, live sound engineering, or personal audio systems, both terms denote devices that allow for fine-tuning audio output.
Despite the spelling difference, both "equaliser" and "equalizer" encompass the same types of equalization processes, such as graphic, parametric, and shelving equalization. These processes help in tailoring audio output to suit different acoustical environments and listener preferences.
The choice between "equaliser" and "equalizer" typically depends on the region's language conventions. For example, in the UK and Commonwealth countries, "equaliser" is commonly used, while in the United States, "equalizer" is the standard spelling.

Comparison Chart


British English
American English

Usage Region

UK, Commonwealth countries
United States, countries using AmE


Adjusts audio frequencies
Adjusts audio frequencies

Common Applications

Music production, live sound, personal audio
Music production, live sound, personal audio

Types of Equalization

Graphic, parametric, shelving
Graphic, parametric, shelving

Compare with Definitions


Allows fine-tuning of frequency ranges.
The parametric equaliser enabled precise control over the midrange tones.


Adjusts sound frequencies.
The equalizer on my stereo helps balance the bass and treble.


Used in various audio systems for better sound.
The equaliser in the car stereo made the music sound richer.


Used in various audio systems for better sound.
The equalizer in the car stereo made the music sound richer.


Displays and adjusts multiple frequency bands.
I adjusted the graphic equaliser to reduce background noise.


Enhances audio quality by adjusting frequencies.
Using the equalizer, I improved the clarity of the vocals.


Adjusts sound frequencies.
The equaliser on my stereo helps balance the bass and treble.


Allows fine-tuning of frequency ranges.
The parametric equalizer enabled precise control over the midrange tones.


Enhances audio quality by adjusting frequencies.
Using the equaliser, I improved the clarity of the vocals.


A device for equalizing pressure or strain.


Standard spelling of equalizer


A tone control system designed to compensate for frequency distortion in audio systems.


An electronic circuit which reduces frequency distortion.


(Slang) A deadly weapon, such as a firearm or switchblade.


An equivalent counterbalancing weight.


One who makes equal; a balancer.


Electronic equipment that reduces frequency distortion


A device that balances various quantities.


An equivalent counterbalancing weight


(sports) A goal, run, point, etc. that equalizes the score.


An electronic audio device for altering the frequencies of sound recordings.


A device, such as a bar, for operating two brakes, especially a pair of hub brakes for an automobile, with equal force.


Any device for equalizing the pull of electromagnets.


A conductor of low resistance joining the armature ends of the series field coils of dynamos connected in parallel.


A sliding panel to preserve the lateral stability of an aeroplane.


(math) A set of arguments where two or more functions have equal values; the solution set of an equation.


(category theory) A morphism whose codomain is the domain of a parallel pair of morphisms and which forms part of the limit of that parallel pair. Equivalently, a morphism which equalizes a parallel pair of morphisms in a limiting way, which is to say that any other morphism which equalizes that parallel pair factors through this limiting morphism; and moreover such factorization is unique.


A weapon, usually a blackjack or gun.


One who, or that which, equalizes anything.


Same as Equalizing bar.


A device, as a bar, for operating two brakes, esp. a pair of hub brakes for an automobile, with equal force.


Any device for equalizing the pull of electromagnets; also, a conductor of low resistance joining the armature ends of the series field coils of dynamos connected in parallel.


A sliding panel to preserve the lateral stability of an aëroplane.


A device or circuit within a sound-reproducing system that reproduces the original frequency distribution of the sound before recording by compensating for inequialities in the frequency response of the system.


A gun.


Electronic equipment that reduces frequency distortion


An equivalent counterbalancing weight


A score that makes the match even


Displays and adjusts multiple frequency bands.
I adjusted the graphic equalizer to reduce background noise.

Common Curiosities

Where is "equaliser" commonly used?

"Equaliser" is commonly used in the UK and Commonwealth countries.

Where is "equalizer" commonly used?

"Equalizer" is commonly used in the United States and regions following American English conventions.

What is the difference between "equaliser" and "equalizer"?

"Equaliser" is British English, while "equalizer" is American English.

Is the functionality of "equaliser" and "equalizer" different?

No, both function identically, adjusting audio frequencies.

What does an equaliser/equalizer do?

It adjusts the balance between different frequency components in an audio signal.

Are equalisers/equalizers used in car audio systems?

Yes, they are commonly used to enhance sound quality in car audio systems.

Can I use "equaliser" and "equalizer" interchangeably?

Yes, but it's best to use the spelling appropriate for your region's English conventions.

Can an equaliser/equalizer improve vocal clarity?

Yes, adjusting frequencies can improve vocal clarity in audio playback.

Are there different types of equalisers/equalizers?

Yes, including graphic, parametric, and shelving equalisers/equalizers.

Do "equaliser" and "equalizer" refer to the same thing?

Yes, both terms refer to a device or software that adjusts audio frequencies.

What is a graphic equaliser/equalizer?

A device that displays and allows adjustment of multiple frequency bands.

What is a parametric equaliser/equalizer?

A device that allows fine-tuning of specific frequency ranges.

Which term is correct in a British English publication?

Use "equaliser" for British English publications.

Do music producers use equalisers/equalizers?

Yes, they are essential tools in music production for fine-tuning audio tracks.

Which term should I use in my audio software in the US?

Use "equalizer" to align with American English standards.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to askdifference.com. As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at AskDifference.com, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.