Different Types Of Gummy Candy: All the flavours, brands and differences explained - Candy Central

Different Types Of Gummy Candy: All the flavours, brands and differences explained

Introduction to Gummy Candy

Gummy candies are one of the most beloved treats worldwide, known for their sweet, fruity flavors and their delightfully chewy texture. These sweet treats come in a wide array of flavors, textures, and shapes, satisfying the cravings of candy lovers of all ages. But, have you ever wondered about the different types of gummy candies and how they differ? Let’s explore the flavorful world of gummy candies together!

History of Gummy Candy

The story of gummy candy starts in Germany in the early 1920s when Hans Riegel, the founder of Haribo, created the first gummy candy: the Gummy Bear. This cute and tiny candy has since captured the hearts and taste buds of millions. Gummy candy has evolved significantly over the years, with new flavors, textures, and shapes constantly being introduced.

Classic Gummy Candy Flavors

Fruit-Based Flavors

The most common gummy candy flavors are fruit-based, with popular choices such as strawberry, raspberry, apple, and peach. These fruity flavors often taste like the real thing and provide a refreshing burst of sweetness.

Sour Flavors

If you prefer a tangy twist to your gummies, sour flavors like lemon, lime, and grapefruit are perfect for you. Many brands offer a mix of sweet and sour gummy candies in one package, giving you the best of both worlds.

Specialty Flavors

Apart from the classics, there are numerous unique and exotic flavors to explore. Some gummy candies incorporate tropical fruits, spices, or even savory notes, like cola or licorice, creating a diverse taste experience.

Popular Gummy Candy Brands


As the originator of gummy candy, Haribo has an extensive product line that includes Gold Bears, Sour Gold Bears, and Happy Cola.


Trolli is known for its whimsical shapes and bold flavors, like their popular Sour Brite Crawlers and Sour Brite Octopus.

Black Forest

Black Forest is committed to using organic and natural ingredients in their gummy candies, such as their Organic Gummy Bears and Organic Sour Heads.

Jelly Belly

Jelly Belly, famous for their gourmet jelly beans, also produces a line of gummy candies like Gummi Bears and Gummi Raspberries.

Swedish Fish

These red, fish-shaped gummies have a unique flavor that fans adore, and they’re a must-try for any gummy candy enthusiast.

Gummy Candy Textures

Soft and Chewy

This is the classic gummy candy texture most people love – a perfect balance between softness and chewiness that melts in your mouth.

Firm and Bouncy

Some gummy candies are made to be firmer and bouncier, providing a different mouthfeel and a longer-lasting chew.

Gummy Candy Shapes


Gummy bears are the most iconic shape, but they come in various sizes, from tiny to jumbo.


Gummy worms are another popular shape, often found in sour flavors that make them perfect for snacking.

Other Fun Shapes

The possibilities are endless when it comes to gummy candy shapes! There are gummy sharks, frogs, rings, fruit slices, and even pizza slices. There’s a gummy candy shape for everyone’s taste.

Vegan and Vegetarian Gummy Candy

For those who follow a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, there are gummy candies made without gelatin – the animal-derived ingredient that gives gummies their chewy texture. These alternatives often use pectin or agar-agar to achieve the desired consistency.

Gelatin-Free Gummy Candy

Gelatin-free gummy candies cater to various dietary restrictions and preferences. They’re a great option for those who want to enjoy gummies without consuming animal-based ingredients.

Gummy Candy in Popular Culture


Gummy candies have made appearances in various movies, such as “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.”

Television Shows

Popular TV shows like “The Simpsons” and “SpongeBob SquarePants” have also featured gummy candies in various episodes.

Health Considerations

Sugar Content

As with any candy, gummy candies are high in sugar, so it’s important to consume them in moderation.

Dental Health

The chewy texture of gummy candies can stick to teeth and lead to cavities if not properly cleaned after consumption.

Dietary Restrictions

Always check the ingredients list for any potential allergens or sensitivities, and choose gelatin-free options if needed.

Gummy Candy Trends

Organic and Natural Ingredients

More and more brands are focusing on using organic and natural ingredients, as well as eliminating artificial colors and flavors, to create healthier gummy candy options.

CBD-Infused Gummies

CBD-infused gummies have gained popularity as a way to enjoy the potential benefits of CBD in a tasty and familiar form.

Making Your Own Gummy Candy

Gummy Candy Recipe

Making gummy candy at home is simple and allows you to customize flavors, shapes, and even colors to your liking. All you need is gelatin or a gelatin substitute, fruit juice or other flavored liquid, and a sweetener of your choice.

Customizing Your Gummies

Get creative with your homemade gummy candies! Add natural food coloring, experiment with unique flavors, or use different-shaped molds to make your gummies truly one-of-a-kind.


Gummy candies offer a delightful and diverse world of flavors, textures, and shapes for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re a fan of classic fruit flavors, sour twists,

or unique specialty tastes, there’s a gummy candy out there for you. As we’ve seen, there are options for those with dietary restrictions or health concerns, as well as fun and exciting trends to explore. So, go ahead and satisfy your sweet tooth with these chewy delights, or even try your hand at making your own custom gummy candies!


  1. What are the main ingredients in gummy candy?

Gummy candies typically contain a sweetener (like sugar or corn syrup), a gelling agent (like gelatin or pectin), flavorings, and sometimes coloring agents.

  1. Is it possible to make sugar-free gummy candies?

Yes, you can make sugar-free gummy candies by substituting regular sugar with sugar substitutes like stevia or erythritol.

  1. Can I make gummy candy at home without a mold?

Definitely! If you don’t have a mold, you can simply pour the gummy mixture into a shallow pan, let it set, and then cut it into your desired shapes.

  1. How should I store my gummy candies?

Gummy candies should be stored in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. An airtight container will help keep them fresh for longer.

  1. Why are some gummy candies coated in sugar?

Some gummy candies are coated in sugar to add an extra layer of sweetness and to keep them from sticking together in the package.

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