Contra Mestra Brisa do Mar and The Mulheres do Mar Movement

Celidalva Pinho Encarnação, Black woman, artist and fisherman, known popularly as foreman Brisa do Mar de Angola on the Island of Itaparica, in Barra Grande, where she was born on 09/12/1973.

In 1999 she began his studies and practice in Capoeira Angola, with Master Marcelo Angola. To this day, their references are Mestre Lua Rasta and Mestre Marcelo Angola. CM.Brisa was the first woman to be part of the Angoleiros do Mar group, in Barra Grande on the Island of Itaparica.

In 2011, she received the certification as foreman of the Angoleiros do Mar group. In 2012, together with Professor Ale matt, she founded the Movimento Mulheres do Mar, which emerged as the consolidation of a network of women for women in Capoeira Angola, solidifying the first and the main objective of her career: female empowerment through Afro cultural manifestations.

It was in that same year that CM Brisa and professor Alematt held the first Mulheres do Mar Festival, on the Island of Itaparica – Barra Grande, an exclusive meeting for women with capoeira Angola training given by Masters and Constramestras of capoeira Angola, as well as others workshops on Afrocultural manifestations, such as: African and Afro-Brazilian dance workshops, Tambourine playing, Atabaque, Agogô and Berimbau workshops, singing and net pulling workshops.

From then on, CM Brisa do Mar de Angola increasingly consolidates its work, through dedication to the Movimento Mulheres do Mar, expanding its reach to the women of capo Angola and other minority groups welcomed by the movement.

Thus, from 2012 to 2020, the Women of the Sea Festival was promoted every year, the largest gathering of this network of women that is beginning to form. There were eight consecutive years of the Mulheres do Mar Festival, which in 2020 had a record attendance. With the festival and the promotion of this network, Brisa developed other work, understanding the flow of movement of this network in the Capital, and promoting the great possibility of exchange not only in this location, but also on the Island of Itaparica.

Thus, as it has been since the beginning of its trajectory, it continued in a flat flow between Salvador and the Island, as follows. To better establish this fluid strategy of the women's network, in 2017, Capoeira Angola training began at the Charriot house located in the lower city of Salvador.

Elas Cantam Boca Rica will be released on February 2nd.

The launch of the visual album ‘Elas Cantam Boca Rica’ will take place on February 2nd. The project, which is part of the ‘Riachão Prize from the Gregório de Matos Foundation’, through the city of Salvador/Ba, will be launched on the YouTube platform on the day of the Queen of Waters.

Bringing female voices with the participation of Bahian women Mestra Janja and Mestra Brisa, in addition to several Angolan women from all over Brazil who brightened up the Angola games during the filming, the visual album also features the presence of CMestra Catarina (BA), CMestra Carol ( MG), CM Juliana (RJ) and Lili Souares.

The innovative project, directed by the filmmaker, Bahian 'solo career' mother and also an Angolan native, Gabriela Barreto, introduces the culture of capoeira Angola into the visual art of Bahia through the female gaze.

There will be ten visual tracks dedicated to the culture of Capoeira Angola and represented by great female names in the culture.