The Meaning Behind The Song: Thank U - Next by Ariana Grande - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Thank U – Next by Ariana Grande

Title: Decoding the Lyrics of Ariana Grande’s Thank U, Next


The world was shocked when Ariana Grande released Thank U, Next in November 2018, just months after her highly-publicized relationship with comedian Pete Davidson ended. The song quickly became a worldwide hit, topping the charts and becoming a feminist anthem. But what exactly was the meaning behind the lyrics? Let’s dive deeper into the song and explore what Ariana Grande was really trying to say.

Part One: A History of Her Relationships

In the first verse of Thank U, Next, Ariana Grande references four of her past relationships: Big Sean, Ricky Alvarez, Pete Davidson, and Mac Miller. She acknowledges that each of them taught her something valuable, even if the relationship ultimately ended. This verse is a powerful message about self-love and the importance of embracing your past experiences, both good and bad.

Part Two: Self-Love and Moving On

The chorus of Thank U, Next is where the song really shines. Ariana Grande thanks each of her exes for what they taught her, but emphasizes that she’s moving on and focusing on herself. She sings, “But this one ‘gon last, ’cause her name is Ari/And I’m so good with that (so good with that).” This line is particularly empowering, as it suggests that Ariana Grande has found a love and acceptance for herself that she didn’t have before.

Part Three: Rejecting Societal Expectations

In the second verse of Thank U, Next, Ariana Grande initially appears to be describing her ideal man. However, she quickly subverts this expectation by singing, “Plus, I met someone else/We havin’ better discussions.” This line is critical because it challenges society’s expectation that women need to be in a relationship to be happy. By suggesting that she’s happier single, Ariana Grande is rejecting traditional gender roles and empowering her listeners to do the same.

Part Four: Honouring the Memory of Mac Miller

In the bridge of the song, Ariana Grande pays tribute to her ex-boyfriend Mac Miller, who passed away from a drug overdose in September 2018. She sings, “Wish I could say thank you to Malcolm/’Cause he was an angel.” This line is a poignant reminder that Ariana Grande’s relationships weren’t just a source of empowerment, but also of pain and loss. By acknowledging Miller’s role in her life, she encourages her listeners to embrace the full spectrum of their emotions and experiences.


Thank U, Next is more than just a catchy pop song. It’s a powerful message about self-love, embracing your experiences, rejecting traditional gender roles, and honouring the memory of loved ones. It’s no wonder that the song has become a feminist anthem and an inspiration to millions. In a world that often tries to tell women who they should be and what they should want, Thank U, Next is a powerful reminder that the only person who knows what’s best for you is yourself.

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