List Of 'Finding Nemo' Characters, Ranked

Updated June 1, 2024 80.1K views 24 items
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781 votes
204 voters

Take a deep dive into Pixar’s animated wonder with this delightful list of Finding Nemo characters. These captivating personalities have swum their way into our hearts, giving us laugher, tears, and moments of unforgettable adventure. Join fans as we rank them on popularity, relatability, and character development, aiming to celebrate the excellent storytelling and character design that define this beloved underwater adventure.

Some popular names surfacing on this list include our protagonists -- Marlin, the overprotective clownfish father voiced by Albert Brooks, and his son Nemo, played by Alexander Gould, whose determination defies his tiny size and frail fin. Along with them, we spot Dory, the unfailingly optimistic yet forgetful Pacific Blue Tang voiced by Ellen DeGeneres who teaches us the value of perseverance and friendship. The list wouldn't be complete without the prim and proper Gurgle, the royal gramma fish who despises germs; Crush, the laid-back sea turtle depicting the spirit of freedom; and the tank-tapping young girl Darla, who both add shades of humor and identity to the underwater wonderland.

This crowd-ranked list seeks to acknowledge the compelling designs and rich narratives given to these underwater inhabitants while celebrating the achievements of Pixar's storytelling. Every character has a unique personality and contributes significantly to the overall charm of Finding Nemo. From the terrifying yet empathetic shark Bruce, voiced by Barry Humphries, to the ever-helpful school teacher Mr. Ray, each character adds a dash of their essence to the significant life lessons the movie portrays.

Take a moment to vote for your favorite Finding Nemo character, and let's see which character will rise above the rest and become the reigning champion of this underwater tale. Remember, this ranking isn't just about who's most popular underwater, but who made the biggest splash above the surface too! It's your vote that counts, so help decide who will swim back home with the title.

Most divisive: Chum
Over 200 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of List Of 'Finding Nemo' Characters, Ranked
  • Crush
    Finding Nemo
    89 votes

    Crush, the charismatic and laid-back sea turtle, is undeniably one of the most memorable characters in Finding Nemo. His easygoing demeanor and surfer-dude persona capture the audience's hearts from his very first appearance. Crush teaches Marlin the importance of embracing the flow of life and letting go of control, which is a pivotal moment in Marlin's character development. This 150-year-old sea turtle also showcases the fascinating biological aspects of marine life which captivates both children and adults alike.

  • Squirt
    Finding Nemo
    106 votes

    Squirt, the tiny sea turtle with an infectious spirit, embodies resilience, adaptability, and unbound curiosity. As Crush's son, he represents a new generation taking guidance from their elders while also exploring the world with unbridled enthusiasm. Squirt's small stature and young age only serve to bolster his charm, while his adoption of the life motto "go with the flow" teaches us the value of loosening control and embracing spontaneity. With a buoyant energy and impish adorableness that is impossible to ignore, Squirt leaves a lasting impression in the hearts of viewers.

  • Dory
    Finding Nemo
    73 votes

    Dory exemplifies the resilience, courage, and optimism intrinsic to the ultimate adventurer. With a charming concoction of innocence, unyielding loyalty, and a gripping case of short-term memory loss, Dory is much more than a mere sidekick to Marlin; she serves as the catalyst propelling him onward throughout their oceanic odyssey. Voiced by Ellen DeGeneres, Dory provides an effervescent buoyancy in moments of despair without undermining the film's emotional gravity. Her unforgettable mantra, "Just keep swimming," is not only a testament to her sheer willpower in the face of adversity but continues to resonate with countless viewers who apply it to their own lives.

  • Nemo
    Finding Nemo
    64 votes

    Nemo is a plucky young clownfish who refuses to be defined by his physical limitations. Despite having a smaller fin known as his "lucky fin," Nemo exhibits courage and resourcefulness throughout the film, as seen when he risks his own safety to save a trapped fish in the aquarium or defies his overprotective father to embark on daring escapades. Moreover, Nemo's sweetness and earnest nature endear him to audiences, making it easy to understand why Marlin would go to such impressive lengths to find his lost son.

  • Bubbles
    Finding Nemo
    52 votes

    Bubbles, the yellow tang, adds a layer of lightheartedness and frivolity to the Tank Gang's harrowing circumstances. Obsessed with the bubbles produced by the aquarium's treasure chest, his fixation becomes a source of comic relief—providing levity in otherwise tense moments. Bubbles' dedication to his namesake is a charming symbol of finding joy within confinement, showcasing the indelible spirit that drives each member of the Tank Gang towards their ultimate goal: freedom.

  • Mr. Ray
    Finding Nemo
    59 votes

    Mr. Ray, the educational and faithful spotted eagle ray, serves as the School of Reef's dedicated and enthusiastic teacher in Finding Nemo. The character's endearing penchant for sharing scientific facts and turning lessons into songs captivates both his students and the audience alike. Furthermore, Mr. Ray personifies the quintessential educator archetype by valuing intelligence, curiosity, and working closely with pupils such as Nemo.

  • Marlin
    Finding Nemo
    57 votes

    Marlin, the anxious clownfish and protagonist of Finding Nemo, embarks on an incredible journey across the ocean to save his son Nemo. As the film progresses, Marlin's neurotic tendencies become apparent, providing a relatable human element that resonates with many viewers. However, his tenacity and love for his son drive the story forward, and Marlin ultimately learns to let go of his fears and trust in the abilities of those around him – particularly Dory. Marlin's character arc transcends typical animated fare and adds depth to this family-friendly adventure by demonstrating the need for personal growth and trust in others.

  • Peach
    Finding Nemo
    36 votes

    Peach, a charming but agitated starfish in Finding Nemo, contributes additional humor and camaraderie to the plight often referred to as the "tank gang." Stuck suctioned to the aquarium glass, Peach provides valuable insight into the regular happenings of the outside world unbeknownst to her tankmates. Peach's wit, sarcasm, and aptitude for reading humans add depth and laughter to her character, making her a memorable component of the film.

  • Nigel
    Finding Nemo
    42 votes

    Nigel, a battle-hardened yet benevolent Australian pelican, expertly balances his larger-than-life personality with genuine empathy for the plight of the diminutive clownfish, Marlin. In doing so, Nigel introduces audiences to The Great Barrier Reef’s eclectic ecosystem, along with offering integral support and guidance to our protagonists, while bridging the gap between worlds above and below the water. Throw in Nigel sparing no effort to claw, beak, and fly through daunting obstacles in dramatic fashion – most notably, rushing Nemo back to the seashore and Marlin – and it cements him as a vital force throughout the plot's fine contours.

  • Deb
    Finding Nemo
    43 votes

    Deb, the eccentric Royal Gramma fish in Finding Nemo, provides a unique, albeit slightly quirky, perspective on life within the confines of a fish tank. Obsessed with her reflection, whom she refers to as her twin sister Flo, Deb's character is a fascinating study of isolation, heightened by entrapment within a small aquarium environment. While her antics entertain viewers, the deeper implications of Deb's personality beg exploration, making her an intriguing addition to the film's cast of captive fish characters.

  • Coral
    Finding Nemo
    33 votes

    Coral, Marlin's adoring wife and Nemo's doting mother may have only graced the screen briefly, but her impact on the film's narrative is both palpable and far-reaching. Symbolizing love, devotion, and sacrifice, Coral's essence lingers throughout the entirety of Marlin and Nemo's journey as they respectively strive to overcome their fears and heal from the painful loss. Her enduring presence ultimately reminds us that love transcends physical separation, forever linking us to the cherished memories of those we lose, driving us forward to relentlessly seek refuge and meaning amidst the chaos of this unpredictable world.

  • Gill
    Finding Nemo
    40 votes

    Gill, the brooding and scarred Moorish idol, leads the Tank Gang with an air of calm, collected authority. A seasoned warrior, Gill immediately recognizes Nemo's inherent resilience and takes on the role of mentor and father figure, guiding our young hero on his path to self-actualization. His compassion stems from his tragic past entangled with the Dentist, as he remains steadfast in his mission to escape captivity and return home to open waters. Through his experienced wisdom and willingness to sacrifice for the greater good, Gill exemplifies altruism and determination, proving to be an essential presence within the story.

  • Anchor


    Finding Nemo
    40 votes

    Anchor, the menacing yet jovial hammerhead shark, is crucial in subverting expectations about sharks within the world of Finding Nemo. Initially introduced as a stereotypically dreadful predator, Anchor quickly demonstrates that he breaks away from the traditional image of a shark by attempting to abstain from eating fish and actively participating in self-help sessions. The unexpected complexity of his character adds depth not only to the oceanic ecosystem but also reminds viewers of the importance of challenging stereotypes.

  • Jacques


    Finding Nemo
    32 votes

    Jacques, the meticulous and fastidious French cleaner shrimp, makes for a delightful addition to the vibrant mix of personalities within the confines of the aquarium. Although his role may be largely comedic—keeping the tank spotless with unparalleled vigor—his attention to hygiene reflects the real-life habits of cleaner shrimp. Jacques functions as a significant character within the Tank Gang, serving not just as comic relief, but as a reminder of the importance of orderliness and cooperation in a chaotic world.

  • Bruce
    Finding Nemo
    40 votes

    Bruce, the charismatic great white shark, perpetuates one of Finding Nemo's most salient messages—that appearances can be deceiving, and we should not judge others based on preconceived notions. Beneath his intimidating exterior lies a committed proponent of pacifism and a loyal friend who strives to dismantle stereotypes. As the leader of the "Fish are Friends, Not Food" support group, Bruce demonstrates bravery in confronting his biological impulses and fosters camaraderie among fellow apex predators. His iconic lines, "I am a nice shark, not a mindless eating machine," underpins his genuine quest for self-improvement—a journey that resonates with us all.

  • Gurgle
    Finding Nemo
    24 votes

    Gurgle, the comically neurotic Royal Gramma fish in Finding Nemo, presents an interesting parallel to the protagonist, Marlin. Serving as a key member of the tank gang, Gurgle frequently expresses unwarranted anxiety about his surroundings and potential dangers. However, it is through the character's highly relatable neuroses that audiences witness the unique dynamic of Nemo's underwater environment. Despite his exaggerated germaphobia, Gurgle contributes to one of the most iconic scenes of the film when he succumbs to fear and courageously assists his friends in their escape. This blend of comedy and vulnerability makes Gurgle an essential element of the Finding Nemo universe.

  • Fish School

    Fish School

    Finding Nemo
    34 votes

    The School of Fish in Finding Nemo is a collective character that stands out as a symbol of hope and unity. This congregation of silver younglings represents the breathtaking beauty of the ocean, creating a visually stunning entity that transcends individuality even while displaying impressive problem-solving skills. With their distinct personalities, synchronization, and comedic observations, the School of Fish showcases the importance of teamwork and communal intelligence, serving as a tangible reminder of the harmonious coexistence required for survival within the vast marine ecosystem. Consequently, they solidify their position collectively as integral and memorable characters in the Finding Nemo narrative.

  • Bloat
    Finding Nemo
    29 votes

    Bloat, the comical pufferfish, is another member of the tank gang in Finding Nemo. Sporting a short temper that often causes him to inadvertently "puff up," Bloat adds entertaining moments of levity when the film's tensions escalate. His distinct look and unpredictable temperament allow Bloat to leave a lasting impression on audiences – one that contributes to the diverse ensemble of underwater characters.

  • Pearl


    Finding Nemo
    35 votes

    Pearl, an adorable flapjack octopus and classmate of Nemo, portrays vulnerability and sweetness that ultimately make her unforgettable in the Finding Nemo universe. Distinctive in appearance with large oval eyes, Pearl exhibits sincere naïveté when she is frightened and squirts ink in response. This inherent childlike nature solidifies Pearl as a fan favorite, thanks to the clever juxtaposition of her innocence against the vast, unpredictable world of the wide-open ocean.

  • Tad
    Finding Nemo
    25 votes

    Tad, a butterfly fish sporting a broad grin, is another child character featured in the colorful world of Finding Nemo. As one of Nemo's classmates, Tad's curious nature propels the plot forward when he challenges Nemo to prove his bravery at the beginning of the film. Despite being naive about the dangers of the open ocean, Tad's childlike innocence is balanced by his friendliness and camaraderie, making him an easily likable addition to the cast of young sea creatures.

  • Chum


    Finding Nemo
    33 votes

    Chum, the good-natured mako shark, represents second chances and finding inner strength to break free from inherent compulsions. As an integral member of the "Fish are Friends, Not Food" club, Chum actively wrestles with his voracious instincts. His friendship with both Bruce and Anchor provides invaluable support, effectively demonstrating the power of unity and loyalty in overcoming personal challenges. Moreover, Chum's unique character design—with a metal fishing hook in his snout—serves as a subtle testimony to his perseverance in the face of adversity.

  • Sheldon


    Finding Nemo
    37 votes

    Sheldon, the tiny seahorse with an insatiable spirit, may be small in stature, but he boasts a personality that asserts his presence within the dynamic Tank Gang. For someone so young and microscopic, Sheldon's intense fear of germs—a nod to hypochondriacs worldwide—is both endearing and comical. Moreover, Sheldon epitomizes the importance of overcoming anxieties to tackle life's challenges. His steadfast bond with Tad and Pearl further highlights the crucial role that camaraderie and support play in teaching us the timeless virtue of courage and bravery.

  • Darla
    Finding Nemo
    39 votes

    Darla, the human antagonist of Finding Nemo and niece of the dentist who captures Nemo, is memorably aggravating given that she represents a direct threat to fish trapped in the aquarium. With a history of being unwittingly destructive towards aquatic pets, it is Darla's eagerness to pester the incarcerated fish with her purple net that ultimately serves as the villainous figure against which Marlin and Nemo must battle to achieve their happy reunion. Such menacing attributes ensure that Darla remains imprinted in the minds of audiences long after the credits roll.

  • Dentist
    Finding Nemo
    32 votes

    The Dentist, while sometimes portrayed as an accidental antagonist within the story, plays an indispensable role in Nemo's journey. His aquarium serves as the backdrop for the young clownfish's transformation—an odyssey that would have never begun without his intervention. Although it is the Dentist's plan to gift Nemo to his niece, Darla, that instigates the Tank Gang's advocacy for freedom, one must also consider the care he provides to his aquatic wards. Ironically, he creates the circumstances for inner growth to occur—a vital lesson in disguise.