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Saved is the twentieth episode of Season 5 of Chicago P.D. It is also the 104th episode of the series.


After Voight witnesses the kidnapping of a young woman with a mysterious connection to his past, Intelligence works to find a connection between her kidnapping and several bank robberies. Ruzek gets a tip that a grand jury has been summoned, bringing Olinsky one step closer to standing trial for Bingham's murder.


Main Cast[]

Recurring Cast[]

Guest Cast[]


Olinsky shows up at Voight's place with coffee before their shift starts. Voight is surprised to see him and asks what is going on. Olinsky tells him that Ruben Glibright's possession charge was dropped, which means Internal Affairs will appear to arrest him soon. Voight tells Al that he isn't going to let that happen, but Al tells him that he's got it.

At the district, Adam is waiting for Voight and tells him that he knows somebody that can get more information about the Internal Affairs investigation. Voight says he wants all the details and can't let anyone know he is looking into this. They get interrupted by Trudy, who tells Voight how a teenage girl named Hannah Cates came looking for him and left a note. The note was written on Voight's CPD cards asking him to meet her at a cafe. Voight brings Adam and heads over to the cafe. He has Adam stay outside and goes inside and finds Hannah. She tells him that she just wanted to see whether Voight would come if she needed help, and Voight tells her that he promised to be there for her. Voight apologizes for not always checking in on her, but Hannah says it's alright as she understands he can't always be there for her. Hannah tells Voight that she needs to use the bathroom and leaves. After not seeing her for a while, Voight checks the bathroom and realizes that Hannah had left the cafe. He checks outside and sees a man force her into a tan car and drive away.

Adam and Voight try to follow the car but lose it. Kim and Hailey try to help them from the district, but it leads them to a dead end. Adam and Voight hear gunshots from a bank nearby and head there. When they get inside, they find hostages blindfolded and two robbers. They have a shootout, and Voight and Adam chase the suspects out the back, but before Voight can get them, the men jump into the same tan car from earlier and drive off.

The rest of the team arrives at the crime scene, and Voight updates the team on the case. Voight tells them that Hannah Cates was probably in the car during the robbery, most likely tied up. Voight believes she knew the suspects. Voight has Hailey and Jay check out the bank and sends Antonio to talk to Hannah's aunt, her legal guardian. Meanwhile, Voight sends Adam to meet with his connect at the ASA's office to get more information about the Bingham case. Inside the bank, Hailey asks Jay why Hannah had Voight's business card. He tells her how Voight gives out his card to kids who need help over the years, which impresses Hailey.

Back at the district, Kevin and Kim tell Voight what they know so far from the scene. No trackers or phones were left behind, making it harder for the team. Antonio tells the team how Hannah's aunt is difficult to find as she wasn't at the address listed in the CPD system. Voight tells them that Hannah has no other family, so they need to track down the aunt. Voight tells them that he has known Hannah since she was 7. Hailey and Jay return to the district and show the team the security footage from inside the bank. There isn't much as the cameras were blacked out quickly. Adam returns after talking to his connect at the ASA's office and tells Voight that a special grand jury has already been summoned and that the prosecutor is James Osha. Antonio and Kim finally track down Hannah's aunt and talk to her. She isn't very helpful as she continues to show no interest in the whereabouts of Hannah. After a lot of pushing, she finally tells them that the last time she heard from Hannah. she was staying with a friend, Addie Sumter. Kevin and Adam find Addie at an abandoned church and try to talk to her. She isn't very cooperative, and they eventually bring her in.

At the district, Kevin updates Voight and the team about Addie. Jay mentions that it's possible the ones that kidnapped Hannah could be traffickers as they definitely aren't professional bank robbers. Voight sends the rest of the team to continue investigating. Once he is alone, Voight uses his burner phone to call James Osha, but it goes to voicemail, which frustrates him. Kim interrupts him and says there was a robbery at another bank, which sounds like the same crew. Antonio, Kim, and Voight head to the location and find all the hostages dead inside. Apparently, the employee on shift was new and didn't have a key to the safe, and things went south quickly. Olinsky shows Voight the security footage from the bank, which shows 3 armed robbers, two men, and one female, most likely Hannah, which shocks Voight.

The next day, Denny shows up at the district and tries to argue with Voight about giving the case to Robbery-Homicide. Voight is against it as he knows the girl from the case. Denny decides to compromise and let Intelligence continue investigating the case, but he's going to release Hannah's picture to the media. Voight is against that as it could get Hannah killed, but Woods doesn't care and reminds Voight that this might be his and Al's last case to work on. Voight is frustrated with Woods as well as the dead ends in the case and decides to talk to Addie Sumter himself. Voight is sure that Hannah was forced to participate in the robbery, but Antonio argues that Hannah had the opportunity to run and ask for help whenever she wanted to. Voight is adamant that Hannah is in danger and goes to talk to Addie. In the interrogation room, Voight tries to play nice, but Addie doesn't budge. Eventually, Voight loses his patience and goes hard on Addie threatening to charge her as an accomplice to murder. This scares Addie, and she finally tells Voight how she only knows their names, Mike and TT. Mike is Hannah's boyfriend, and the only reason Hannah is doing the robbery is because he is. In the bullpen, the team tries to identify Mike and TT and finally get a hit, Mike Sheffield and Trent Tagerty. Since Hannah's picture is in the media, they think Mike and TT would be hiding, most likely with a family member like TT's cousin, Warren Tagerty. Voight sends the team to Warren's house and has Adam go to James Osha's house to talk.

At Warren's house, they find Warren and ask where Trent is. Warren tells them that Trent has already left. Voight doesn't believe him and asks again, and this time, Warren points to the room next door. Voight crashes into the room, which surprises Trent. There is no sign of Mike or Hannah, so they arrest Trent and bring him in. Voight and Jay interrogate Trent at the district, but Trent instead asks for a lawyer and a deal. After getting punched by Voight, he talks and tells them that he doesn't know where Mike and Hannah are except that Hannah is always going to be with Mike. Adam returns from talking to Osha and tells Voight that Osha doesn't want to talk. Voight is frustrated with the case and the Alvin situation and unleashes his annoyance on the team. Antonio tells him that his judgment is clouded because he has a personal connection to Hannah and Voight tells him that Camille, Voight's wife, is the one who knew Hannah. Voight has the team continue investigating the case and heads to Osha's office. Voight barges into his office to talk to Osha but is surprised to see Woods there as well. Voight yells at Woods, telling him to leave Al alone and to go after him instead. Woods tells Voight he is going after him, but in the process, he needs to take down Al. Osha tells the two men to calm down and for Voight to leave before he causes a scene. Outside Osha's office, Adam is there waiting for Voight. He tells Voight that someone identified Mike and Hannah at a car lot, and they need to head there quickly.

The team arrives first and tries to approach Mike and Hannah quietly, but they are spotted, and Mike shoots at them. Mike and Hannah run into the store just as Adam and Voight get there. Voight tells Antonio to set up a line of communication and heads inside the store alone. Inside the store, Voight finds Mike and Hannah behind a locked gate. When Mike sees Voight, he points his gun at him, but Voight tries to talk him down. He asks Mike to lower his weapon, and they can all walk outside and talk. Voight tries to talk some sense into Hannah, but the two head outside and start shooting. To protect themselves, the team shoots and kills Hannah and Mike, and Voight is saddened.

Later after the case is closed, Voight and Al share a drink and talk. Voight tells Al how Camille was Hannah's teacher, and after she died, Voight checked in on Hannah until Justin died. Al ends their conversation by reminding Voight that he can't save everyone.

Notes and Trivia[]



Chicago PD - Season 5 - Episode Highlight - Saved - Credit Union Robbery



Woods: Confess Hank. 27-years on this job. We both know you did not do it clean. Well, the bullet is finally coming for you Hank, it just has to go through Olinsky first.

Ruzek: He told me that you're wasting your time. And that he can't help you get in front of something that you're already in the middle of.

Addie: But I'm not doing anything.
Voight: You're getting your friend killed.

Woods: You know, Chief Lugo just told me to call. But I figured I shouldn't waste an opportunity to come by here while I still can. Because pretty soon you and Al are gonna be, uh, tied up.
