I Built Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory! | MrBeast Wiki | Fandom
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I Built Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory! is an expensive challenge video created by MrBeast. This is the video that shows MrBeast's recreation of the Wonka Chocolate Factory. In this video, ten contestants who got lucky for finding a ticket after buying chocolate bars from Feastables will be competing to win the ownership of the chocolate factory.


"MILK Chocolate 🍫 Win a Tesla or be in a MrBeast video" ― Official video synopsis

Challenges & results[]

There are eight challenges that occur in the video, most of which only eliminate the person in last place. Since the names of the contestants were not revealed, the descriptors shown here can be used:

Challenge Explanation Contestants Eliminated contestant
Hide n seek Contestants must hide anywhere in the chocolate factory, and the first to be found loses. 10 Cowboy
Candy Wall of Death It is basically a climbable rock wall, and the last person to reach the top loses. 9 Black woman
Competitive eating Four teams of two contestants each attempt to eat a big chocolate as fast as they could. The two slowest eaters would lose. 8 Semi-bald guy and guy with brown hair and beard
Throwing large Mentos piece into large Coca-Cola bottle Each of the contestants have to attempt to throw a large Mentos piece into the hole of a large Coca-Cola bottle. This normally takes many attempts and too much time, so only one contestant needs to do it, and the winning contestant would get to choose who should be eliminated. 6 Eric (guy with blue glasses)
Balancing on spinning peppermint stands The contestants would have to each stand on a large, spinning, peppermint-themed stand. As time moves on, the speed increases. The first person to lose their balance will lose the challenge. 5 Guy with hat and glasses
Cake or Not? There are four contestants who each have to choose a toilet, though one of the toilets is actually a cake replica. The person who sits on the cake toilet would lose. 4 Asian guy

Final Challenge[]

The final challenge is a challenge where the three remaining contestants (guy with shades, guy with glasses and beard, and Dallin) attempt to bake the best looking and tasting cake in 45 minutes, and Gordon Ramsay would be the one judging the cakes, which are judged based on their looks and taste.

The scores for the cakes are:

Maker of cake Rating of cake's looks Rating of cake's taste Total score
Guy with shades 5/10 5/10 10/20
Guy with glasses and beard 3/10 5/10 8/20
Dallin 7/10 7/10 14/20

Since Dallin has the highest score, this makes him the winner of the challenge.


At the end of the challenge, the factory was owned by the MrBeast team, until it was given away to Dallin for as a prize for winning all of the challenges. However, due to maintenance problems, such as the deteriorating chocolate river, deteriorating candies, along with their costs, it would be difficult to maintain the factory, so the ownership of the factory was given back to the MrBeast team, but Dallin received $500,000 in return.



Note: Since most of the names of the contestants were not revealed, so these descriptors can be used instead, using the order from this timestamp of the video, from left to right:

  • Guy with shades (Justin)
  • Guy with blue glasses (Eric)
  • Guy with glasses and beard (Christian)
  • Semi-bald guy
  • Dallin Lambert
  • Asian guy (Brian)
  • Guy with brown hair and beard
  • Guy with hat and glasses
  • Black woman
  • Cowboy


The thumbnail shows Jimmy dressed up as Willy Wonka, showcasing his version of the Chocolate Factory.



  • At 12 minutes and 17 seconds into the video, the timer skipped one second from 22:53 to 22:51.
  • When this was uploaded there used to be text but then it was edited to make the text all gone.
    • Though it is unknown what was the reason for it.