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Hell House LLC

Hell House LLC

Directed by Stephen Cognetti

In this found-footage gem, a documentary crew visit the site of a haunted house attraction whose opening night ended with 15 unexplained deaths. Eventually the crew come across a surviving employee who has footage that shines a scary light on what really went down that night. As we watch those ill-fated thrillseekers shuffling through the horror house, the knowledge of what’s about to happen makes for a squirm-and-scream-inducing good time. Dread Central called it “a perfect fright flick for the Halloween season” which features “one of the creepiest clowns to appear in a horror movie in a long time.” Sorry Pennywise!

A documentary crew investigate a haunted house attraction whose opening night ended in horror.

Cast: Kristin Michelle Taylor, Theodore Bouloukos, Jeb Kreager, Miranda Robbins, Gore Abrams

Member Reviews

It's jump-scare heavy but a very fun watch. I absolutely love this concept

21 hours ago

Its creepy, its not over the top, and it leaves unanswered questions which I love. I like the slow build up and focusing on the characters’ relationships. I think its one of the best out of the series.

3 days ago

For low budget I fell in love with this movie. Watch it about 2 or 3 times a year

4 days ago

Very low budget and given that I think they did a pretty good job. It wasn't the worst thing but not the best so a 3 it got. slow start too but it's all build up.

5 days ago

pretty decent.

5 days ago