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Kibbe: Flamboyant Natural Style Guide

flamboyant natural kibbe guide

Flamboyant Natural: Natural with a Dramatic Undercurrent

You’ve been introduced to Kibbe’s body typing system, taken the quizzes, mulled over the results, and have officially typed yourself as a Flamboyant Natural.

Now, if all of those words seemed as though I was talking in a foreign language, you should start with the principles behind the Kibbe System, and then complete the type quiz (which I added loads of example pictures to help with!).

Let’s recap…

What is the Kibbe Body ID System?

The Kibbe system is a image identity system that is composed of 13 (now 10) unique style IDs based around 5 main families: Dramatic, Natural, Classic, Gamine, and Romantic. It revolves around style archetypes from Old Hollywood’s star image metamorphisis.

5 kibbe families, dramatic, natural, calssic, gamine, and romantic

You are typed based on three main components- your bone structure, how your flesh lays on your body, and your facial features. And their individual balance of yang (sharp, angular) and yin (soft, curved).

As a flamboyant natural, you guessed it, you are in the natural family.

What is the Flamboyant Natural ID?

fn image identity collage aesthetic

The Flamboyant Natural has a mainly natural core (which is defined as blunt yang), with dramatic (yang) undertone.

So you have strong yang to your body and features, but your body also has blunt edges. You are broad, long, and somewhat angular (without severe edges).

And according to Kibbe, you have an approachable, creative, charismatic, and warm demeanor.

When it comes to where you fall on the Kibbe scale, you are first and foremost in the Natural family, with dramatic family notes. You may relate to style guidelines from both families, but ultimately you are not an even mix of the two.

But for this style guide, we will be focusing on the natural style lines and using the dramatic notes as a way to add some extra oomph to your look and satisfy that extreme yang undertone.

woman with flowy hair walking down the street in blouse tucked into fitted jeans with belt

Because your essence is composed of strong yang with blunt edges, Kibbe refers to your style as “Free Spirit Chic”. But don’t get hung up on the free-spirit part and assume we are going to suggest you dress like a hippie.

You shine in soft-edged clothing that is oversized, irregular-shaped, and executed in “bold strokes”. You have a strong vertical line, and a strong horizontal line (because of your kibbe width), so we want to emphasize both of these features.

Remember that the flamboyant natural is a blended ID, so not every flamboyant natural will have the same exact physical characteristics.

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What are the Physical Characteristics of the Flamboyant Natural?

First and foremost, the kibbe system is full of nuance, and the “rules” have evolved and changed over the years. I recommend not looking at one verified celebrity and basing your type on that.

Be sure you look at the descriptions, the quiz, and the style lines that work for your body to properly find your ID.

Also remember all these physical traits are in comparison to your other features, not other people. So be sure to compare your shoulder width to other parts of your body, not a different person with “broad shoulders”.

The Flamboyant Natural has the following characteristics:

flamboyant natural strong yang with blunt edges. FN body example- cindy crawford. long limbs, long vertical line, blunt edges, not much curve, prominent facial features

Body Type:

You can generally be described as straight, broad, and blunt. A lot of flamboyant naturals have a muscular quality to their bodies as well. Quite often the bust and hips tend to be straight or flat (but not always).

Don’t get hung up on the words “broad, straight, or blunt”, or subconsciously reject this ID because of those descriptors. Just wait, you can look GORGEOUS and sexy as a flamboyant natural (also referred to as FN, from here on out).

Bone Structure:

  • Height: Moderate to very tall, usually over 5 ft 5 inches. While there is no “height requirement” for this ID, there is a focus on a strong vertical line.
  • A broad quality to your bones, wide shoulders
  • Long arms and legs (helps that vertical elongation)
  • Larger hands and feet that can be narrow if they have the length still
  • Broad or prominent facial features. Often your nose, cheeks, or jaw will have a blunt or square quality to them.
Flamboyant Natural face example- Claudia Schiffer, broader/flat nose, straight lips, straight eyes, and a broad jawline

Facial Features :

  • Broad quality to nose, cheeks, jaw
  • Eyes are usually either very large and open or have a straight shape and feel small
  • Straight lips, usually thinner
  • Taut cheeks, although this can change with weight gain

When flamboyant naturals gain weight they tend to gain it mostly from the waist down. Although their faces can get softer and fleshier overall, as well. They often become more square (losing their waist) and stocky as they gain weight.

A flamboyant natural will not have:

  • Voluptuous curves or hourglass figure (although it’s not impossible to have some curves as a flamboyant natural, you just won’t have Jessica Rabbit curves)
  • Delicate facial features
  • Small, sharp bones or features
  • Extremely petite stature
  • Sharp or narrow bone structure

Flamboyant Natural Coloring:

Any coloring is possible, although Flamboyant Naturals have skin that freckles or tans readily. They can have warm or cool undertones and be either blended or high-contrast. So I would not use your coloring as a determining factor for this type.

And, in my opinion, it is best to use your unique coloring to determine your seasonal color palette. I have a guide on that here.

Kibbe Width

kibbe width examples

Flamboyant Naturals “accommodate” kibbe width and vertical. Based on the more recent instructions by David Kibbe he defines vertical as the space between your shoulders and knees or anyone 5 ft 6 and above. At this height, it is likely that you have some length between this space which inevitably creates vertical or “straight lines”. This does not mean you can’t have conventional curve. Kibbe width is defined as openness in your upper body, torso, or shoulder area. It does not mean you look like the Hulk or can’t be very feminine. Look at the verified celebrities above, they all have kibbe width.

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Flamboyant Natural Style Guide

So, you’ve made it this far without being overwhelmed by yin and yang and balance and contrast! The Kibbe system is complex, and not without its flaws. So I would use this as a starting point for your style journey.

The value in the Kibbe system is looking at your body’s natural lines and essence and finding the clothes that highlight those strengths.

It can help explain why a certain trend in its original form might not work for you, or why certain silhouettes just don’t flatter your shape.

Use this information as a baseline for your wardrobe and style goals. But don’t be afraid to expand past it or adjust new styles once you have a good understanding of your natural silhouette and shape.

Want to see how I dress as Flamboyant Natural? And my real thoughts about the Kibbe system? Check them out here.

Style Goals for a Flamboyant Natural

woman with large gray scarf and unique silver jewelry and soft sweater showing style lines for Flamboyant natural

Excess fabric, oversized silhouettes, soft edges are your sweet spots. Avoid tailoring, sharp seamlines, and stiff fabrics.

Remember we mentioned “free-spirit chic” as the overarching style goals for the flamboyant natural. Well, what does that actually mean?

Keep it unconstructed and relaxed-looking. This does not mean you need to wear massively oversized or boxy pieces.

The Flamboyant Natural should generally not opt for clothes that are extremely tailored, made of stiff or rigid fabrics, or have sharp lines. This can constrain your natural shape.

You want soft, flowing fabrics that hug your body, lengthen your vertical line, and give you a sweeping effect. Think about how a confident paintbrush strokes across a canvas. The line is natural, bold, yet uncontained.

gwenth paltrow kibbe fn outfit example

The Flamboyant Natural should generally avoid anything cropped, as it will break up their verticality and highlight their straight body shape.

Floaty and light fabrics are great for this silhouette as well as flowy prints/patterns. It all helps the Flamboyant Natural convey their free-spirit flair. However, they shouldn’t be “dainty”.

This silhouette is all about adjusting the balance. You want to create a balance between your large, broad areas and your strong vertical line.

Flamboyant Natural Style Do’s and Don’ts

Flamboyant natural styles should be:

  • Boldly unconstructed
  • Flowing fabrics, wide shapes
  • Oversized or irregular geometric shapes
  • Soft edges and seams
  • Lines are sweeping and relaxed
  • Emphasize your strong vertical line and horizontal line
  • Risk-taker, adventurous vibe
  • Sophisticated but approachable

Flamboyant Naturals should avoid:

  • Stiff, severe edges
  • (Overly) Tailored pieces
  • Fussy details or trim
  • Sharp angles
  • Harsh lines or silhouettes
  • Ornate and intricate details
  • Anything too symmetrical
  • Delicate fabrics – A flowy, shiny silk would be too delicate, but a nice light linen or cotton works.
jane birkin style collage
NOT AN FN, but has some great “relaxed” looks to take inspiration from

Okay, as far as I know, Kibbe has never officially typed Jane Birkin. And the internet is divided on whether she is a flamboyant natural or a flamboyant gamine (which she is way too tall for in Kibbe). Based on her 5 ft 8 in height, her narrow shoulders, and her sharp features I would actually say she might be pure Dramatic. But given that essence is a part of it, she could absolutely be an FN. Either way, her style is a great inspiration for the Flamboyant Naturals!

One also has to look at how her style has changed over the decades. In the 60s she had a more gamine style and is directly referencing Twiggy’s look. Which may be the reason for some of the confusion. However she is too tall to be considered gamine.

However, in the 70’s I think Jane really embraced the easy, relaxed vibes of the flamboyant natural. And I think she is a great style icon to reference.

Sound off in the comments, if you disagree. Happy to discuss this.

Verified Kibbe Flamboyant Naturals

flamboyant natural celebrity examples verified by David Kibbe:  Princess Diana of Wales, Cameron Diaz, Jennifer Lawrence, Michelle Obama

Here’s a list of verified Kibbe celebrities that were either originally in his book, or verified later by Kibbe himself. This is a good example of how the flamboyant natural ID can vary in style and type.

Kibbe developed this system based on the Old Hollywood Star Image process. So his prime examples are really important and can be a great view into the overall essence of the ID. The star image process was studios crafting a look that felt harmonious for the celebrity that audiences would respond well to. Shirley MacLaine embodied the Flamboyant Natural archetype and “free spirit chic”.

shirley maclaine prime fn example collage
  • Shirley Maclaine (Kibbe’s prime example of the Flamboyant Natural)
  • Brooke Shields
  • Cameron Diaz
  • Charlize Theron
  • Christie Brinkley
  • Cindy Crawford
  • Claudia Schiffer
  • Eva Arden
  • Farrah Fawcett
  • Gwyneth Paltrow
  • Ingrid Bergman (re-assigned by Kibbe in 2014)
  • Jennifer Lawrence
  • Julia Roberts
  • Katie Holmes
  • Linda Evans
  • Lucie Arnaz
  • Lynda Carter
  • Michelle Obama
  • Princess Diana of Wales
  • Jane Fonda (retyped in 2023 from Soft Natural to Flamboyant Natural because of her clear vertical)

There are quite a few supermodels on this list, so just know you are in good company! Because I know, the terms width, blunt, and broad are not things we easily accept in our IDs.

Does Flamboyant Natural mean “boho” is your thing?

No, clothes do not have a specific ID. While boho styles can work beautifully on a flamboyant natural, you are not limited to that clothing style.

All you need to consider is accommodating your “kibbe width” and your vertical line. There are tons of styles that can do this.

So please do not say ” I don’t look good in boho so I’m not an FN”.

Building a Wardrobe: Flamboyant Natural

liv tyler fn verified kibbe

Shapes for the Flamboyant Natural

Strong geometrical shapes that have soft edges. Oversized, unconstructed, asymmetrical. Irregular and oblong shapes, as well as soft rectangles.

Avoid: Ornate and intricate shapes, sharply symmetrical shapes, and sharp-edged silhouettes.

Silhouettes for the Flamboyant Natural

flamboyant natural clothing lines. free spirit chic: excess fabric, oversized silhouettes, soft edges.  examples
This does not mean baggy or shapeless! It just means it has some “relaxed” elements
jennifer lawrence in fn lines

Your sweet spot will be in soft, bold, sweeping lines. Mostly filled with unconstructed silhouettes. Because you have strong horizontal and vertical lines the soft “T” silhouette will be a go-to shape for you. Unconstructed silhouettes, relaxed, and unstructured shapes all work well. In my opinion, you don’t have to eliminate all tailored lines, just choose the right ones (fabric/seaming combo)- we will get into examples on this later.

Avoid: Severe, or “still” silhouettes that have no movement. Hourglass shapes, symmetrical silhouettes, and delicate/fussy lines.

While this look does break the vertical to a certain degree, I think it’s still a great casual and polished outfit for the FN. And the depths of the color relations are not starkly different

Fabrics for the Flamboyant Natural

Fabrics have evolved a lot since the original Kibbe text was created. And because of that, he suggests taking a more holistic and visual approach to which fabrics work for each type. But for the flamboyant natural, you really have a great selection of textures and fabrics.

Heavy (not stiff), rough-textured fabrics work well for you. All leathers, suedes, and plush fabrics are excellent. Draped fabrics must be ultrathick and heavy. Knits should be substantial, heavy, or ultra plush. Skinny and ribbed knits are possible in oversized garments.

Weight is always more important than the type of fabric. You could opt for a shiny satin or brocade as long as the fabric has some weight. Raw silks and shantungs also work because they have some texture and body to them (as opposed to a light and airy silk).

Avoid: Delicate, soft, shiny fabrics with no body. Clingy fabrics that are flimsy or soft. Stiff, flat fabrics that make you look boxy. Ultrasheer or fussy fabrics.

Flamboyant Natural Details

woman walking in dessert with abstract print shawl jacket

The details of your outfit should be irregular, asymmetrical, oversized, and relaxed. Your shoulder details should be elongated and broad but not sharp. Pleats and gathers should be soft, shallow, and not overly tailored or sharp. And the trim you lean towards should be bold, oversized, irregular, OR clean and minimal.

Necklines for the Flamboyant Natural

The best necklines for you are open, loose, and unconfined. You do best with boatnecks, open collars, soft large cowls, strappy camisoles, and asymmetrical necklines. Clean lapels and simple shawl collars work great for jackets. Loose and flowy necklines are best, nothing too fussy.

You can also try spaghetti straps. Kibbe never recommended “only open thick necklines” for FNs. In fact, he styled an FN client in a crew neck, so play around with it!

Waistline Styling: Flamboyant Natural

how to do a french tuck with a tee shirt- example of french tuck/ half tuck with tee and jeans

You could opt for a french tuck or a “bloused over” effect. Dramatic lines at your waistline can disrupt the overall length in your body, but this does not mean you can’t show off your waist!

Ultimately, we want to put emphasis on our best features, our long vertical and our strong horizontal shoulders.

kibbe FN's showing off their waist

PLEASE NOTE there is a big difference between waist emphasis and showing off your waist. I’m a Flamboyant Natural and I show off my waist frequently. However, I avoid choosing pieces that highlight my waist or break up my vertical line (like a dress with a contrasting belt along the waist).

I typically show off my waist, but I’m mindful of the impact of the garments style lines and matching them with my body.

Sleeve Styles for the Flamboyant Natural

For sleeves, you have two general categories that seamlessly integrate with your ID. You can go for the simple and straight or you can go with the full, sweeping sleeves. Either sleeve option should be unrestricted and move easily.

Separates for Flamboyant Natural

You’ll love separates because they’re so exciting and work perfectly for your ID. They should make up the bulk of your wardrobe, and the mix-and-match effect is fantastic. Always keep an elongated vertical line with strong shoulders as the foundation of your outfit. Mixing textures is particularly effective.

Jackets (and coats) for the Flamboyant Natural

For jackets, you want a longer hem, one that hits around your mid-thigh. Loose, unconstructed jackets are best, and broad padded shoulders (in a relaxed cut) are ideal. You can opt for a soft lapel or no lapel, oversized pockets, or relaxed double-breasted styles as well. For the double-breasted style, it’s recommended to leave these unbuttoned.

Avoid: Symmetrical, tailored jackets, cropped jackets, and “flouncy” jackets.

Your outerwear is really a place for the FN to shine. From wide lapels, oversized fit, and relaxed silhouette coats, you will find a lot of coat options for you. Opt for simple silhouettes that don’t have too much “frill” and don’t have stiff tailoring.

Skirts for the Flamboyant Natural

Straight, longer skirts are best, but opt for ones that don’t have a severe silhouette- we still want soft edges. And since a lot of “boho” style lines work for the flamboyant natural you can also try full skirts that have deep folds or are very wide in shape. These pair nicely with oversized, loose tops.

Details like slits, pockets, kick-pleats, and button details work, but any draping, gathering, or shirring should be kept loose and simple. Because the flamboyant nature has a free spirit style, nothing should be fussy or inhibit mobility. I find my best skirts have a straighter shape below the hipline instead of curving inward, but you should play around with this for yourself!

cello knit top

Hemlines for skirts are on the longer side, but quirky mini skirts can be integrated into the mix (especially with an oversized top). Full skirts can have an uneven hemline or a full-length hemline but should hit (at minimum) the lower calf.

gabrielle arruda wearing mini skirt as an FN

Avoid: Bodycon skirts like pencil skirts, flouncy skirts, or extremely tailored skirts.

Pants for the Flamboyant Natural

For pants, menswear tailored styles that have a slightly wide silhouette and relaxed construction are perfect for you. You want them to be roomy and have fullness to their shape (nothing super tight or fitted). Deep, soft pleats and wide, soft cuffs are great details to look out for. You can even try a satin or silk wide-leg as long as they aren’t overly fussy.

Avoid: Fitted pants, draped pants, tapered leg pants, or anything with sharp tailor lines.

Added* Jeans for the Flamboyant Natural

fn gabrielle arruda jean look

Now, famously, Kibbe doesn’t delve too much into “casual” clothes for every type. And while the flamboyant natural is all about those loose, unstructured silhouettes he doesn’t specifically mention which jeans a flamboyant natural should wear (call this an oversight due to the 80s fashion trends). However, based on the style lines and shapes for the Flamboyant natural, jeans should follow a similar look.

I recommend bootcut, straight leg, or slightly wide-leg jeans. Avoid anything too tight; even if you love your skinny jeans, you should consider trying* new silhouettes because they might help you highlight your vertical line and limit your “broadness”… I know, I hate that term too..

Don’t go for jeans that are too tight in the hips and waist, there should be some breathing room so they can keep the loose lines of the FN.

You could also try “trouser” style jeans, or loose mom jeans if you really don’t like the straighter silhouettes. As long as they don’t taper dramatically, and are not fitted throughout, they can work for the FN.

Blouses for the Flamboyant Natural

Long, relaxed tops are best. Keep it extremely roomy with simple details and relaxed construction elements. Clean necklines with unrestricted, wide silhouettes are best. And light camisoles are great as layering pieces within your ensemble.

Avoid: Fitted blouses, overly ornate blouses, fussy details, or blouses with stiff or constricting necklines. No ascot ties or high button collars for you.

flamboyant natural blouse example, loose neckline, soft shoulders, soft but not flowy fabric

Sweaters for the Flamboyant Natural

flamboyant natural swetaers

Thick, heavy, or plushy knits are best. But you can also try shaggy or long-haired knits if you want something a little more “cozy”. In terms of cut, you want long, roomy, with a simple, bold shape.

Fine gauge knits should be used sparingly and if so, they should have an oversized shape. Now Kibbe states “all sweaters should have shoulder pads”, and while shoulder pads have had a resurgence lately, I think for 2023 that’s not sound fashion advice. Opt for sweaters that have a strong shoulder line if it doesn’t have padding.

There isn’t one style of sweater that every FN will love, so you shouldn’t box yourself in. I like to just opt for “relaxed” sweaters that allow easy movement. I do often choose open necklines, but that isn’t necessarily a pre-requisite for FN guidelines.

gabrielle arruda wearing fall fashion sweater from amazon

Avoid: Clingy, lightweight knits, cropped sweaters, or overly fluffy knit textures.

woman in field with chunky knit sweater that hits mid thigh with straight skirt, for flamboyant natural style lines

Dresses for the Flamboyant Natural

flamboyant natural dresses

Sweeping dresses with a bold shape are best for the flamboyant naturals. Broad shoulders with a drop waist or elongated waist are perfect to maintain a soft “T” silhouette.

Glitzy details like shirring, heaving draping, and applique should be generally avoided or used extremely minimally. Bold and abstract patterns can work well for you. You can try narrow, slinky dresses in substantial fabrics or wide and full dresses that are unconstructed.

Bodycon/knit dresses were not readily available in the 80’s when Kibbe first wrote his book. But, bodycon dresses work all body types (generally speaking) because they follow your natural line. I like knit dresses that have open necklines and are longer in length, but every FN will find their own balance.

Avoid: Overly fitted dresses that have crisp details, flouncy dresses, ornate details, and fussy trim.

Evening Wear for the Flamboyant Natural

You can easily incorporate a free-spirit style into your evening wear. Keep the fabrics substantial and you’ll be able to go with a wide range of shapes. Easy necklines, bold prints (see below for exact details), and shoulder emphasis are great details to focus on. Draped jersey works for evening wear but it should have minimal detail OR bold, broad details.

Dropped waists continue to work for your here, as they elongate your vertical line. You can also try a softer style pant ensemble like long jackets with wide-leg soft pants. “Bare” gowns with bold jewelry also work well for your type. And as always, widely cut or unconstructed shapes work well; these can be in jersey, silk, or matte draped fabrics.

Flamboyant Natural Color Palette

The Flamboyant Natural should use colors that are bold and vivid, with rich, vibrant tones to them. Unusual color combinations work for your style and complement your free spirit essence. You can also integrate rich-hued neutrals into your wardrobe and pair them with some of your favorite lush textures. And don’t be afraid of a few vivid colored accents here and there.

Monochromatic outfits can work for you, but they can also feel a bit dull. If you opt for this style you may want to try a more tonal look with a bright and muted shade of the same color.

Avoid: Splashy colored fabrics, dull or muted colors that fall flat

Prints for the Flamboyant Natural Style

Abstract geometrics, soft edge prints, and irregular patterns with a bold and vivid style are perfect for you. Sharp edge prints should generally be avoided and replaced with softer edge prints or “blurry” edge prints. It is recommended to opt for high-contrast prints as well.

Dramatically vivid (yet soft-edged) prints are your sweet spot. You can try animal prints, tropical prints, and anything that has a boho or earthy vibe to it. Just keep it sophisticated and easy overall.

Avoid: Sharly defined lines in prints, overly delicate or small prints, ornate prints, and watercolor florals that can look overly girly.

Accessories for the Flamboyant Natural Style

accessories for the flamboyant natural- unique one-of-a-kind jewelry, abstract shape jewelry, long scarves, woven tote, wide brim fedora hat, and loose unstructured leather tote
shop these pieces

Accessories are really the place where your “dramatic” undercurrent can shine. Your accessories should be bold, oversized, and unique. Ethnic, and cultural pieces are also a great option and maybe reflect your love of traveling. Shapes should be chunky, irregular, and have soft edges. They should be more natural than glitzy- so instead of costume gems, opt for stones or metals.

Belts: Original, unique belts are best. Wide belts and belts with large buckles are great. Just be sure to watch the style of a buckle and make sure it has a more natural feel to it ( not the rhinestone, filagree buckle, ok?).

Hats: Floppy, bold oversized hats are fantastic for you. And generally avoid men’s style hats, and crisp, structured hats. Although personally, I think the wide-brim straight hats work as well!

Tights: You could opt for fun-colored tights or flesh-toned tights. If you have a flamboyant natural ID but want to veer a bit more classic in style, you could also try a sheer black tight, in my opinion. Keep it fun and casual and you will be set.

winter accessories beret and scarf on gabrielle arruda

Shoes and Boots: Flamboyant Natural

flamboyant natural shoes and boots examples: lug sole chelsea boot, nude mule (soft toe), white tennis shoe, loafer, square toe ankle boot with block heel, simple strap sandals, soft toe pump, and flip flop heel
shop these pieces

Shoes should have some shape and be somewhat angular, but not to the extreme. Instead of pointy stilettos, opt for a “soft-point” block heel instead. Flats can be clean, simple, have menswear tailoring, or even have a quirky style.

Boots work well for your free-spirit chic essence- just make sure they aren’t overly dressy ( avoid those stiletto pointy ankle boots). Sandals are best with very minimal details, simple or bare straps.

Avoid Stiletto pumps, delicate or strappy shoes, shoes with a lot of glitz or trim, and anything overly feminine in style.

Remember these are just guidelines so if you find you deviate from these recommendations, it is ok. It can be a reflection of the times trends, and it can be a personal style preference.

Jewelry for the Flamboyant Natural

The jewelry you choose is really the “piece de resistance” to your look. It adds that “flamboyant” touch to your natural side. It’s your way to elevate your creative style and exude some sophistication. Chunky, asymmetrical shapes are great. Elevated, bold pieces or “wearable art” earrings or necklaces are great.

Choosing pieces handmade by real artists, or one-of-a-kind pieces are the perfect touch.

Chunky, irregular shapes of metal are great for impact and a bit of natural “bling”.

You should generally avoid antique jewelry, ornate and intricate pieces, and sharp geometric lines. Small, dainty pieces or minimal “no jewelry” should also be avoided.

STYLING TIP: Flamboyant Natural doesn’t have to be “boho” and I don’t think Kibbe ever promoted it. While boho styles can work beautifully for an FN, if that’s not your vibe opt for loose or relaxed peices and just focus on vertical + width. It does not mean baggy dresses, or shapeless looks.

If you don’t like the look of both loosely unconstructed pieces on both the top and bottom you can try alternating them. You could do a loose top with slightly structured (still soft edges) bottoms, or vice-versa. Depending on your unique features, you’ll have to explore these options once you get a hang of your wardrobe’s best style lines.

Makeup for the Flamboyant Natural

flamboyant natural makeup examples: one with red lip and defined cheek, a bold eye in a brown neutral that is not overly glam, and a full face makeup with smoky brown eye, lip, and a defined/contoured cheek

Your makeup, just like your jewelry, can add the sophistication and elevated style the flamboyant natural needs for balance. Here are some makeup guidelines that should help you:

  • Emphasize/contour your strong features: strong lips, strong eyes, or strong cheekbones. For daytime, I recommend choosing one focal point.
  • Some bold eye makeup works for your face, but avoid colors that are neon, sparkly, or too glitzy.
  • No-makeup makeup is often to subtle for you. If you like this approach I recommend adding one focal feature to add a bit of oomph to your look.
  • You have a strong bone structure, so cheekbone emphasis is often a great technique to try.
  • Deep or bright lipstick works well
  • Sheer, glossy lips also work well
  • Strong eyeshadows in dramatic shades or mid-hue color range work best. Avoid artificial-looking colors, overly bright shades, or pastels
  • Avoid neutral eyeshadows or lip shades as they can wash you out. In my opinion he means “nude” colors or colors that are too close to your skin color. I think neutral brown shades that have some contrast to your skin work well for the FN.
  • Kibbe doesn’t mention this, but I would say be mindful of any eyeliners. Liquid eyeliner will appear too dainty or fussy for you, and a smoky eyeliner can add a bit too much linear emphasis on your eyes (since FNs can have stragiht-shaped eyes). Opt for a shadow option instead

Hair for the Flamboyant Natural

examples of flamboyant natural hairstyles and cuts. the "lion's mane" on cindy crawford, Jane birken's fringe, layered hair cuts loose waves, easy-going cuts

Now, hair types and styles can be hard to apply to every type of flamboyant natural out there. So just use this as a guideline and something to build off of and apply to your unique tresses.

  • Loose, relaxed
  • Layers helps to give that “tousled” effect
  • Face framing layers can help give look, especially if you have finer hair
  • Wolf cuts or Lions mane haircuts work for you, especially if you have some body to your hair
  • You can have some linear outlines to your hairstyle but the layers help add softness and relaxed feel to it.
  • If you have very straight hair with no “body” a shorter cut might be advisable
  • Tousled AND sophisticated


  • Sharp outlines or geometric cuts
  • Blunt cuts with no layering
  • Severe edges
  • Overly polished hairstyles
  • Fussy hairstyles
  • Perms

Flamboyant Natural Hair colors

flamboyant natural hair idea

Ok, so take these suggestions as a general guideline, a lot has changed in hair color techniques and trends since the 80s. I think the general advice still rings true for the FN, but this is where an experienced hairstylist might be able to help.

FN’s should have:

  • Vibrant, rich hues
  • If dying your hair, keep it close to the natural shade.
  • Streaks/highlights (let’s call this modern-day balayage) can give you that natural, sun-kissed glow.
  • Kibbe recommends if you are bold, you could try bold, dramatic streaks for a lynx cat look. I would not use this as a general recommendation for every FN, so please heavily consider this one prior to trying it out.


  • Artificial shades like platinum, blue-black, or fiery red. Anything that looks unnatural to you.
  • Over lightening or highlighting your hair
  • I’m adding in extensions that look “fussy” or “high maintenance”. If you opt for extensions, use them to add a little volume, not to become Ariana Grande.

Flamboyant Natural Outfit Ideas

Remember that these are just style guidelines, and body type references. While I think it can be incredibly helpful to understand your body shape and your Kibbe type to help you understand why certain outfits do or don’t work on you, it is also just a foundation.

Here are some flamboyant natural outfit ideas that I’ve created that don’t go strictly “hippie” or “boho”. They follow the majority of the style lines and nod towards the “Free Spirit Chic” but have a modern sensibility to them.

Remember when I said you could keep your style lines but not lean into the “free-spirit chic” as much? Well, this is a great example of that concept. This outfit has soft edges ( the coat, scarf, and blouse), has straight-leg jeans (that fit the loose pant guidelines), and a nude (soft point) shoe that ideally won’t draw any attention since it’s neutral. The shoe also has an asymmetrical line that helps balance out that slightly pointed toe.

This FN outfit is long, unconstructed, casual, but also doesn’t lean into the hippie look. The unique earrings also help it feel more FN.

Again, if you are reading this you are probably looking for “everyday” outfits you can wear as a flamboyant natural, that don’t feel too “costumey” or “80s-inspired.

This outfit has the casual FN aesthetic in a modern and sophisticated way. The broad brim hat and the unique earrings fit the FN guidelines perfectly. The sweater has weight to it, and it’s mid-thigh, while the jeans have a straight, loose fit.

This dress is asymmetrical, draped, and shows off your shoulder line. While the fabric is a little daintier than the traditional FN, I think it works for a more formal event. The nude heels have asymmetrical lines and would ideally become invisible since they are nude. This way you can get a glamorous heel, without breaking up your vertical line.

The makeup is exactly what a flamboyant natural should do- bold lip, defined cheekbones, and some eye emphasis.

And the coat has soft lines, a longer hem, and a wide lapel- which all coincide with the FN guidelines.

Not every FN will do well with or like the closed neckline of this dress. If it feels like it’s suffocating your width or making your shoulders wider, then opt for a more open neckline.

Wide-leg soft jeans with a blurred edge, high-contrast print? Perfect for the FN. Add in an oversized coat and staple flamboyant natural accessories, you have a winning outfit. And it doesn’t feel too “boho”.

Kibbe mentions that for the flamboyant natural, the fabric weight is really important. And while slinky dresses aren’t an overwhelming silhouette for the FN, they work well in a knit fabric like the one above. That paired with some cool boots, and a soft oversized coat is a perfect fall ensemble.

So, this breaks some of the FN guidelines, but I do think it gives the general flamboyant natural aesthetic.

Now, if you remember the FN celebrities, there are lots of different ways people can hold their weight and varying degrees of “broadness” and verticality. This outfit, while it does break up your vertical line with a half-tucked tee and the seaming on the skirt, but also exudes “free-spirit chic” in a modern way.

The boots, bag, and jewelry all work well based on Kibbe’s guidelines. And I think as long as you have a long vertical line, the padded shoulder in the tee will help you highlight the soft “t-silhouette”.

But, as always, this outfit may or may not work for your specific proportions.

Want a city-style outfit that still follows the FN lines? Here you go.

I love this outfit for a casual weekend outing or a business casual workday. The accessories give you that “free-spirit chic” vibe and the main outfit components follow the recommended style lines, but it doesn’t read overly boho or casual.

flamboyant natural outfit idea, long coats layered with dress and loafers
quirky outfit for FN, leather jacket, sunglasses tinted, tan sweater and tan pants
flamboyant natural outfit idea with jeans

Shop the Flamboyant Natural Pieces

If you don’t see a piece, it’s because it’s sold out. I try to replace it with similar FN-approved items.

Natural Style Essence

Now the Kibbe system does include style essences, but Kibbe has already pre-selected your essence. For instance, a Flamboyant Natural would be natural essence with a dramatic essence undercurrent.

The video below is a deep dive into a tangental style essence theory frequently accredited to John Kitchener. So if you think you have the natural essence, it can be good supplemental information!

I like to merge both my Kitchener Essences with my Kibbe ID to help round out my style choices. Here are some Flamboyant Natural + Essence Outfit ideas.

flamboyant natural with dramatic essence
This is a guide for Kibbe’s Flamboyant Naturals. This style is all about being comfortable and confident in your own skin, but it may take some time for you to get used to wearing these types of clothes. In this guide we will talk through everything from where to shop for items and how to style your FN looks!  Flamboyant Natural Style, Flamboyant Natural Outfits, Flamboyant Natural Aesthetic, FN accessories, and flamboyant natural makeup and hair
kibbe flamboyant natural with natural essence meets girly styles
kibbe fn with gamine essence
A bit atypical of traditional FN looks, but I think it’s all about the head to toe look
flamboyant natural with classic essence
kibbbe fn with classic essence
kibbe flamboyant natural with romantic essence
kibbe flamboyant natural romantic essence casual
kibbe fn with romantic essence fancy
This one leans a bit more traditionally SD but could work beautifully for some FNs

So I personally identify as Flamboyant Natural and here are some of my outfits. Not all of them represent traditional FN guidelines, but I do try to keep my width and vertical in mind and my full head-to-toe design in mind. And this might just help you visualize some of the possibilities.

Wow, that was a lot of information to digest.

The key points are: keep it soft, but not too subtle or neat, and don’t be afraid to add in some dramatic flair for a little bit more edge. When shopping, be sure to try on clothes that have roomy shapes with loose fits and soft edges.

Think about the name of your ID; flamboyant natural. So keep the base of your look natural, soft, and loose, but don’t forget to add those flamboyant, dramatic touches. It’s like you’re a fancy, free spirit!

You can add some funky colors or fabrics when you feel like it.

As always, experiment and see what works for you and how your unique style comes out!

This guide should not box in your style but show you some baseline options that will always work for you. From there you can expand upon it, and integrate any style essence or style preference that works for you.

Now, go be the most sophisticated free spirit out there!

Calling all my FN’s- save the below pin for reference

flamboyant natural style guide

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  1. This is so helpful and inspiring! I’m excited to try and create some FN type outfits now. Thank you for this comprehensive guide, Gabrielle!

  2. Thank you so much Gabriella! Your outfits for FNs are perfect for me! This will make my life so much easier. So grateful!

  3. I always come back to your pages because it’s really detailed information and a different approach which is a plus to me. Iam with kibbe since 2019 started wird Sn to R to Sd to N Fn. Since about a year I think Iam either a FN oder a Sd. I gained weight. About 15kg so it’s Hard to see. My forearm and caves are super slim and never gets thicker. My hands are big and loong fingers and toes. Feed are long and narrow. I have a huge breast. I’m 170cm and if Iam skinny about 60kg I’ll have double D. But always have around 65-75 DD and now 75J cup. My butt and legs are relatively small (fat) in comparison to my love handels or face. If I gain weight my face gets super round. If Iam skinny I look like a different Person in the face. I feel like my waist is really small but I have width to my shoulders. But people almost always guess my right height. Maybe slightly bigger.
    I’ve testet many outfits and the one I especially liked fit both the FN Sd sometimes
    I don’t know mich about style and Fashion. I’ve learned a lot since 2019.

    I guess my question is
    What are the distinct differences between a SD and a FB?

    1. I think you’re over-focusing on some of your individual traits instead of looking at your entire head to toe balance of yin/yang. FN’s have kibbe width, so they can be curvy (like Tracy Ellis Ross) but that shoulder line means they don’t “need” curve accommodation. Fabric wouldn’t look lumpy if draped from their shoulders. Because SD’s do not have that shoulder/upper torso width if fabric is draped over their body they need that curve accommodation because their line sketch has a continous curve (both upper and lower curve). I have a video that briefly goes over it (but I want to be clear there can be curvy FN’s… so your best bet is to figure out if you have kibbe width).

      SDs- vertical and curve accommodation, FN’s- width and vertical

  4. This is a really helpful guide! I feel like mostly I understand FN, but I’m still confused about one thing. As someone who’s a flamboyant natural and an inverted triangle, It seems that Kibbe encourages me to bring out my broad shoulders, while the body shape system says to play them down and balance them with my hips. I read this assuming they were compatible systems, but now I’m not so sure.
    I’m curious to hear your perspective

    1. They have completely different goals. Kibbe encourages you to embrace your lines and show off your dominant traits. The fruit system/inverted triangle is all about trying to visually balance out your body to look more hourglass. They are not really compatible in that sense. That being said you can still use both systems for different outfits depending on the day our vibe you are going after. I prefer to use my Kibbe ID for most outfit formulas, though.

  5. I read this as well since I think I would be a SN in the current system, but I like the pure N recs more. Will you make guides for the pure types as well? I know it is a lot of work, and I would understand if you don’t since Kibbe don’t use the pure types anymore…
    Thanks for all your work!

  6. Wow! Thorough article. Thanks so much, Gabriella. It would be interesting to see and hear your thoughts for how to integrate the golden mean into the FN outfits utilizing thirds and not constructing outfits that cut us in half. Thanks

    1. I think the same principles apply- you would just want to avoid sharp lines that cut up your body ( like avoid a pop color belt), I frequently use the french tuck with high waist jeans to keep a good casual golden ratio for my FN frame.

  7. Hello, I am a frequent visitor of your page/youtube! My quiz results: 8 A, 4 B, 4 C, 1 D, 2 E… As mostly in Skeleton/flesh.. and c/b/e in facial. i am 5’2.5″ and 102 lbs, I have a high metabolism so always look pretty lean.. Do you think i am a tiny FN ? thanks!!

    1. You could be, there are no lower height limits. However, I would probably explore the Soft Natural or the Flamboyant Gamine first

  8. Wow, this is the most accurate and comprehensive body typing system info I have ever come across! I thought I was pure Kibbe Natural until I read this, and I am clearly FN, which means I am not being brave enough with my wardrobe to embrace the ‘flamboyant’ in me. It explains why I love to wrap up in giant cashmere shawls in winter but struggle to look good the other seasons. This has given me new confidence to try clothes outside my bland and boring comfort zone.

  9. Since beginning to rabbit trail into the abyss of Kibbe I’ve poured over your analysis of different types and essences and sincerely appreciated your clear communication of an intense and elaborate system. And, I love your reminders to wear what fits you well and suits who you are! My one specific question relates to separates. I love to wear cardigans and I think that will still suit my growing knowledge of my body type as FN. But, is the only want to avoid breaking vertical to wear a top in a similar colour tone to the bottom? I also realize you talk about overall lines and silhouettes so maybe a vertical break is okay in the top/bottom if the completer cardigan still contributes to overall vertical line. I hope that’s a clear question, and any thoughts are much appreciated!

    1. Yes I think if the cardigan is longer it would still accomplish vertical. While “vertical” gets pigeon-holed into monochrome or tonal ( which does accomplish it), its not the only way to create a long vertical line.

  10. Gabrielle thank you for all this information because you are the only one who has explained so much information in depth.
    I always thought of myself as soft dramatic, but thanks to you, I realized I was a flamboyant natural. I’ve been thinking all this time why soft dramatic outfits don’t suit me! but the problem is that some flamboyant natural outfits don’t look good either. Thanks to you, I also learn about my essences. I’m quite tall, we agree, but my legs and breasts are too full for a flamboyant natural. this fullness makes my waist look thin and I love it. Although flowy tops suit my broad shoulders, I look like a rectangle because they prevent my waistline. so i look bigger than i am and my body looks opposite to my face because i have a small face. As my body looks bigger, my face looks smaller. I have a small amount of ingenue essence on my face and it confuses me even more. I love the natural power of my body. I love my length. I love to reflect these features that match my character on my clothes. but I don’t want it to interfere with my more gentle, clean and unpretentious feminine side. As you mentioned in your videos, I will make a style map that reflects myself. I’d love to show you this too, but I’m still working on it. that’s why i keep coming back to this page.
    Thank you very much for all your work. Thank you very much for making my peace with myself and expressing myself better, for doing your job diligently. Have a nice day!

  11. Hi thanks for this great article! Would you suggest wearing these long flowy shirts untucked with these wider leg pants? I’m concerned about a sloppy look. Thanks for your help…I’m still going between FN and SD and the styling is so different!!

    1. FN’s don’t need oversized, and they can do waist definition they just generally don’t “need” it. I’d focus on your full outfit and polish it as you feel it is best. I use the french tuck a lot personally

  12. I’d love to know your thoughts on capes & capelets for FNs?! I’m a HUGE cape-wearer & just discovered I’m an FN & always get tons of compliments on them & on how I wear them/how they look on me, but now am wondering if it’s just because they’re so different or if it’s because they’re truly flattering?

  13. Thank you so much! I think I might have finally found my type. I had thought dramatic classic or soft dramatic, but the style suggestions just don’t fit me at all and my bone structure is very large (wrist circumference off the female charts altogether). These, however, seemed the only ones with weight gain patterns that even came close. FN not only fits my weight gain pattern (though I haven’t lost my waist definition, I do gain almost exclusively from the waist down, like a D or DC), but it also fits very well the style I’ve always naturally gravitated to. I hate stiff details like manly collars and the short, straight skirts recommended for D types, as they make me look strangled or cut short.

    Thanks for the helpful suggestions and ideas for more comfortable styles. I feel like I can put these to good use. 🙂

  14. Love this guide, the most detailed walkthrough i found so far. And I’ve searched for months hahah.
    I am a FN. More on the Dramatic side than Natural.
    I am quite a challenging mix cuz I am a Light Spring and look best in all the baby-like colors: baby blue, light pink, lilac (both clothes, makeup and hair color). Which is contrasting a lot with what is considered best for FN.
    For all the confused FNs out there, sometimes there are exceptions that contradict the general recommendations, all you have to do is to find the middle ground <3

    saved this post to my Pinterest, Thank you <3

  15. What a doozy! Jam packed with great information! Thank you so much, I got some wonderful inspiration for looks and pieces to incorporate!

  16. Wow! That was a lot of information! Thank you so much. I’m pretty sure I’m FN. My body type seems comparable to Liv Tyler somewhat. I am 5’9″ and overweight at about 175 lbs (I should be about 150-155). I have long arms and legs, no real waist, inseam of 33″ from groin to floor, large hands and feet (size 9 shoe). I have a very difficult time finding clothes that fit. Although I love all the examples you have given, I know I can never tuck in a shirt (and I dont like the french tuck) as it makes me look very square. Also, jackets with pockets, buttons, and/or belts never line up on my body in a flattering way. They always look awkward. So… Im going to try the ones you show that have no belts, buttons or pockets, and nothing tucked lol Thanks for reading! I appreciate your information so much!

    1. You’re welcome! Again, it really is a personal journey and I think the fact you’ve noticed what you do and don’t like on yourself is a great starting point! ANd Liv tyler is a great style icon.

  17. From thinking I was SC, now here I am at FN <3 It’s hard for me to figure out if I’m SN or FN – I am 5’5, and feel like I don’t have a STRONG vertical line so much as I am maybe just not curvy enough for SN…so it’s hard not to feel like the recs for FN are just making me feel like my body isn’t really curvy enough to show and thus I must drown it in fabric… (I’m being a little facetious here, but what does one do if they are stuck in the middle? Modify the guidelines? For me, oversized on both top and bottom is not going to work! But then I look at SNs and think I am not really “shapely” like that, if that makes sense. I am probably overthinking this, but I really admire how you approach this kind of thing, so I wondered if you had any insight.)

    1. If you don’t feel you have kibbe curve + width but you do have width then I would definitely explore FN. I don’t think oversized is recommended for Fn’s and Kibbe doesn’t really ever use it in his styling for any IDs. I just think it’s been over stereotyped. I’d explore more relaxed cuts and see how they work for your body, no need to drown in fabric! I consider myself fairly narrow yet have kibbe width, it’s not as cut and dry as you might think and there is a huge variety of body styles in each ID.

  18. So we should avoid bodycon skirts like pencil skirts but bodycon dresses work? Would they work if they were long enough?

    1. I think it depends more on the full look. Stretch fabrics innately accommodate width. And the bodycon dress I wear and like doesn’t taper “inwards” it hugs my hips and generally fall straight which I personally have found a helpful guideline. But yymv with this advice and it’s best to test it out for yourself and not look at it like “strictly avoid”

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