Tiziano Ferro's Public Exchange with Mara Maionchi: Gratitude, Advice, and Family Moments

Tiziano Ferro's Public Exchange with Mara Maionchi: Gratitude, Advice, and Family Moments

Tiziano Ferro's Public Exchange with Mara Maionchi: Gratitude, Advice, and Family Moments
2 Minutes of Reading
Sunday 5 May 2024, 20:00 - Last updated: 7 May, 08:50
Tiziano Ferro is back in everyone's mouth after the recent back and forth with Mara Maionchi, his former record producer. It all started with the producer, who, in an interview on Belve, blamed the singer-songwriter from Latina for not being grateful enough towards her and her husband who made him what he is: "I think Tiziano Ferro did not realize how lucky he was to meet us. Because he didn't think that both my husband and I helped him to be what he partly is. But it's not important, gratitude is not mandatory." Mara Maionchi receives the Golden Tapir: "Tiziano Ferro? Maybe he forgot about me, I missed our relationship." The back and forth: "I have always been grateful to you, I have shown it a million times on a million occasions so I wonder: why this? Why now? (...) If this was really what you thought, why didn't you ever tell me during one of these occasions? I would have reassured you, I would have apologized and thanked you again, as always and without a problem," Tiziano Ferro replied with a story on Instagram, followed by the repost of an article by Grazia Sambruna accusing Mara Maionchi of forcing the singer to hide his homosexuality and to lose weight at the beginning of his career to be more successful. Mara then responded during the Eurovision press conference (where she serves as a commentator with Gabriele Corsi), that she would have preferred human gratitude, rather than economic, a call or an extra message. Then she concluded on Instagram stories, sending back to the sender the accusations made by others, with: "Good luck for your projects and for the serenity I wish you to find: stick close to the family because that's all that really matters." A piece of advice that Tiziano Ferro seems to have taken to heart. The photo with Margarita and Andreas: Tiziano Ferro took Mara Maionchi's advice to heart because a few hours after the end of the back and forth, he shared a tender photo with his children, Margarita and Andreas, dressed elegantly, ready for some important ceremony. Little Margarita wears a salmon-colored dress, with white shoes and a white shoulder cover, while for Andreas, the choice fell on a sweet suit and salmon-colored tie that matches the same shade of the sister's dress. The same outfit also for Tiziano Ferro who smiles among his two children, proud as ever and the dedication: "A very small story." The sweet family is ready for a very important event, but of which almost nothing is known, given Ferro's deep privacy towards his little ones.
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