Frontier Uprising (1961) - Turner Classic Movies

Frontier Uprising


Brief Synopsis

Jim Davis, Nancy Hadley, Ken Mayer, Nestor Paiva, Don O'Kelly. While leading pioneers to the West Coast, frontier scout Jim Davis discovers that the U.S. has gone to war with Mexico. Hordes of attacking Mexicans and hostile Indians enliven this remake of KIT CARSON which uses stock footage from the original 1940 version

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1961
Premiere Information
Kansas City, Missouri, opening: 1 Mar 1961
Production Company
Zenith Pictures, Inc.
Distribution Company
United Artists
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the short story "Kit Carson" by George Bruce (publication undetermined).


Following an Indian raid in which frontier scout Jim Stockton loses a year's trapping of fur skins, he and his two friends, Beaver and Lopez, agree to lead a wagon train of settlers, accompanied by a detail of U. S. Cavalry soldiers, into Mexican-owned California. Consuela, the beautiful daughter of a pro-American Spanish nobleman, is also among the passengers, and both Stockton and Lieutenant Kilpatrick compete for her attention. All are unaware that Mexico has recently declared war on the United States, and that Mexican Gen. Rafael Torena has formed an alliance with the hostile Madoc Indians. At the California border the troops depart for Oregon, but they are trapped in a canyon by the Indians. Stockton and his two comrades blow up the blocked entrance and rescue the soldiers, who rejoin the wagon train and help fight off a savage Indian attack. Meanwhile, Consuela's father, Don Carlos Montalvo, warns the U. S. forces in Fort Monterey of a forthcoming assault. The wagon train arrives as the Mexicans reach the garrison. Sensing that the cavalry is vastly outnumbered, Stockton persuades the commander to dynamite the bastion rather than let the Mexicans gain control of it. The explosions drive the enemy away, and Stockton wins the affection of Consuela.

Film Details

Release Date
Jan 1961
Premiere Information
Kansas City, Missouri, opening: 1 Mar 1961
Production Company
Zenith Pictures, Inc.
Distribution Company
United Artists
United States
Screenplay Information
Based on the short story "Kit Carson" by George Bruce (publication undetermined).

