夫妻的英文單字,夫妻的英文是什麽 - 英漢詞典



半路夫妻Halfway couples ; Remarriage Of A Police Woman

錯體夫妻American Dreamer

夫妻愛Married Love ; Couples in love


夫妻感情破裂alienation of mutual affection

夫妻共有財產estates by the entirety

夫妻關系conjugal relation


夫妻生活Love & Marriage

夫妻同居權conjugal relation

夫妻之間Between Couples ; Husband and Wife ; Husbands & Wives ; Between Themselves

冷戰夫妻Barefoot in the Park ; A couple in cold war

隱形夫妻The Invisible Pair


  • 他們倆仍是一對夫妻

    they are still a couple.

  • 我弟弟和他的妻子是一對幸福的夫妻

    my brother and his wife are a happy couple.

  • 最后,牧師宣布重大時刻的到來:「我現在宣布你們成為夫妻

    finally the minister announces the big moment: 「i now pronounce you man and wife.

  • 并不是說這些夫妻在婚姻中失去了自己;相反的,他們自我成長了。

    it’s not that these couples lost themselves in the marriage; instead, they grew in it.

  • 作為夫妻,你們一定要在解決問題的時候做出清醒的決定。

    as a couple you must make the conscious decision to work through your problems.

  • 我們也發現許多夫妻享受這些層面的動作。

    we find many couples that enjoy this level of play.

  • 這對老夫妻不愿意進行這次談話。

    the couple is reluctant to have this conversation.

  • 夫妻能和睦相處就是一種成就。

    to live together harmoniously as men and women is an achievement.

  • 現在夫妻雙方分別按各自的收入納稅。

    husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes.

  • 盡管很多愛情可能僅僅包含一兩個因素,夫妻還是應該注意所有的三方面并探討是否有必要去培養這三方面的感情。

    a lot of relationships, though, tend to contain just one or two elements, and couples should look at all three areas to find out if any need to be nurtured.

  • 如果你們之間屬於那種短期關系的話,更像室友而不是夫妻,那么我得說如果他只是一個室友他應該為自己埋單。

    if this is a short term relationship, and you’re more like roommates than a couple, then i’d say he should pay as if he was a roommate.

  • 在一種相互委身的關系里,一對夫妻建造一面墻,以阻止外界的勢力進入其中而使他們分開。」格拉斯寫到。

    」in a committed relationship, a couple constructs a wall that shields them from any outside forces that have the power to split them, " glass writes.

  • 這對夫妻於1990年結婚,還有兩個年長的兒子和孫子。

    the couple were married in 1990 and have two older sons and grandchildren.

  • 盡管所有的夫妻都需要對彼此做出退步,但是你們的生活追求在本質上應是相同的,并且能夠朝著這個目標攜手共進。

    although all couples have to make compromises you should essentially want the same things out of life and be able to work towards them together.

  • 大約1/6的夫妻有受孕困難。

    about one in six couples has difficulty conceiving.

  • 他們是夫妻嗎?

    are they husband and wife?

  • 約會時看電影對夫妻是個好選擇,但是為什么他們就能享受所有的樂趣呢?

    movie dates are great for couples, but why should they have all the fun?

  • 這意味著,夫妻在決定他們完全能夠共享一個未來之前,就必須在溝通方面有更多的技巧,相互之間要有較深的了解。

    this means couples need to have more skill in communicating and a deeper knowledge of each other before deciding they are compatible enough to share a future.

  • 很多傳統的夫妻在開始親密關系之初都會感覺他們經歷了這一步,然后才安定下來。

    many traditional couples feel like they go through this stage at the beginning of their relationship, then settle into a pattern.

  • 遭遇海難的那對夫妻被兩名漁夫救起。

    the shipwrecked couple were rescued by two fishermen.

  • 這對夫妻被巨大的水流卷走了。

    the couple were swept away by the strong current.

  • 我認識很多夫妻,其中有年輕的,也有年老的,有婚姻美滿的,也有陷入危機的,他們都從這些課程中獲得收益。

    i know of lots of couples, young and old, with good marriages as well as ones in crisis, who have benefited from it.

  • 夫妻兩人對他們婚姻出現問題的謠言一笑置之。

    the couple laughed off rumours that their marriage was in trouble.

  • 有好多年,那對夫妻跌宕起伏的關系總是登上報紙頭條。

    for years, the couple's tempestuous relationship made the headlines.

  • 笑咧咧的夫妻把東西裝上他們的紅色跑車后疾馳而去。

    the giggling couple loaded up their red sports car and drove off.

  • 我最近一次聽說時,喬和艾琳仍然是一對快樂的夫妻

    the last i heard, joe and irene were still happily married.

  • 這樣的夫妻的孩子擁有許多優勢,但是這樣的孩子還不是很多。

    the children of such couples have every advantage, but there are not many of them.

  • 我和他們相熟有50多年,他倆一直都是好萊塢的完美夫妻,直到紐曼去世。

    i knew them well for more than 50 years and they were the perfect hollywood couple until his death.

  • 當我和我的丈夫去參加夫妻療法時,這個治療師安排我們讀書。

    when i went to couples therapy with my husband, the therapist assigned us reading.

  • 大部分城市里的夫妻只被允許生一個小孩,但是也有例外。

    in most cities couples are allowed only one child, but there are exceptions.

  • 他們將會是唯一知道這次背叛行為的人,經過一段合情理的哀悼時間,六個月,或者一年,他們就可以作為夫妻出現在大眾面前。

    they would be the only people who knew about the betrayal, and after an appropriate time of mourning, six months, a year, they could appear as a couple in public.