Serene’s Job? (NOT a pass of judgement. She 🔥.) I’ve never seen teachers post bikini pics like this publicly. Most schools have strict rules (mine does) about Social Media Use. Again, I def don’t agree with modesty policies, was just confused when I saw this. Her Insta seems like she’s a model! : r/thebachelor Skip to main content

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Serene’s Job? (NOT a pass of judgement. She 🔥.) I’ve never seen teachers post bikini pics like this publicly. Most schools have strict rules (mine does) about Social Media Use. Again, I def don’t agree with modesty policies, was just confused when I saw this. Her Insta seems like she’s a model!

r/thebachelor - Serene’s Job? (NOT a pass of judgement. She 🔥.) I’ve never seen teachers post bikini pics like this publicly. Most schools have strict rules (mine does) about Social Media Use. Again, I def don’t agree with modesty policies, was just confused when I saw this. Her Insta seems like…
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u/Bored_in_2020 avatar

Honestly, teaching sucks right now. I’m sure she’s ready to bail & become an influencer thanks to bachelor exposure.

She’s a teacher in Oklahoma City. I live there, and there is a HUGE teacher shortage in this state. It wouldn’t surprise me if the schools need teachers so bad that it doesn’t matter what their online presence looks like

u/courtneysanchez avatar

I’m a female high school teacher in my 20s. My social media is LOCKED DOWN. And there’s no way I would post these things publicly. I am conscientious of what I post on private account in case students or families know someone who follows me. I definitely don’t think she’s a teacher lol


I don’t understand the purpose of this post. She looks great. She is also a teacher. No need to speculate on modesty clauses if we’re not involved in the contract

Is she an active teacher?

Maybe her account was private and she made it public for the show

u/CityOfSins2 avatar

I mean.. she went on the bachelor soooo not surprised by modeling pics.

But anyways, some teachers fuck their students. Not all teachers are good people, and not all teachers are modest. Guessing she’s not breaking any rules. That, or her districts head wants to bang her

u/Raginghangers avatar

Having racy photos online (not your students’ or teachers business anymore than a students’ parents’ dating life is a teachers’ business) is NOT the same thing as f-ing your students, in the slightest (that would be very much students’ and parents’ business)

u/CityOfSins2 avatar

Huh? I never said it was the same thing.

My point was not all teachers are the same. Some are good, some are bad. Some are modest, some are not. Some don’t post on social media in fear of their students finding it, some do.

I for one, don’t really care that she posts modeling photos. It’s not like anyone with eyes doesn’t already know she’s a hot teacher. So who cares.

But putting every single person who chose teaching as their career, on some crazy pedestal, is just ridiculous. They’re still human beings. She’s a young, hot, human being. Let her live.

u/Raginghangers avatar

Oh sure. My apologies. I took you to be saying that all these behaviors were bad.

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Lots of non-teachers in this thread who don’t get it. My high school students would have a fucking field day trying to see what inappropriate stuff they could get away with saying if I posted something like this. They would all be texting it to each other in group chats, making memes of it, breaking all kinds of boundaries in how they talk to me. If people don’t think that’s true, they don’t spend time around high school kids. And on top of that, my school has a policy about our social media being private. We don’t need parents scrutinizing our social lives to feed their agendas.

I remember when we were in grade school, we found one of my teachers MySpace or xanga and she was talking about how she named her double D boobs and we gossiped about that shit so much. So I completely agree with you

u/amaraqi avatar

Except .. Serene teaches 3rd graders. Even for people who didn’t Google, her title during her bachelor entrance was literally “elementary school teacher.” People talking about what high school students would do are bringing in something that’s not very relevant here.

I was responding to early comments in this thread about how teachers should do whatever they want. Not worth arguing about.

u/amaraqi avatar

I think those comments were more addressing why we felt the need to dissect this here in the first place. If someone is wondering whether Serene is actually an elementary school teacher, they could Google that info in 5min and find out. Question of whether she’s actually a teacher would be solved. There isn’t really a need to screenshot and dissect her in front of a 200K person public audience, and question her credentials - isn’t that doing exactly what people are concerned her school will do? It seems like it’s actually worse lol.

Like, idk - it’s the cognitive dissonance for me. Teachers are saying “it’s terrible we are judged like this and have to abide by these standards to be respected” — but then doing it even worse to another teacher who was minding her business, and balancing her career on her own terms without issue.

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You clearly haven’t met any 8 and 9 year old boys recently have you lol

u/amaraqi avatar

I don’t know what kind of analogy you’re trying to draw here, but 8 and 9 year old boys are not high school students. Just…no.

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u/HGpennypacker avatar

People who don't think this is a big deal haven't interacted with teenagers in a few years, it's a different today than it was even five years ago.

This. All of this. Social work is the exact same. Our lives are hard enough without the added stress of the scenarios you’ve described.

u/Princessleiawastaken avatar

But it shouldn’t be like that. We acknowledge that it is, but that should change.

That’s a great solution but until we can fix how all the children in this country behave, these rules apply. We want to change a lot of things, but there are certain rules in place for a reason.


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I think we are talking about teachers in general. We clearly don’t know her situation but as educators, we’re surprised that she’s still teaching with a public profile like this. That’s all.

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Omg thank you! It’s incredible how many people are losing their minds over this. It comes with the territory of teaching children. Parents in this country are INSANE. Right now, they’re fighting about having their kids unmasked in the classrooms because it’s such an inconvenience. Why would you want to jeopardize your career when you can just…GO PRIVATE. It’s not rocket science.

Edited to add: Society is not perfect. Kids can be major assholes. These are both facts. Since we live in a society with some asshole kids, we need to have certain rules in place in schools to protect our boundaries. I think some of the comments here are made by people who have never taught middle school and high school aged kids before. If you look young, it’s hard as it is to gain their respect. Now if you have modeling pics of yourself online for them to find, good luck ever gaining their respect.

This kind of logic seems like victim blaming to me (Society sucks and kids are assholes, therefore teachers need to adhere to rules).

It’s not victim blaming, it’s called adapting. Life isn’t always fair and sometimes you have to make sacrifices for your careers. As an educator I’d make my profile private so that parents don’t start a ruckus and/or to create clear boundaries between me and my students so that I can maintain respect in my classroom. There’s other jobs that would frown upon this social media activity as well. It’s not fair but it’s what educators have to do to keep their jobs.

I'm an educator and I keep my profiles private too, but it doesn't mean that others should. It especially doesn't mean that there should be rules to "protect our boundaries".

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u/amaraqi avatar

She teaches 3rd graders. Not middle school or high schoolers. And her Instagram page is probably a job - she likely makes supplementary income as an’s public for a reason. Her photos are similar to mainstream modeling photos — there’s literally nothing explicit or code of conduct breaking. People are talking about her page like it’s a public OnlyFans and it’s weird.

I think considering the fact that teachers are making enormous sacrifices right now on behalf of students, working in hazard conditions and accommodating all kinds of complex student situations at risk to their own health, and are doing it all while being massively overworked and underpaid….people being this judgmental about this feels kind of ridiculous. She teaches 8 year olds. Schools shouldn’t be jeopardizing students’ education and risk losing a qualified teacher over something so irrelevant.


Schools shouldn’t be enforcing this, that’s true. But that’s the reality of the situation unfortunately.

u/amaraqi avatar

Nobody was actually judging her here though, until someone made the decision to screenshot her page, post it in this sub, and open a discussion with 200K members of the public questioning her teaching credentials.

If we think it’s unfair for teachers to be judged in this way, then why do it ourselves, unprompted? Saying “well I just was wondering if she was actually a teacher” doesn’t really cut it bc like i said, most people here didn’t even do enough basic googling to know she’s an elementary school teacher. Googling and checking her page would be the best way to answer that question. If people have time to discuss here they have time to confirm online.

It’s actually more like people are implying, “she shouldn’t be able to be a teacher with a page like that” - and that’s very different.

There’s a difference between 1) “teachers are working in an oppressive system and it sucks. Let’s support teachers as much as we can.” And 2) “teachers are working in an oppressive system and I agree that’s the way it should be.”

A lot of people are saying (2) but pretending to say (1) and it should just be clear.

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YES. Yes yes yes. I teach high school students and they’ve said things even about teachers who are fully clothed in baggy clothing. This would destroy all boundaries.

Okay, so how is this the fault of the teachers?

u/amaraqi avatar

She teaches 8 year olds…she’s a 3rd grade teacher.

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She kinda reminds me of another online model/influencer, Olivia McDowell

u/ziyiyiyiyi avatar

I feel like it all depends on what type of school you work at. I remember nayte getting comments about him posting michelle on her bikini and tbh.. she was on a whole ass tv show where we see her in bikini’s lol


I don’t think anyone should be shamed for what they wear but most of Michelle’s swimwear and clothing was on the more conservative side. I also think she was very mindful of how she came across because she’s a teacher.

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I mean, there is way more to the story here. He recently resigned because of the harassment he was receiving over critical race theory hysteria bullshit, and the parents who were outraged over these photos definitely had an issue with an interracial relationship.

Those pics don’t even reveal anything, wtf


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u/postmonroe avatar

Does she live in OK or is she just from there? I was sort of under the impression she lived in LA now


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u/postmonroe avatar

I did a little instagram deep dive. Looks like she’s signed by Willhemenia Denver, but you are right she has posted in OKC and also Denver. Who is to say! Lol

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I work in higher Ed and THE OPPRESSIVE SM RULES. Ugh

Not a pass of judgment? Proceeds to pass judgment: "I've never seen teachers post bikini pics like this publicly". OP you're really shady for this.

I think you’re misinterpreting the OP. She’s not passing judgement

😂 Y’all clearly do not understand how oppressive #TeacherLife is. Sheeeeshhh!


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Are you aware of the occupation outside of your own personal experience though? It doesn't seem like you are because you seem to think your good fortune that you don't have a Social Media employment policy that prevents this, means that all teacher's experience the same thing. When in actuality, many have "morality" clauses in their contracts that prevent it. Or they have admins that would "frown" on it or parents/students that would make their lives difficult over it. Being a teacher doesn't mean you automatically know how it works all over or even necessarily what's it like for other teachers in your area, you have to listen to outside perspective for that.

I hate to say "check your privilege" but this definitely feels like a post from someone not aware of a common complaint from some other teachers about their jobs. I am not even a teacher and even I'm aware of it along with general things like low pay, dangerous or difficult students, bad or controlling parents, etc.

Are you aware of the occupation outside of your own personal experience though?

That's a question for OP? She's the one who made a post saying I've never seen a teacher with an Instagram like this. Just because that isn't her experience doesn't mean there aren't other teachers like Serene.

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Huh? She is clearly not judging personally, just asking how she gets away with it.

But they didn’t say that’s how they think she should act? They were commenting more on how modesty policies are insane

THANK YOU. - Michael Scott

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I’m a female high school teacher in my mid 20s who teaches upperclassmen and if I posted photos like this publicly my life would be hell. Students are smart and can find anything! It would be impossible to do my job unfortunately with kids having access to these pics :( she looks hot af though so good on her for not having to deal!


Absolutely. One day I found out that my students were all following my little sister on social media bc they used her name on Kahoot 🤦🏻‍♀️. They’d absolutely find this.

KAHOOT! Damn Kahoot always brings out the pranksters 😂

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What kind of school would shame a teacher for body confidence and wearing a bathing suit when a male teacher doing the same wouldn’t warrant this post? What does that teach kids? This type of thinking is outdated, offensive and misogynistic. And teachers saying their school frowns on it or high schoolers would objectify them - it should be a teachable moment that women don’t only post cute bikini shots for the male gaze or as an invitation for harassment or to be shamed by puritanical parents who had to fuck to make those kids they’re so concerned about. And even if they do post for attention, so what.

u/Brief-Orchid-4953 avatar

A male teacher showing their butt cheeks on the internet would have even worse criticism.


  1. More conservative parents would have a problem with it and go to the board.

  2. Kids would find the pictures and use them inappropriately/make memes/etc, and it would make it pretty difficult to teach them.

  3. Idk, good on her but I would be TERRIFIED of my high school boys finding these pics. You do have to sort of keep some of your personal life private unfortunately when you’re a teacher or the lines can get blurry. It’s difficult for kids to see you as a teacher and mentor when they’ve seen you in smokin hot bikini pics)

(Signed, a teacher who also does not at all believe in dress codes, modesty rules, etc, but who recognizes that there are some lines when it comes keeping personal life private since you’re working with kids. Another example is we can’t advertise that we drink and smoke on the weekends)


This is all true but you can definitely have shit imposed on you from conservative parents and school admin. It shouldn’t be that way and I’m sure it’s changing. I don’t live in America so it’s not exactly the same but it’s still a contentious issue nonetheless.

The problem is there are parents out there who are outdated and misogynistic and management still want to cater to them.

TOTALLY agree. ‼️ At least y’all are making me feel hopeful about the world outside of the teaching lens.

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u/Lovely_to_Meet_You avatar

Female high school English teacher here: I can see how this might not be an issue since she teaches elementary school (mainly dealing with parents, I’m assuming kids have a lot less access to social media, etc). She is free to do whatever she pleases and looks amazing(!), but from my experience, young female teachers have to fight several battles already: proving that we are capable, that we deserve respect, and that we are experts in our fields. I already have to admonish and write up students for objectifying me (thankfully never my own), so I keep my account private because the last thing I want to do is add another battle to that front. Although we all have bodies and there’s no shame in showing them, teenage boys/girls have a lot of hormones, and they share things like wildfire. As much as it sucks and I wish it weren’t the case, I’d have a hard time convincing them to see me as a mentor if they already had images like this they could screenshot and reference all day. Maybe she doesn’t have to deal with that since her students are much younger? Or maybe she already plans to leave the profession for a different career path and she’s amping up her social media to help that along 🤷🏼‍♀️

Yeah, it makes sense to me that this would be way more manageable as an elementary teacher. As a high school English teacher also, I could never and I mean NEVER post pics like this on a public account bc the boys would have a field day. And that’s not to say that I think women shouldn’t post pictures like this, or love their bodies, etc. I just know it would make it really hard to teach a class of 17 y/o boys. Should it be that way? No. Is it? Yes.

u/Lovely_to_Meet_You avatar

Couldn’t agree more with all of this!

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As a teacher, my school doesn’t care what I post. There’s bigger problems my students face.

Seriously, good for them (& you)!

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Was her account private until the show? Is she currently teaching? If she’s not teaching at the moment, I don’t see a reason for her account to be private right now.

She’s currently teaching

Well yeah lol that’s totally different 🥴

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u/sadiesloth avatar

well maybe she teaches at the Euphoria high school

jk though, she can wear what she wants

u/cde222 avatar


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Probably depends on the school. Some schools it probably wouldn’t be a big deal. But I know in the South, especially private schools here, she would be fired so fast once a parent complained 🙄


Idk why everyone is saying things like “teachers fuck”. Thanks for stating the obvious. But teachers with public social media pages like this would not be hired or advised to take the page down prior to getting the job at least. You can’t have pages like this and assume your students won’t see it. This is real life, folks.

Edited to add: Teachers are advised to keep their social media pages private and anything public has to be kept super PG. I wouldn’t want my kids gawking at their teacher if they found her page by accident (or on purpose). Some jobs require a higher level of responsibility, and that’s the way it is. Idk why you guys are all so shocked.


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This is not my personal opinion, lol. This is just how it works in the teaching profession. Why is that so hard to understand?! I’d be uncomfortable but I wouldn’t complain about it or anything. But i can understand why would it be an issue.


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u/Raginghangers avatar

We aren't shocked. We are angry. That's like advising women they shouldn't wear a short skirt to avoid being raped. Maybe its true advice in our shitty world. But that doesn't make it a thing to ENDORSE.

Taking sexy photos in your spare time is not irresponsible. Whether you are a good teacher (can explain concepts to people, know how to handle a classroom, care about kids, have creative learning ideas, and more) has f-all to do with whether you take sexy photos in your spare time off the clock. If my kid found their teacher's photos online I would tell them their teachers' lives outside the classroom are none of their darn business and that one of the things they should learn is that adults have professional lives and personal lives and the latter is almost never relevant to the former when it doesn't actually effect your performance on the job (can't drink and show up to work as a pilot in the same hour!)

This is the kind of logic that was used to argue that gay people shouldn't be hired as teachers (or at one point in time, single women, or conversely married women who should be setting an example of taking care of their husbands.)

Sincerely,A teacher and a parent

Thank you for this. I'm astonished at the number of highly upvoted posts here frowning down on her Insta. We should be happy that a female teacher can make these posts, rather than trying to "put her in her place" which it feels like a lot of people (including other teachers) are trying to do. It's as if people think that she shouldn't have such freedoms since they don't get them.

I think you’re missing the point of some of these posts. Teachers here are just speaking on their experiences. This contestant can do whatever she wants. It just wouldn’t work in my particular situation is all.

I disagree. You literally wrote this: "Since we live in a society with some asshole kids, we need to have certain rules in place in schools to protect our boundaries. "

This is not speaking about only your experience.

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u/Princessleiawastaken avatar

Hell yeah!

It’s fine to be angry with the way the world works. I’m just surprised by how many people are surprised that this is the way the world works. Parents in this country have a lot of power over what happens in their school districts sometimes. Depending on where she lives, her career would be OVER, that’s just a fact. High schoolers would turn her pics into memes, text this shit to each other all day and her students would have a hard time taking her seriously because guess what? They’re kids and they’re stupid. That’s why most teachers create boundaries and just put their social media profiles on private mode. That way she can dress however she wants but her students and the parents of her students cannot see it. It’s not exactly the same thing as the examples you posted. No one is saying she can’t live her life but due to boundary issues with her students, she has to put her profile on private mode.