The American Presidential Penis Nicknamed “Jumbo” | Short History

The American Presidential Penis Nicknamed “Jumbo”

Lyndon B. Johnson wasn’t shy to show his “manliness”

Peter Preskar
Short History
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2021


Lyndon B. Johnson (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

The thirty-sixth President of the United States of America, Lyndon B. Johnson, had a large penis of which he was very proud. He nicknamed it “Jumbo”. Johnson regularly showed his penis to the staff and journalists at the White House, saying:

“Have you ever seen anything as big as this?”

When a journalist asked Johnson to justify the continuation of the Vietnam War (1955-1975), Johnson asked all the women to leave the room, then pulled out his penis, and yelled: “That’s why!”

Recording of President Johnson ordering pants (Source: YouTube)

On YouTube, you can find a recording of Johnson ordering pants with an enlarged crotch area. Definitely, a must-listen recording!

“And another thing…the crotch, down where your nuts hang, is always a little too tight.”

— Lyndon B. Johnson

Besides showing off his penis rather generously to those around him, Johnson was notorious for crude behavior, which put those around him in huge discomfort. Most likely, he did it on purpose to exert his dominance over others.

Lyndon B. Johnson at his ranch in 1972 (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

Johnson once urinated on a Secret Service agent’s leg, while the agent was giving him cover. The president told him:

“Don’t worry son, it’s my prerogative.”

He loved to conduct his meetings while sitting on a toilet or urinating in a sink. Of course, his staff had to accompany him. In addition, Johnson asked a phone to be installed in his toilet at the White House so he could make necessary calls while defecating.

During his 1964 presidential election campaign, Johnson invited White House reporter Frank Cormier and two of his colleagues to a news conference aboard the Air Force Once. Nothing unusual, except that Johnson undressed and stood completely naked in front of them while answering their questions about the economy.

Lyndon Johnson, a few months before his death in 1972 (Image: Wikimedia Commons)

Johnson had a peculiar wish after moving into the White House. He wanted to have additional showerheads installed to blast water directly at his penis. The showerheads had to have a water pressure equivalent to that of a fire hose. In addition, Johnson wanted to have a switch that would flip for either hot or cold water.

After the staff complained such a request meant a lot of work, he insisted on getting the installation done and used Vietnam War as a reference:

“If I can move 10,000 troops in a day, you can certainly fix the bathroom any way I want it.”

The plumbers had to lay a new water pipe, create a special water tank with a pump, and add six-body spray nozzles. It cost tens of thousands of dollars and was paid with classified funds allocated for the president’s security.

In addition, Johnson’s special shower was constantly breaking down and required at least five replacements.


Lyndon B. Johnson was one of the most controversial presidents in American history. He improved civil rights, health care, and welfare. However, he also escalated the disastrous Vietnam War.

Nicknaming his penis “Jumbo” pales in insignificance compared to all the above.

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