Find out your zodiac sign

The Sky Today,
June 1

At 05:46 AM: Venus is square Juno

In the morning, Venus squares off with Juno, the asteroid of fidelity, sparking conflict in romantic relationships. While Venus transits Gemini, we crave variety. We like to work the room and engage with many kinds of personalities. Yet, as indicated by Juno in regimented Virgo, another part of us desires consistency. We have high standards and expectations, and it is natural for us to get “the ick” over something trivial. Negotiating these two sensations can be tricky if we are in an established relationship. We might blame our counterparts for perceived flaws instead of questioning our personal preferences. If we are dating, our interests can flip-flop between hot and cold, which complicates taking relationships to the next level. Interrogating our values and priorities is essential to preserving the peace without compromising our standards.

At 03:15 PM: The moon is sextile Venus

In the mid-afternoon, the Aries moon sextiles Venus, smoothing over interpersonal difficulties. Though romantic interactions may still be contentious, at least our other relationships are flowing smoothly! This easygoing aspect makes us outgoing and enthusiastic. This would be an ideal time to attend a party. Our mood is up, and we have a knack for impressing others with charm and wit. Plan a fun activity with friends to make the most of this transit.