Find out your zodiac sign

The Sky Today,
June 3

At 12:37 AM: Mercury enters Gemini

Messenger planet Mercury enters Gemini just after midnight, a sign where it feels right at home. Mercury represents our communication style, and in breezy, inquisitive Gemini, we appreciate fast talk, wit, and the exchange of ideas. Curiosity is our main motivator. We want to know a little about everything, which can make for engaging conversations. It’s a perfect transit for trivia nights but less for writing a thesis. After all, we’re more interested in learning new things than having to defend our opinions. Starting dialogues and keeping the social party going feeds our active minds. We should simply be aware that this influence can provoke distraction. We’re great speakers but not the best listeners now. Strive to stay engaged through banter instead of talking to hear yourself talk. Mercury will transit Gemini until June 17.

At 02:05 AM: The moon is square Pluto

Following this, the Taurus moon squares off with Pluto in Aquarius, provoking anxiety. At this time, we seek ease, comfort, and security, but the thought of becoming irrelevant or out of touch can prompt us to make some bizarre, self-sabotaging decisions. As we wrestle with existential dread, we risk taking frustrations out on those around us, identifying a scapegoat to blame our problems on. Refuse to act like a bully – this attitude is never an indicator of strength or strong character. Instead, do the difficult shadow work you’ve been trying to avoid. How might you benefit from facing your fear of change?