Jeffrey Tambor's Arrested Development Costars Stand by Him After Sexual Harassment Allegations

Tambor was fired from Amazon's Transparent in February amid allegations of inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment, which he has denied

Jeffrey Tambor‘s Arrested Development family is standing by him after the actor was fired from Amazon’s Transparent amid allegations of inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment.

On Thursday, Tambor, 73, stepped out with the cast of the Netflix hit comedy at the series’ season 5 premiere in Los Angeles — marking his first red carpet since his departure from Transparent.

The actor, who walked the red carpet with his wife Kasia Ostlun, told Entertainment Tonight he was feeling “great” when asked about being back in the spotlight after a tumultuous year.

“I’m excited to be here,” he added.

'Arrested Development' Season 5 TV show premiere, Los Angeles, USA - 17 May 2018
John Salangsang/BFA/REX/Shutterstock

Tambor was fired from Transparent in February, almost three months after allegations first came to light that he sexually harassed his former assistant Van Barnes and Trace Lysette, an actress on the series. Tambor has continued to deny the allegations.

Speaking to ET at Thursday’s premiere, Tambor’s Arrested Development costars were supportive of the actor. (Tambor has played family patriarch George Bluth and his twin brother Oscar on the show since 2003.)

Netflix Arrested Development Season 5 Premiere at Netflix FYSEE, Los Angeles, CA, USA - 17 May 2018
Eric Charbonneau/REX/Shutterstock

“I can’t wait to see him again,” said Jason Bateman, who plays Tambor’s on-screen son Michael Bluth. “Those scenes with him were incredible, and I can’t wait to see them up there.”

Of how much contact the two have had in the past year, Bateman said “there’s been some texts and some phone calls, and some emails.”

“I love Jeffrey. He’s great,” said Portia de Rossi. “He’s been a pal for many, many years and you know, I wish him well. We support him.”

David Cross stood by his earlier defense of his costar, saying, “I don’t condone any actions. It doesn’t necessarily mean I’m going to just stop being somebody’s friend, you know? I support him as a human being as a person.”

Series creator Mitch Hurwitz also told the outlet that there were “never conversations” about not having Tambor back on Arrested Development.

“These are accusations that he denied,” said Hurwitz. “I’ve worked with him for 20 years, I’ve never seen that behavior.”

“Amazon didn’t share with me any of what they discovered,” he added. “And so it was very easy for me to say no, of course I’m not going to end Arrested Development and throw out all our work based on accusations. I don’t think we want to live in a world where accusations alone determine everyone’s fate.”

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Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter earlier this month, Tambor admitted to having lifelong anger issues but continued to deny the allegations that prompted his firing.

Tambor said Barnes’ claims that he observed her sleeping naked are completely fabricated. According to THR, when asked to address other specific allegations, including the propositioning and physical touching, he grew “reticent.”

“I don’t want to characterize them,” he said. “What I said was that she was a disgruntled assistant. I think that was generous of me. I dispute her account. I did raise my voice at times, I was moody at times, there were times when I was tactless. But as for the other stuff, absolutely not.”

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