This article contains spoilers for the Netflix film The Out-LawsThe new Netflix action-comedy The Out-Laws is a delightful blend of gun fights, adrenaline-pumping car chases, and loads of laughs, all leading to a heartwarming conclusion. The Out-Laws follows Owen Browning, played by the hilarious Adam DeVine, who is about to marry the love of his life, Parker McDermott. Unexpectedly, Parker, played by Nina Dobrev, informs Owen that her parents have decided to come to their wedding at the last minute, sparking excitement as Owen has yet to meet them.

However, everything takes a turn when a bank robbery occurs at the bank Owen manages, as suspicion begins to creep in that his future in-laws might be the culprits. Under the direction of Tyler Spindel, who has delivered other comedies such as The Other Missy and Father of the Year, the film delivers an abundance of laughs while Owen and the McDermotts join forces to rescue Parker. The Out-Laws is fast-paced as it barrels forward to a satisfying third act, where the team must figure out how to rob the most secure bank in the area to obtain the money to free Parker.

Owen's Plan To Rob The Bank & Rescue Parker Explained

The Out-Laws: Owen Browning outside the safe 

After Rehan takes Parker hostage, Owen and the McDermotts devise a plan to save her by getting Rehan the money she demands. Their initial attempt to procure the funds from a less fortified bank goes awry, forcing them to target one of the most secure financial institutions in the vicinity, which is run by the formidable Phoebe King. The plan starts with Owen approaching Phoebe, where he expresses his failure at protecting his bank and his curiosity about her bank's impenetrable security system. Phoebe relishes the opportunity to be seen as superior and takes him back to her vault, which she opens with numerous complex locks.

Once the vault is open, the McDermotts commence a fake bank heist in the main room, activating the security, and triggering the vault's self-locking system. When this happens, Owen takes on a cowardly guise, as he cowers inside the vault and pushes Phoebe away. The McDermott's then escort Phoebe away from the door leaving Owen to fill up the bags with money, open the emergency lever to leave the vault, and meet his cousin in the alleyway to drive away in his escape van.

The McDermotts then leave the bank in order to meet Parker at the place she is being held for ransom. Once Rehan and Parker meet Owen, he gives them the money to let her go, however, Rehan decides she wants to kill them both. Thinking quickly, Owen wields what he believes to be a water gun to intimidate the assailants, which turns out to be a real gun as he ends up accidentally setting it off and killing Rehan and her accomplices.

Owen, Parker, and The McDermotts are reunited, then Parker's parents tell the two of them to leave before the police show. Owen then sneaks back into the vault with the money and assumes the fetal position on the ground pretending to cry, as Phoebe and the police open the vault making it seem like he never left.

The Out-Laws Ending Sets Up The Out-Laws 2

The Out-Laws: Billy and Lilly McDerrmontt shooting guns 

In a scene played as the credits roll, Owen is seen giving a slice of wedding cake to his new in-laws. He then hints that the cake has a pin that could help them escape, to where Billy McDermott delivers the final line of the film, "Game On". This conclusion of the film easily sets up a sequel to The Out-Laws.

There are a few routes the filmmakers could go down when creating a sequel, the first being a continuation of this scene in the credits with the McDermotts escaping. They could potentially go back into hiding, but when Parker becomes pregnant, they have to maneuver around the detective to be there for their daughter and future grandchild.

Another possibility could lead the McDermotts to work with the detective, as they were able to help him track down his ex-wife in exchange for going to their daughter's wedding. There could be another bank robber at large, and Owen and the McDermotts would have to work with the FBI to put an end to their crimes, which could potentially free them from prison in return. With numerous possibilities to explore, a sequel to The Out-Laws promises to deliver further excitement, humor, and heart as it continues the engaging story of this unconventional and endearing family.