Fordham Football: Division 1 Status? | CollegeVine
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Fordham Football: Division 1 Status?

Hey guys! I'm considering applying to Fordham for college, and I'm really into their football program. I just want to know, is Fordham's football team in Division 1? Thanks in advance!

a month ago

Yes, Fordham University's football team competes at the Division 1 level in the NCAA. Specifically, they play in the Patriot League within the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS), which is a tier below the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS). While FCS teams may not garner as much nationwide attention as FBS teams like Alabama or Ohio State, they still maintain a high level of competition and provide a great opportunity for student-athletes to compete at the collegiate level. So, if you're passionate about football and interested in Fordham, this institution could be a great fit for you!

If you want tips on how to maximize your chances of acceptance at Fordham, check out this blog post from CollegeVine, which breaks down how to tackle their school-specific supplemental essays: After all, you want to showcase all that you would contribute to the Fordham community, on and off the gridiron! Good luck with your college applications, and future pursuits in academics and athletics alike!

a month ago

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