‎Reviews of Mai • Letterboxd
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  • maul bjarkardóttir

    người ta gieo gió ó ó ó ó ó giồi gặp bão

  • ju



  • olivia


    viet la la land including a piano player guy and the devastating soundtrack

  • Han


    okurrr we love a cunty girlboss

  • goodforra


    When a movie presents pieces of conflict close to reality in a fun way with plot twists! The title Mai not only refers to character's name, but also means "tomorrow", showing what this Vietnamese film want to convey. I always give more respect to film that could connecting the title with the stories. My favorite parts are the midpoints because they bring the good debates. The only lackness for me is in the climax, I like the directing but somehow…

  • 🎧


    Girl I cried

  • jayea


    inspirational empowering mind blowing damien chazelle could never

  • NazManson


    Good love story. 
    Heart breaker.

  • Nico JF


    OK the editing and storyboard needs some work and watching this with an outside, different culture, view can be frustrating but in general this was not a bad movie at all.

  • silkendays


    mai was waiting for him all this time what was that ending UGH

  • mattwutang


    La La Land was espresso and Mai is Vietnamese coffee.

  • kinskikiki


    Shouldve killed off that son of a bitch dad sooner