Poetry | Poetry Circle


Jonathan Bracker

Jonathan Bracker
Revision of "Poetry"

Poetry is taught in schools.
It is read aloud to young children.
Sometimes a person
Writes poetry all their life.

What is the truth of it? Poetry
Is almost everything.
It is there with you
In the very room you read this in.

I like to think of poetry as a tree
In autumn, its leaves dropping,
One by one or in twos or threes,
To the ground around the tree.

None of the leaves say “Notice me.”
None of them say “I am a symbol
Of something you should think about.”
They are simply what they are – poems:

Tan, dark brown, reddish-brown, orange.
Some are the color of canned cling peaches.
Depending on what wind there is, they fall directly
Or zigzag a bit before landing and quickly adjusting

Their frail selves to this moment, and the next.
That is what they seem to me to do --
Each leaf presenting itself
As a poem.