Around Town

Newport Children’s Theater Presents ‘The Sound of Music’

Newport Children’s Theatre’s production of one of the most beloved musicals of all time, The Sound of Music will be presented at St. George’s High School this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  NCT’s young actors have been hard at work since late January rehearsing Rogers and Hammerstein’s classic and are excited to share it with the community!    NEWPORT CHILDREN’S THEATRE proudly presents […]

Weekend Open House

Sunday, June 9, 1-3 p.m., 36 Bull St., Newport, $2,499,000 Horan Building Company, Mark Horan 401.265.6475                                

A Decade of Effort Comes to Fruition

The settlement of the colony of Newport began in 1639 with the establishment of the Newport Charter. The location of the settlement was defined by the freshwater spring that made the settlement and habitation possible. It is this same spring that gave the name to Spring Street. In 1663, Dr. John Clarke returned from England with the Rhode Island Royal […]

Newport Observes Juneteenth Holiday with Festivities

For the second year, the Rhode Island Slave History Medallions Project will utilize historic Washington Square to call attention to the newest federal holiday, known as Juneteenth. While the holiday’s focus is on the dissolution of slavery, local groups are emphasizing history beyond the Emancipation Proclamation. The free celebration on June 15 will run from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. […]

RIDE Approves 55 Percent Reimbursement for Middletown Schools

Great financial news, sprinkled with a little bad, led off the June 3 Middletown Town Council meeting. Town administrator Shawn Brown told the council that the $190 million bond for school construction has been approved for reimbursement by the Rhode Island Department of Education at the 55 percent rate, which will save the town nearly $30 million in interest. For […]

Comedy Bus Withdraws Application After Pushback

Comedy Bus, a Providence based company, recently withdrew its application before the Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission to expand operations to Newport. The withdrawal came two days after the Newport City Council on May 22 unanimously voted to oppose the expansion of the company’s jitney license and requested the PUC deny its application. “After the unanimous passage of the resolution, […]

Ceglie to Run for 2nd Ward Seat

Newport City Councilor, Lynn Underwood Ceglie announces that she will run in Newport’s 2nd Ward this fall. Since 2018, Ceglie has served as an At-Large council member, three terms as 2nd Ward council member and three terms as vice chair. “I believe my strength is in constituent services and found I am most effective serving the residents of the 2nd […]

Middletown Passes Budget, But Delays Setting Tax Levy

The Middletown Town Council passed a 2024-25 budget on May 29, but now must vote on how to pay for it, because the council voted to postpone setting a three-tiered tax levy and a tiered tax increase until June 17. One of the reasons for the delay is that councilor Emily Tessier was absent and will be absent again at […]

Town Raises Parking Fees at Beaches; Library Concerns Addressed

A teacher who served on the public library board urged the Middletown Town Council on May 29 to restore an $86,000 full-time lead staff position. “We are really understaffed. The staffing need is urgent,” Ruth Donahue said. Donohue spoke of damage caused recently in the library’s children’s room. “A bunch of teenagers destroyed a bunch of stuff last week,” confirmed […]

Donations for Annual Fireworks Fund

City of Newport is gearing up for its annual Fourth of July fireworks celebration and is once again turning to the community to help light up Newport Harbor. As in previous years, premier sponsorships will be offered for donations of $5,000 (Red), $2,500 (White), and $1,500 (Blue); however, donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. All donors will be recognized […]

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