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12:20 PM ET, May 17, 2024


 Top Items: 
Greg Sargent / New Republic:
MAGA Rage at Trump's Trial Just Got Darker and More Dangerous … In recent days, a parade of Republicans have shown up at the Manhattan courthouse where Donald Trump faces criminal charges related to the hush-money scheme he concocted to deceive American voters during the 2016 election.
Dana Liebelson / Politico:
'A Governor Who Doesn't Seem to Have Much Interest in Governing Arkansas'  —  Sarah Huckabee Sanders' increasing number of critics think she's too worried about her national profile.  —  Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders assumed a podium on a recent spring morning in Arkansas …
Jodi Kantor / New York Times:
At Justice Alito's House, a ‘Stop the Steal’ Symbol on Display … A photo obtained by The Times shows an inverted flag at the Alito residence on Jan. 17, 2021, three days before the Biden inauguration.  —  After the 2020 presidential election, as some Trump supporters falsely claimed …
William Melhado / The Texas Tribune:
Gov. Greg Abbott pardons Daniel Perry, veteran who killed police brutality protester in 2020  —  A Travis County jury sentenced Perry to 25 years in prison last year, prompting Abbott to ask the state parole board to review his case.  —  More than a year after a Travis County jury convicted Daniel Perry …
Jim Vertuno / Associated Press:
Texas governor pardons ex-Army sergeant convicted of killing Black Lives Matter protester
Jonathan Lemire / Politico:
Biden's team had a few demands for a Trump debate.  A major one: No crowd.  —  “Trump feeds off the crowd, they give him life.  We wanted to take that away.”  —  When Donald Trump took the stage at a CNN town hall in Manchester, New Hampshire, one year ago, a crowd of his supporters roared …
Discussion: The Hill and CNN
Will Doran / WECT-TV:
NC Senate votes to ban people from wearing masks in public for health reasons  —  RALEIGH, N.C. (WRAL) - The North Carolina Senate voted along party lines Wednesday to ban anyone from wearing masks in public for health reasons, following an emotional debate about the wisdom of the proposal.
Davidrlurie / Public Notice:
Lincoln's warning  —  PN is a reader-supported publication made possible by paid subscribers.  Appreciate our independent journalism?  Then please sign up to support us.  —  🏛️ Subscribe to Public Notice 🏛️  —  A right-wing Supreme Court majority …
Insight: Donald Trump wants to control the Justice Department and FBI.  His allies have a plan  —  Some of Donald Trump's allies are assembling proposals to curtail the Justice Department's independence and turn the nation's top law enforcement body into an attack dog for conservative causes …
Discussion: HotAir and Raw Story
Peter Tonguette / Washington Examiner:
The loony language of the Left: Newspeak intended to conceal rather than clarify or explain  —  .  —  Throughout the American experiment in democracy, good, old-fashioned plain-speaking has always been the coin of the realm.  —  Even when they were delivering difficult messages …
Michelle Goldberg / New York Times:
Wokeness Is Dying.  We Might Miss It.  —  A protester at an encampment at U.C.L.A. this month.Philip Cheung for The New York Times  —  In her new book “Morning After the Revolution: Dispatches From the Wrong Side of History,” Nellie Bowles, a former New York Times journalist grown disillusioned …
Discussion: Althouse
The Daily Beast:
SCOTUS Silently Grinds Democracy Into Powder as Trump Distracts America  —  THE NEW ABNORMAL  —  While America's eyes are focused on the ever-evolving life and alleged crimes of Donald Trump, the Supreme Court is eroding democracy and the U.S. justice system.
Wall Street Journal:
Trump Allies Draw Up Plans for Unprecedented Immigration Crackdown  —  Advisers to former president are getting a head start on clearing the hurdles they would face  —  WASHINGTON—Donald Trump's allies are drawing up detailed proposals to implement the presumptive Republican presidential nominee's plans …
Discussion: The i Paper, HotAir and Twitchy
The surprising topic AIPAC isn't focusing on in campaign ads: Israel  —  The top pro-Israel group isn't mentioning Israel in most of its ads against congressional candidates.  It's a strategic decision.  —  The most prominent pro-Israel group in American politics has promised to pour tens …
NBC News:
Body shaming, IQ insults and cross talk: House committee meeting devolves into chaos amid personal insults  —  The hearing was derailed when Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., responded to a question from Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, by saying, “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you're reading.”
Ross O'Keefe / Washington Examiner:
West Virginia secretary of state candidate loses primary and gets bitten by snake while removing campaign signs  —  .  —  A Republican who was running for West Virginia secretary of state has been hospitalized after suffering multiple snake bites while he removed campaign signs on Wednesday.
The Guardian:
Trump-linked dark-money group spent $90m on racist and transphobic ads in 2022, records show  —  Revealed: Citizens for Sanity was one of top political spenders last election cycle and is back for 2024 with more extreme messaging  —  A dark money group with ties to Trump's inner circle dropped …
Discussion: Raw Story
Brett Bachman / The Daily Beast:
Upside-Down Flag Flew at Alito's Home After Biden Won: NYT  —  NOT EVEN HIDING IT  —  The Supreme Court justice, for his part, denied any involvement in the placement of the flag—instead blaming his wife.  —  WHAT GOES UP...  The Kansas City Chiefs kicker shared his unsettling thoughts …
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 More Items: 
Reagan Reese / The Daily Caller:
Obama World's Fingerprints Are All Over Campus Chaos
Christopher Cadelago / Politico:
Anybody? Kamala? California's biggest race awaits a giant
Discussion: RedState
ABC News:
DOJ releases proposed rule to reclassify marijuana
 Earlier Items: 
Patricia Zengerle / Reuters:
US House votes to force weapons shipments to Israel, rebuking Biden
Austin Murphy / Santa Rosa Press-Democrat:
SSU president Mike Lee placed on leave for controversial email detailing pact with pro-Palestinian campus protesters
Scripps News:
Scripps News Exclusive: Trump willing to include Kennedy in debates with Biden
Andrew Solender / Axios:
House Democrats quietly fueled end-run around GOP leadership
Rebecca Falconer / Axios:
DeSantis signs bill wiping climate change references from Florida law