dict.cc | Vibrations | Übersetzung Deutsch-Englisch
 ⇄SuchrichtungÜbersetzung für 'Vibrations' von Englisch nach Deutsch
NOUN   a vibration | vibrations
vibrationsSchwingungen {pl}
vibrationsSchwingungs­lehre {f}
2 Wörter
to induce vibrationsSchwingungen anregen
bending vibrationsBiegeschwingungen {pl}
damped vibrations
gedämpfte Schwingungen {pl}
external vibrationsFremdschwingungen {pl}
forced vibrations {pl}
erzwungene Schwingung {f}
free vibrations {pl}
freie Schwingung {f}
ground vibrationsBodenschwingungen {pl}
structural vibrations
Strukturschwingungen {pl}
3 Wörter
rate of vibrations
Schwingungs­zahl {f}
5+ Wörter
vibrations of the vocal chords [spv. or dated] [vibrations of the vocal folds]
Stimmlippenschwingungen {pl}
vibrations of the vocal cords [vibrations of the vocal folds]
Stimmlippenschwingungen {pl}
vibrations of the vocal folds
Stimmlippenschwingungen {pl}
14 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In spiders, slit sensilla are used to detect substrate vibrations, while trichobothria are used to detect air-borne vibrations.
  • Hartley believed that sensation is the result of vibrations of the minute particles of the medullary substance of the nerves, made possible by a subtle, elastic ether that was rare in the interstices of solid bodies and in their close neighbourhood.
  • major" produce vibrations which travel through the soil, influencing neighboring males which are able to distinguish these ground vibrations from other background vibrations.
  • In helicopter design, helicopters must incorporate damping devices, because at specific angular velocities, the rotorblade vibrations can reinforced themselves by rotational-vibrational coupling, and build up catastrophically.
  • It can detect vibrations that nearby insects create while moving, using those vibrations to locate, ambush, and consume them.
  • In addition to his work on the rolling movement of ships, he investigated how to reduce vibrations in steam-engine driven ships, inventing an instrument to measure those vibrations.
  • ... e., vibrations in the air) is converted into vibrations along a liquid or solid medium.
  • The vibrations of methane span the representations A1 + E + 2T2.
  • A second effect of torsional vibrations applies to passenger cars.
  • Harmonic vibrations are experienced as pleasant while dissonant vibrations cause pain.
  • The malleus receives vibrations from sound pressure on the eardrum, where it is connected at its longest part (the manubrium or handle) by a ligament.
  • When there are vibrations in the air, the eardrum is stimulated.
  • Finally, during the range of motion assessment, a record of jaw joint vibrations and sounds are made. Normal jaw joints glide without noise or vibrations.
  • Ground vibrations is a technical term that is being used to describe mostly man-made vibrations of the ground, in contrast to natural vibrations of the Earth studied by seismology.
  • The text studies vibrations, particularly transverse vibrations of an elastic string (chapter 7), longitudinal vibrations of an elastic rod (chapter 8), and lateral vibrations of a thin elastic rod (chapter 9).
  • larval vibrations can be distinguished from those generated by pupae, or, adults from juveniles.
  • Results from her research have revealed a complex interplay between the electrons in a metallic substrate and the vibrations in molecules adsorbed on the surface.
  • The intensity of the vibrations depends on what type of water the player is in; calm rapids mean low vibrations, while heavier rapids give high vibrations.
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