The Meaning Behind The Song: According to You by Orianthi - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: According to You by Orianthi


The Meaning Behind The Song: According to You by Orianthi

Title According to You
Artist Orianthi
Writer/Composer Andrew Frampton & Steve Diamond
Album Believe (2009)
Release Date October 6, 2009
Genre Pop-Rock
Duration Unknown
Producer Howard Benson

“According to You” is the debut single by Orianthi from her second studio album, Believe. The song was released on October 6, 2009, and quickly gained popularity, reaching #17 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. This song remains Orianthi’s only charting single on the Billboard Hot 100. It was produced by Howard Benson and written by Andrew Frampton and Steve Diamond.

The lyrics of “According to You” delve into themes of self-perception and the contrast between how we view ourselves and how others see us. The song starts by portraying the negative opinions someone has about the narrator. They are constantly criticized and belittled, being called stupid, useless, and difficult to please. The criticism goes even further, with the narrator being described as a mess and unable to show up on time.

But then, the chorus introduces a change in perspective. According to someone else, this person is beautiful, incredible, and the object of their affection. The contrast between the negative self-image and the positive perception of the other person is evident. The lyrics emphasize the contradiction, stating, “Everything is opposite. I don’t feel like stopping it.” The narrator is intrigued by this different viewpoint and is open to exploring it further, asking, “So baby, tell me what I’ve got to lose.”

The second verse continues to highlight the contrast between the negative self-perception and the positive perception of the other person. The narrator is labeled as boring and moody, someone who can’t be taken anywhere. They are also criticized for giving away the punchline of jokes. But the chorus reiterates how the other person sees them as funny, irresistible, and everything they ever wanted.

The bridge of the song reveals the narrator’s desire to feel appreciated and loved rather than hated. There is a plea for the person they are addressing to see them through the eyes of the one who sees their beauty and worth. However, the bridge also introduces a conflict, expressing regret that they have to make a decision because of the differing perspectives.

The guitar solo further adds to the emotional intensity of the song, giving it a powerful musical presence. It serves as a moment for reflection and introspection before the final verse and chorus.

While the song’s meaning may resonate differently with each listener, it is evident that “According to You” explores the complexity of self-perception and the impact of external opinions on our self-worth. It highlights the power of someone else’s perception in shaping our feelings about ourselves, for better or worse.

Personally, “According to You” has deeply resonated with me. There have been times in my life when I felt insecure and doubted my own worth. Like the song’s narrator, I have struggled with negative self-perception. However, it is important to remember that we are not defined by others’ opinions of us. The song serves as a reminder to look beyond the criticisms and embrace the perspective of those who see our true value. It encourages us to question and challenge the negative narratives we create about ourselves.

In conclusion, “According to You” by Orianthi is a powerful song that explores themes of self-perception and the impact of external opinions on our self-worth. The contrasting perspectives presented in the lyrics invite us to reflect on the narratives we create about ourselves and the power that others’ perceptions hold over us. It serves as a reminder to embrace our true worth and not let negative opinions define us.

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