
Scientists Answer: What Do People See and Feel Before They Die?

What Do People See and Feel Before They Die

According to Christopher Kerr, an expert in cardiology and neurobiology, unusual experiences of dying patients help to reduce their fears.

Although death is a natural part of life, it is a devastating, tragic, mysterious and strange phenomenon for all of us. Have you ever been with a dying patient? If yes, you may have seen the patient exhibit some unusual behaviors and heard them mumbling meaningless sentences. Yes, it is safe to say that approaching death is a very strange and mysterious process. But why? According to some experts, the strangeness of people approaching death is not the result of unconsciousness or confusion.

Although death is a natural part of life, it is a devastating, tragic, mysterious and strange phenomenon for all of us.

However, you may have seen, or at least heard stories about, some dying patients exhibiting strange behavior. It is not unusual for a person approaching the moment of death to behave in ways that seem strange from the outside, or to utter meaningless sentences. However, this does not change the fact that the process leading up to death is as mysterious and strange as the fact of death itself. So what is the reason behind these “oddities”? Is it loss of consciousness or confusion? According to some experts, the answer to these questions is no! But what is felt before death, what do people see before they die? A close look at the work of Christopher Kerr, a doctor specializing in cardiology and neurobiology, can help answer these questions.

Christopher Kerr has been working for many years to understand the experiences of dying people

It was an incident in 1999 that led Kerr to such an interesting area of research. The protagonist was a patient named Mary, who was 70 at the time. During her stay in the hospital before she died, Mary began to exhibit strange behavior. For example, she sat up in bed as if she were reaching for a crawling baby and hugged and kissed a baby, calling his name Danny! Even her children don’t understand their mother’s behavior. Because they don’t know anyone named Danny. The mystery of this strange event is solved the next day when Mary’s sister comes to the hospital. Her sister says that Mary had a stillborn baby named Danny, and because of the great pain of this loss, Mary never mentioned this incident again. So, as Mary is dying, she sees the baby she lost years ago!

According to Kerr, one of the few experts studying the experiences of dying people, patients can talk to their mothers, fathers, children and pets who died years ago

There is no shortage of patients who relive important moments in their lives as they are dying

Some patients dream that they are traveling in their last moments before dying. In particular, there are patients who dream about people they love, moments that hurt them and events they feel remorseful about.

According to the expert, these experiences of dying people often begin weeks before death

Christopher Kerr notes that as the moment of death approaches, the frequency of talking to people from the past or reliving old memories increases. For patients, however, these visions are very real and intensely felt.

According to Kerr, these pre-death experiences put patients at peace and reduce their fears

“The memory of these relationships comes back in a very meaningful and comforting way, making the life they lived precious and reducing the fear of death,” says the expert.

There are experts who describe these unusual experiences of near-death patients as hallucinations or confusion

Some experts say more work needs to be done in this unusual field of research to get more concrete data. However, according to Kerr, the reasons for the experiences are not important. What matters is the process that dying patients go through and the effects these experiences have on them.

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