Embassy of Japan in Singapore

Embassy of Japan in Singapore

Contact information Map and directions Opening hours Services available Visa information Diplomatic relations

Contact information



  • Japanese Embassy in Singapore
    16 Nassim Road
    Singapore 258390

Head of mission

Mr Hiroshi Ishikawa, Ambassador

Map and directions for the embassy


Consular section of the Japanese Embassy

Office hours


08:30-12:00 & 13:30-16:00


08:30-12:00 & 13:30-16:00


08:30-12:00 & 13:30-16:00


08:30-12:00 & 13:30-16:00


08:30-12:00 & 13:30-16:00





How do I contact the embassy of Japan in Singapore, Singapore?

The embassy of Japan in Singapore is located at 16 Nassim Road and can be contacted by telephone on 6235 8855 and by email infoculture@sn.mofa.go.jp and ryoji@sn.mofa.go.jp. The consular section, which shares premises with the embassy, can be reached by can be contacted by email japan-visa@sn.mofa.go.jp.

When is the embassy open?

The embassy of Japan in Singapore is open Monday to Friday from 08:30 to 12:30 & 13:30 to 17:15. The consular section is open weekdays from 08:30 to 12:00 & 13:30 to 16:00. The embassy is closed during the weekend and during holidays.

Which services are offered?

The embassy of Japan in Singapore offers consular assistance to citizens of Japan who need help Singapore and consular assistance to travellers planning to visit Japan. The following services are available:

Visa services available

Do I need a visa to enter Japan?

Singaporean citizens do not need a tourist visa to enter Japan. Contact the embassy of Japan in Singapore directly to inquire about the availability of other types of visa.

No visa required to enter Japan.

Relations between Japan and Singapore

The Japanese embassy is one of 113 foreign representations in Singapore, one of 113 foreign representations in the city of Singapore and one of 319 Japanese diplomatic and consular representations located abroad.

Japan's embassy in Singapore is the sole Japanese representation located in Singapore.

Singapore has three representations in Japan. These representations include an embassy in Tokyo and consulates in Nagoya and Osaka.

Other Japanese representations in Singapore

Japan has no other representations in Singapore

Japanese representations in neighbouring countries