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Clean Freak! Aoyama kun

45 Reviews
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Aoyama kun is a hot, young soccer prodigy who plays midfielder for the National U-16 Soccer Team. But he’s also an extreme germaphobe! The TV anime adaptation of “Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama kun!” (Clean Freak!! Aoyama kun) portrays the friendships he forms and the challenges he overcomes in a “spotless” coming-of-age story!

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(1 review)13 August 2017
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Liking this show for the right reasons.

Watch more than the first 2 episodes. The main idea around this anime isn't about soccer, but rather how the main character effects the lives of everyone else. Its mainly a comedy/slice of life story line that shouldn't be taken too seriously and it does a good job keeping you engaged with characters. I've watched all of the episodes released so far and feel like the reviewers that have left 1 stars on this show only watched the first episode with completely different expectations of what this show should be about. Again, this isn't an Anime that revolves mainly around sports, but rather provides a fun time trying to get a laugh out of you. Side Note: First time posting anything on here. Seeing these one star reviews really ticked me off, so I felt I had to fight back in some way.

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(2 reviews)06 July 2017
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this has a lot going on for it so far

I have not read the manga, and I don't know how the anime will pan out, but so far this does not seem to be a traditional sports anime. While the soccer parts were very nicely animated, fast paced, ad fun to watch, there is a whole lot more going on: Aoyama's personal problems, the side characters, the "rivals" (with more to come, no doubt). Bonus: this show does not take itself too seriously. Case in point - rival dudes abs. So far, it's shaping up to be a funny, lighthearted sports/slice of life type comedy.

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(17 reviews)18 July 2017
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lot's of comedy, less sports

this is a soccer show but it's not heavily focused on sports this is a comedy about a guy who likes to stay clean but gets dirty playing soccer it has some serious elements but mostly it focuses on character development it is a very good show, both for people who like sports and like comedies

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(31 reviews)06 October 2017
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It Was Good More Than Halfway Through But...

The animation was great, the soccer plot was great. I'm getting into the sports anime genre these days and soccer seemed new to me, and the plot where a soccer player has a germaphobic issue was definitely new. It was very lighthearted and funny. You get a good, fun plot more than halfway through the series. Then for some horrible reason, around episode 8, the storyline drops. Plunges. It's like the creators gave up. The following episodes end up being about some of the side characters where it's silly and empty, no growth or development for them at all. Idk what happened. What about Aoyama's germ issue? What about the potential love interests? It's like that was all thrown away. The last episode too was kind of a flop also. It was a last soccer game that just fell flat. I'm left feeling disappointed and wondering what the heck happened. There was a lot of wasted potential.

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(1 review)16 July 2017
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THIS IS A AMAZINGG SHOW IM ALREADY OBSESSED WITH IT. This show will be the next big thing i love how aoyama is so cool about everything and hes just serious of everything and just amazing in general.I hope there is more episodes because i need moreeee