Oxford Classical Dictionary, 4th Edition Abbreviations List

Oxford Classical Dictionary, 4th Edition Abbreviations List

Page created by Jon Carter
Oxford Classical Dictionary, 4th Edition
Abbreviations List
A. General
abr.              abridged/abridgement
adesp.            adespota
Akkad.            Akkadian
app.              appendix
app. crit.        apparatus criticus
Aeol.             Aeolic
art.              article
Att.              Attic
b.                born
Bab.              Babylonian
beg.              at/nr. beginning
bibliog.          bibliography
bk.               book
c.                circa
cent.             century
cm.               centimetre/s
comm.             commentary
corr.             corrected
d.                died
Diss.             Dissertation
Dor.              Doric
end               at/nr. end
ed.               editor, edited by
ed. maior/minor   major/minor edition of critical text
edn.              edition
Einzelschr.       Einzelschrift
El.               Elamite
Eng.              English
esp.              especially
Etr.              Etruscan
exhib. cat.       exhibition catalogue
fem.              feminine
f., ff.           and following
fig.              figure
fl.               floruit
Fr.               French
fr.               fragment
ft.               foot/feet
g.                gram/s
Ger.              German
Gk.               Greek
ha.               hectare/s
Hebr.             Hebrew
HS                sesterces
hyp.              hypothesis
i.a.              inter alia
ibid.             ibidem, in the same work
IE                Indo-European
imp.              impression

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
in.             inch/es
introd.         introduction
Ion.            Ionic
It.             Italian
kg.             kilogram/s
km.             kilometre/s
lb.             pound/s
l., ll.         line, lines
lit.            literally
lt.             litre/s
L.              Linnaeus
Lat.            Latin
m.              metre/s
masc.           masculine
mi.             mile/s
ml.             millilitre/s
mod.            modern
MS(S)           manuscript(s)
Mt.             Mount
n., nn.         note, notes
n.d.            no date
neut.           neuter
no.             number
ns              new series
NT              New Testament
OE              Old English
Ol.             Olympiad
ON              Old Norse
OP              Old Persian
orig.           original (e.g. Ger./Fr. orig. [edn.])
OT              Old Testament
oz.             ounce/s
p.a.            per annum
PIE             Proto-Indo-European
pl.             plate
plur.           plural
pref.           preface
Proc.           Proceedings
prol.           prologue
ps.-            pseudo-
Pt.             part
ref.            reference
repr.           reprint, reprinted
rev.            revised/by
sel.            selected
ser.            series
sing.           singular
Skt.            Sanskrit
Sp.             Spanish
str.            strophe
Suppl.          Supplement
T               testimonium (i.e. piece of ancient evidence about an author)
trans.          translation, translated by
v., vv.         verse, verses
Ven.            Venetic

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
B. Authors and Books
Note: [- -] names of authors or works in square brackets indicate false or doubtful attributions

A small number above the line indicates the number of an edition

A&A                                           Antike und Abendland
AA                                            see Syme, AA
AAA                                           Athens Annals of Archaeology
AAHG                                          Anzeiger für Altertumswissenschaft
AAWM                                          Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Mainz, geistes-und
                                              sozialwissenschaftliche Klasse
A2H                                           Inscription of Artaxerxes II at Hamadan
A2S                                           Inscription of Artaxerxes II at Susa
AB                                            C. Austin and G. Bastiniani (eds.), Posidippi quae supersunt omnia (2002)
ABC                                           A. K. Grayson, Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles (1975)
Abh. followed by name of Academy or Society   Abhandlungen
Abh. sächs. Ges. Wiss.                        Abhandlungen der sächsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften
Abh. zu Gesch. d. Math.                       Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der mathematischen Wissenschaften
Abh. zu Gesch. d. Med.                        Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und d. Medizin
AC                                            Acta Classica
Acad. index Herc.                             Academicorum philosophorum index Herculanensis editus a F. Buechelero
Acad. post.                                   Academica posteriora
Ach. Tat.                                     Achilles Tatius
Act.Ir.                                       Acta Iranica: Encyclopédie permanente des études iraniennes
ΑΔ                                            Αρχαιολογικόν Δελτίον
AE                                            L'Année Épigraphique, published in Revue Archéologique and separately
                                              (1888– )
Ael.                                          Aelianus
  Ep.                                            Epistulae
  NA                                             De natura animalium
  VH                                             Varia Historia
ΑEΜθ                                          Archaiologiko Ergo ste Makedonia kai Thrake
Aen.                                          Aeneid
Aen. Tact.                                    Aeneas Tacticus
Aesch.                                        Aeschylus
  Ag.                                            Agamemnon
  Cho.                                           Choephoroe
  Eum.                                           Eumenides
  Pers.                                          Persae
  PV                                             Prometheus Vinctus
  Sept.                                          Septem contra Thebas
  Supp.                                          Supplices
Aeschin.                                      Aeschines
  In Ctes.                                       Against Ctesiphon
  In Tim.                                        Against Timarchus
Aët                                           Aëtius
AGM                                           Sudhoffs Archiv für Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissenschaften
Agora                                         The Athenian Agora 16 (1997)
AIV                                           Atti dell'Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Classe di scienze morali e
AJAH                                          American Journal of Ancient History
AJArch.                                       American Journal of Archaeology
AJPhil.                                       American Journal of Philology
AK                                            Antike Kunst
Alc.                                          Alcaeus
Alcidamas, Soph.                              Alcidamas, Πε_1ρὶ σοφιστῶν

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Alcm.                                         Alcman
Alexander, Trials                             M. C. Alexander, Trials in the Late Roman Republic, 149–50 BC (1990)
Alex. Polyh.                                  Alexander Polyhistor
ALLP                                          T. Reinhardt, M. Lapidge, and J. N. Adams, Aspects of the Language of Latin
                                              Prose (2005)
Altheim, Hist. Rom. Rel.                      F. Altheim, Römische Religionsgeschichte, trans. H. Mattingly (1938; 2nd edn.
                                              (Ger.), 1956)
AM                                            see MDAI (A)
AMB 1                                         L'Arabie et ses mers bordières 1: Itinéraires et voisinages, ed. J. F. Salles
Amer. Acad. Rome                              Memoirs of the American Academy at Rome
Amer. Hist. Rev.                              American Historical Review
AMI                                           Archäologische Mitteilungen aus Iran, ns (1968– )
Amm. Marc.                                    Ammianus Marcellinus
Ammon.                                        Ammonius grammaticus
 Diff.                                         Περὶ ὁμοίων καὶ διαφόρϱων λέξεων
Anac.                                         Anacreon
Anat. St.                                     Anatolian Studies
Anc. Soc.                                     Ancient Society
Andoc.                                        Andocides
Anecd. Bach.                                  Anecdota Graeca, ed. L. Bachmann (1828–9)
” Bekk.                                       Anecdota Graeca, ed. I. Bekker, 3 vols. (1814–21)
” Ox.                                         Anecdota Graeca e codd. MSS Bibl. Oxon., ed. J. A. Cramer, 4 vols. (1835–7)
” Par.                                        Anecdota Graeca e codd. MSS Bibl. Reg. Parisiensis, ed. J. A. Cramer, 4 vols.
Ann. Ist.                                     Annali del Istituto di Corrispondenza Archaeologica (1829– )
Anon. De com.                                 Anonymus De Comoedia
ANRW                                          Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt (1972– )
Ant. af.                                      Antiquités africaines
Ant. Class.                                   L'Antiquité classique
Anth. Lat.                                    Anthologia Latina, ed. A. Riese, F. Buecheler, and E. Lommatzsch (1869–
                                              1926); ed. D. R. Shackleton Bailey, 1: Carmina in codicibus scripta (1982)
Anth. Lyr. Graec.                             see Diehl
Anth. Pal.                                    Anthologia Palatina
Anth. Plan.                                   Anthologia Planudea
Antig. Car.                                   Antigonus Carystius
Antiph.                                       Antiphon
Antip. Sid.                                   Antipater Sidonius
Ant. Journ.                                   Antiquaries Journal
Ant. Lib.                                     Antoninus Liberalis
  Met.                                           Metamorphoses
Anz. followed by name of Academy or Society   Anzeiger or Anzeigen
AO                                            see Develin, AO
APF                                           see Davies, APF
Apollod.                                      Apollodorus mythographus
  Bibl.                                          Bibliotheca
  Epit.                                          Epitome
Apollonius                                    Apollonius paradoxographus
  Mir.                                           Mirabilia
Apollonius Dyscolus
  Pron.                                         De pronominibus
App.                                          Appian
  B Civ.                                        Bella civilia
  Hann.                                         Ἀννιβαι?ϊκή
  Hisp.                                         Ἰβηρική
  Ill.                                          Ἰλλνρική
  Mac.                                          Μακεονική
  Mith.                                         Μιθριδάτειος
  Pun.                                          Λιβυκή
  Sam.                                          Σαυνιτική

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Syr.                                        Συριακή
App. Verg.                                  Appendix Vergiliana
Apsines, Rhet.                              Apsines, Ars rhetorica
Apth. Prog.                                 Aphthonius, Progymnasmata
Apul.                                       Apuleius
  Apol.                                       Apologia
  Asclep.                                     Asclepius
  De deo Soc.                                 De deo Socratico
  De dog. Plat.                               De dogmate Platonis
  Flor.                                       Florida
  Met.                                        Metamorphoses
Ap. Rhod.                                   Apollonius Rhodius
  Argon                                       Argonautica
Ar.                                         Aristophanes
  Ach.                                        Acharnenses
  Av.                                         Aves
  Eccl.                                       Ecclesiazusae
  Eq.                                         Equites
  Lys.                                        Lysistrata
  Nub.                                        Nubes
  Plut.                                       Plutus
  Ran.                                        Ranae
  Thesm.                                      Thesmophoriazusae
  Vesp.                                       Vespae
Aratus, Phaen.                              Aratus, Phaenomena
  Progn.                                      Prognostica
Ar. Byz.                                    Aristophanes Byzantinus
Arch. Ael.                                  Archaeologia Aeliana (Newcastle-upon-Tyne)
Arch. Anz.                                  Archäologischer Anzeiger in Jahrbuch des [kaiserlichen] deutschen
                                            archäologischen Instituts (JDAI)
Arch. Class.                                Archaeologia Classica
Ἀρχ. Ἐφ.                                    ’Αρχαιολογική Ἐφημερίς
Archil.                                     Archilochus
Archim. Method                              Archimedes, Method of Mechanical Theorems
Arch. Journ.                                Archaeological Journal
Arch. Laz.                                  Archeologia Laziale
Arch. Pap.                                  Archiv für Papyrusforschung
Arch. Rep.                                  Archaeological Reports published by the Hellenic Society
Arist.                                      Aristotle
  An. post.                                   Analytica posteriora
  An. pr.                                     Analytica priora
  [Ath. Pol.]                                 Ἀθηναίων πολιτεία
  Cael.                                       De caelo
  Cat.                                        Categoriae
  [Col.]                                      De coloribus
  De an.                                      De anima
  [De audib.]                                 De audibilibus
  De motu an.                                 De motu animalium
  Div. somn.                                  De divinatione per somnia
  Eth. Eud.                                   Ethica Eudemia
  Eth. Nic.                                   Ethica Nicomachea
  Gen. an.                                    De generatione animalium
  Gen. corr.                                  De generatione et corruptione
  Hist. an.                                   Historia animalium
  IA                                          De incessu animalium
  Int.                                        De interpretatione
  [Lin. Ins.]                                 De lineis insecabilibus
  [Mag. mor.]                                 Magna moralia
  [Mech.]                                     Mechanica

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Mem.                                         De memoria
  Metaph.                                      Metaphysica
  Mete.                                        Meteorologica
  [Mir. ausc.]                                 see Mir. ausc. under M
  [Mund.]                                      De mundo
  [Oec.]                                       Oeconomica
  Part. an.                                    De partibus animalium
  Parv. nat.                                   Parva naturalia
  Ph.                                          Physica
  [Phgn.]                                      Physiognomonica
  Poet.                                        Poetica
  Pol.                                         Politica
  [Pr.]                                        Problemata
  Resp.                                        De respiratione
  Rh.                                          Rhetorica
  [Rh. Al.]                                    Rhetorica ad Alexandrum
  Sens.                                        De sensu
  Soph. el.                                    Sophistici elenchi
  Top.                                         Topica
  [Xen.]                                       De Xenophane
Aristid. Or.                                Aristides, Orationes
Aristid. Quint.                             Aristides Quintilianus
Aristox.                                    Aristoxenus
  Fr. hist.                                    Fragmenta historica
  Harm.                                        Harmonica
  Rhythm.                                      Rhythmica
Arn.                                        Arnobius
  Adv. nat.                                    Adversus nationes
Arnim (von)                                 see SVF
Arr.                                        Arrian
  Anab.                                        Anabasis
  Cyn.                                         Cynegeticus
  Epict. diss.                                 Epicteti dissertationes
  Parth.                                       Parthica
  Peripl. M. Eux.                              Periplus Maris Euxini
  Tact.                                        Tactica
ARTA                                        Achaemenid Research on Texts and Archaeology
Artem.                                      Artemidorus Daldianus
ARV                                         J. D. Beazley, Attic Red-Figure Vase- Painters, 2nd edn. (1963)
ARV Add                                     T. Carpenter, T. Mannack, and M. Mendonça, Beazley Addenda, 2nd edn.
ARV Para                                    J. D. Beazley, Paralipomena Additions to Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters
                                            and to Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters (1971)
ARW                                         Archiv für Religionswissenschaft
ASAA                                        Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni italiane in
ASAE                                        Annales du service des antiquités de l'Égypte
Asc.                                        Asconius
  Corn.                                        Commentary on Cicero, Pro Cornelio de maiestate
  Mil.                                         Commentary on Cicero, Pro Milone
  Pis.                                         Commentary on Cicero, In Pisonem
  Verr.                                        Commentary on Cicero, In Verrem
Asc.… C                                     Asconius, ed. A. C. Clark (OCT, 1907)
ASNP                                        Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Lettere e Filosofia
ASSR                                        Archives des sciences sociales de religion
Astin, Scipio                               A. E. Astin, Scipio Aemilianus (1967)
Ath.                                        Athenaeus
Athenaeum                                   Athenaeum (Pavia). ns (1923– )
Athenagoras, Leg.                           Athenagoras, Legatio pro Christianis

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
pro Christ.                                 =Πρεσβεία περὶ Xριστιανω̑ν
Ath. pol.                                     Athenaion politeia (Aristotelian); see also Xen. for ‘Old Oligarch’ i.e. Ps.-Xen.
                                              Ath. pol.
ATL                                           B. D. Meritt, H. T. Wade-Gery, and M. F. McGregor, The Athenian Tribute
                                              Lists 1–4 (1939–53)
Auct. ad Her.                                 Auctor ad Herennium
August.                                       Augustine
  Ad Rom.                                        Expositio of Epist. ad Romanos
  C. acad.                                       Contra academicos
  Conf.                                          Confessions
  De civ. D.                                     De civitate Dei
  Div. quaest.                                   De diversis quaestionibus
  In Evang. Iohan.                               Tractatus in Evangelium Iohannis
  Ep.                                            Epistulae
  Retract.                                       Retractationes
  Serm.                                          Sermones
Aul. Gell.                                    see Gell.
Aur. Vict. Caes.                              Aurelius Victor, Caesares
[Aur. Vict.] De vir. ill.                     [Aurelius Victor], De viris illustribus
Auson.                                        Ausonius (see Green)
  Cent. nupt.                                    Cento nuptialis
  Grat. act.                                     Gratiarum actio
  Mos.                                           Mosella
  Ordo nob. urb.                                 Ordo nobilium urbium
  Prof. Burd.                                    Commemoratio professorum Burdigalensium
  Technop.                                       Technopaegnion
Austin                                        M. M. Austin, The Hellenistic World from Alexander to the Roman Conquest,
                                              2nd edn. (2006)
Austin, CGFP                                  C. Austin, Comicorum Graecorum fragmenta in papyris reperta (1973)
BaBesch.                                      Bulletin antieke Beschavung
Bacchyl.                                      Bacchylides (ed. B. Snell and H. Maehler, 1970)
BAct.                                         Bellum Actiacum: see B Aegypt.
Badian, Stud. Gr.                             E. Badian, Studies in Greek and Rom. Hist. Roman History (1964)
BAegypt.                                      Carmen de Bello Aegyptiaco sive Actiaco (papyrus fragment)
Baehr.                                        E. Baehrens
  FPR                                            Fragmenta Poetarum Romanorum (1866)
  PLM                                            see PLM Vollmer/Morel
BAfr.                                         Bellum Africum
Bagnall and Derow                             R. S. Bagnall and P. Derow, Greek Historical Documents: The Hellenistic
                                              Period (1981)
Balbo, Frammenti                              A. Balbo, I frammenti degli oratori romani dell'età augustea e tiberiana 1
BAlex.                                        Bellum Alexandrinum
Barr.                                         R. J. A. Talbert (ed.) Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World (2000)
Basil. De virg.                               Basilius, De virginitate
BASP                                          Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
Bauman, WPAR                                  R. A. Bauman, Women and Politics in Ancient Rome (1992)
BCAR                                          Bolletino della Commissione Archeologica Communale in Rome
BCH                                           Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique
BCHP                                          I. L. Finkel and R. J. van der Spek, Babylonian Chronicles of the Hellenistic
                                              Period 〈http://www.livius.org/babylonia.html〉
BÉ                                            Bulletin épigraphique, pub. in Revue des études grecques
Beazley, ABV                                  J. D. Beazley, Attic Black-figure Vase Painters (1956)
  ARV2                                           Attic Red-figure Vase Painters, 2nd edn. (1963)
  Paralipomena                                   Paralipomena: Additions to ABV and ARV2 (1971)
Beazley Addenda                               T. H. Carpenter, Beazley Addenda: Additional References to ABV, ARV2 and
                                              Paralipomena, 2nd edn. (1989)
BÉFEO                                         Bulletin: École française d'Extrême Orient
Beitr.                                        Beitrag, Beiträge
Beloch                                        K. J. Beloch

      Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Gr. Gesch.                                    Griechische Geschichte, 2nd edn. (1912–27)
  Röm. Gesch.                                   Römische Geschichte bis zum Beginn der punischen Kriege (1926)
Bengtson, Strategie                         H. Bengtson, Die Strategie in der hellenistischen Zeit, Munchener Beiträge zur
                                            Papyrusforschung und Rechtsgeschichte 26 (1937), 32 (1944), 36 (1952)
  Röm. Gesch.                                   Grundriss der römischen Geschichte (1967)
Bérard, Bibl. topogr.                       J. Bérard, Bibliographie topographique des principales cités grecques de
                                            l'Italie méridionale et de la Sicile dans l'antiquité (1941)
Berl. Abh.                                  Abhandlungen der preuβ. Akademie d. Wissenschaften zu Berlin (1786–1907;
                                            1908– )
Bernabé, PEG                                A. Bernabé, Poetae Epici Graeci 1 (1988)
Ber. Sächs. Ges. Wiss.                      Berichte über die Verhandlungen der [Kgl.] sächsischen Gesellschaft der
                                            Wissenschaften zu Leipzig (1848)
Berve, Alexanderreich                       H. Berve, Das Alexanderreich auf prosopographischer Grundlage (1927)
BGU                                         Berliner Griechische Urkunden (Ägyptische Urkunden aus den Kgl. Museen zu
BHisp.                                      Bellum Hispaniense
Bibl. Éc. Franc.                            Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d' Athénes et de Rome (1877– )
BICS                                        Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, London
Bidez–Cumont                                J. Bidez and F. Cumont, Les Mages hellénisés, 2 vols. (1938)
Bieber, Sculpt.                             M. Bieber, Sculpture of the
Hellenist. Age                              Hellenistic Age, 2nd edn. (1961)
BIFAO                                       Bulletin de l'Institut français d' Archéologie Orientale (Cairo)
BiOr                                        Bibliotheca Orientalis
BKT                                         Berliner Klassikertexte, herausgegeben von der Generalverwaltung der Kgl.
                                            Museen zu Berlin (1904– )
Blass, Att. Ber.                            F. Blass, Die Attische Beredsamkeit, 2nd edn. (1887–98)
BM                                          British Museum
BMB                                         Bulletin du Musée de Beyrouth
BMC                                         British Museum Catalogue
BM Coins, Rom. Emp.                         British Museum Catalogue of Coins of the Roman Empire (1923– )
BN                                          Beiträge zur Namenforschung, Heidelberg
BNJ                                         I. Worthington (ed.), Brill's New Jacoby (2006– )
BNP                                         Brill’s New Pauly
Boll. d'Arte                                Bollettino d'arte
Boll. Fil. Class.                           Bollettino di filologia classica (1894–1929); ns (1930– )
Bonner Jahrb.                               Bonner Jahrbücher (1895– )
Bosworth, HCA                               A. B. Bosworth, Historical Commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander 1:
                                            Commentary on Books i–iii (1980); 2: Commentary on Books iv–v (1995)
Bouché-Leclerq, Hist. div.                  A. Bouché-Leclerq, Histoire de la divination dans l'antiquité, 4 vols. (1879–82)
Bowersock, AGW                              G.W. Bowersock, Augustus and the Greek World (1965)
B. phil. Woch.                              Berliner philologische Wochenschrift (1881–1920)
Bremer                                      F. P. Bremer, Iurisprudentiae antehadrianae quae supersunt: 1 (1896); 2/1
                                            (1898); 2/2 (1901)
Bresl. phil. Abh.                           Breslauer philologische Abhandlungen
BRGK                                        Bericht der römisch-germanischen Kommission des deutschen archäologischen
Briant, HEA                                 P. Briant, Histoire de l’Empire perse: de Cyrus à Alexandre (1996; Eng. trans.
Briscoe, Comm. 31–33                        J. Briscoe, A Commentary on Livy Books xxxi–xxxiii (1973)
  Comm. 34–37                               A Commentary on Livy Books xxxiv–xxxvii (1981)
  Comm. 38–40                               A Commentary on Livy Books xxxviii–xl (2008)
Brommer, Vasenlisten                        F. Brommer, Vasenlisten zur griechischen Heldensage (2nd edn. 1960; 3rd edn.
Broughton, MRR                              T. R. S. Broughton, The Magistrates of the Roman Republic (1951–2); Suppl.
                                            (1986: supersedes Suppl. 1960)
Bruns, Font.                                C. G. Bruns, Fontes iuris Romani antiqui, 7th edn. (1919)
Brunt, RIT                                  P. A. Brunt, Roman Imperial Themes (1990)
BSA                                         Annual of the British School at Athens (1895– )
BTCGI                                       G. Nenci and G. Vallet (eds), Bibliografia topografica della colonizzazione
                                            greca in Italia e nelle isole tirreniche

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Büchner, FPL                                see Morel–Büchner, FPL
Budé                                        Collection des Univ. de France, publiée sous le patronage de l'Assoc.
                                            Guillaume Budé
Buecheler, Carm. Epigr.                     F. Buecheler, Carmina Latina Epigraphica, 2 vols. with Suppl. by E.
                                            Lommatzsch (1894–1930)
Bull. Com. Arch.                            Bullettino della Commissione archeologica comunale in Roma
Bull. Ist. Dir. Rom.                        Bullettino del Istituto di diritto romano
Bull. Rylands Libr.                         Bulletin of John Rylands Library
Burkert, GR                                 W. Burkert, trans. J. Raffan, Greek Religion (1985)
Burkert, HN                                 W. Burkert, trans. P. Bing, Homo Necans (1983)
Burnet, EGP                                 J. Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy, 4th edn. (1930)
Bursian                                     C. Bursian, Geographie von Griechenland 2 (1872)
  Jahresb.                                     Bursian's Jahresberichte über die Fortschritte der Altertumswissenschaft
                                            (1873– )
Busolt, Gr. Gesch.                          G. Busolt, Griechische Geschichte, 4 vols., vols. 1 and 2 in 2nd edn. (1893–
Byz. Forsch.                                Byzantinische Forschungen
Byz. und Neugr. Jahrb.                      Byzantinisch-neugriechische Jahrbücher
Byz. Zeitschr.                              Byzantinische Zeitschrift
C&M                                         Classica et Mediaevalia
Cabrol–Leclerq, Dict. d'arch. chrétienne    F. Cabrol and H. Leclerq (eds.), Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de
                                            liturgie, 15 vols. (1907–53)
Caes.                                       Caesar
  BAfr.                                        Bellum Africum
  BCiv.                                        Bellum Civile
  BGall.                                       Bellum Gallicum
CAF                                         T. Kock, Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta (1880–8)
CAH                                         Cambridge Ancient History, 2nd edn. (1961– ; 1st edn. 1923–39)
Cahiers de la DAFI                          Cahiers de la délegation française en Iran
Callim.                                     Callimachus
  Aet.                                         Aetia
  Epigr.                                       Epigrammata
  Hymn 1                                       Hymn to Zeus
     ” 2                                          ” ” Apollo
     ” 3                                          ” ” Artemis
     ” 4                                          ” ” Delos
     ” 5                                          ” ” Athena
     ” 6                                          ” ” Demeter
  Ia.                                          Iambics
Calp. Ecl.                                  Calpurnius Siculus, Eclogues
Carm. arv.                                  Carmen arvale
Carm. epigr.                                Carmina epigraphica (‘pars posterior’ of Anthologia Latina)
Carm. pop.                                  Carmina popularia in Diehl's Anth. Lyr. Graec.2, pp. 192–208
Carm. Sal.                                  Carmen Saliare
Cary, Geographic Background                 M. Cary, The Geographic Background of Greek and Roman History (1949)
Cary–Warmington, Explorers                  M. Cary and E. H. Warmington, The Ancient Explorers (1929;
                                            Penguin/Pelican, 1963)
Cass. Dio                                   Cassius Dio
Cassiod.                                    Cassiodorus
  Inst.                                        Institutiones
  Var.                                         Variae
Castagnoli, Stud. urb.                      F. Castagnoli (ed.), Studi di urbanistica antica (1966)
Cat. Lit. Pap.                              H. J. M. Milne, Catalogue of the Literary Papyri in the British Museum (1927)
Cato, Agr.                                  Cato, De agricultura or De re rustica
  Orig.                                        Origines
Catull.                                     Catullus
Caven, Punic Wars                           B. Caven, The Punic Wars (1988)
Cawkwell, Greek Wars                        G. Cawkwell, The Greek Wars: The Failure of Persia (2005)
CCAG                                        Catalogus Codicum Astrologorum Graecorum, ed. F. Cumont and others 9

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
CCGS                                        Corpus Christianorum, series Graeca (1977– )
CCSL                                        Corpus Christianorum, series Latina (1953– )
CDCC                                        G. Shipley, J. Vanderspoel, D. Mattingly, and L. Foxhall (eds.), The Cambridge
                                            Dictionary of Classical Civilization (2006)
CÉFR                                        Collections de l'École française de Rome (1976– )
CEG                                         P. A. Hansen, Carmina Epigraphica Graeca, 2 vols. (1983–9)
Celsus, Med.                                Celsus, De medicina
Censorinus, DN                              Censorinus, De die natali
CGF                                         G. Kaibel, Comicorum Graecorum Fragmenta (1899)
CGL                                         Corpus grammaticorum Latinorum
Chalcid. In Tim.                            Chalcidius, In Platonis Timaeum
Charisius, Gramm.                           Charisius, Ars grammatica
Chassignet                                  Chassignet's Budé texts of L'annalistique romaine 1 (1996), 2 (1999), 3 (2004)
CHCL                                        Cambridge History of Classical Literature, 1: Greek Literature, ed. P. E.
                                            Easterling and B. M. W. Knox (1985); 2: Latin Literature, ed. E. J. Kenney and
                                            W. V. Clausen (1982)
CHGRW                                       P. Sabin, H. van Wees, and M. Whitby (eds.), The Cambridge History of Greek
                                            and Roman Warfare, 2 vols. (2007)
Chiron                                      Chiron: Mitteilungen der Kommission für alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des
                                            deutschen archäologischen Instituts
CHJ                                         Cambridge Historical Journal
CHLC                                        G. A. Kennedy (ed.), Cambridge History of Literary Criticism 1: Classical
                                            Criticism (1989)
Christ–Schmid–Stählin                       W. von Christ, Geschichte d. griechischen Literatur, rev. W. Schmid and O.
                                            Stählin, vol. 2/16. See also 2/26 Schmid–Stählin
Chron. d'É                                  Chroniques d'Égypte
Chron. Marcell.                             Marcellinus, Chronicon
Chron. min.                                 Chronica minora
Chron. Pasch.                               Chronicon Paschale
CIA                                         Corpus Inscriptionum Atticarum (1825– )
Cic.                                        Cicero (Marcus Tullius)
  Acad.                                        Academicae quaestiones
  Acad. post.                                  Academica posteriora (= Plasberg, Bk. 4)
  Acad. Pr.                                    Academica Priora (= Plasberg, Bk. 1)
  Ad Brut.                                     Epistulae ad Brutum
  Amic.                                        De amicitia
  Arch.                                        Pro Archia
  Att.                                         Epistulae ad Atticum
  Balb.                                        Pro Balbo
  Brut.                                        Brutus or De Claris Oratoribus
  Caecin.                                      Pro Caecina
  Cael.                                        Pro Caelio
  Cat.                                         In Catilinam
  Clu.                                         Pro Cluentio
  Corn.                                        Pro Cornelio de maiestate (fragmentary)
  De imp. Cn. Pomp.                            see Leg. Man.
  Deiot.                                       Pro rege Deiotaro
  De or.                                       De oratore
  Div.                                         De divinatione
  Div. Caec.                                Divinatio in Caecilium
  Dom.                                         De domo sua
  Fam.                                         Epistulae ad familiares
  Fat.                                         De fato
  Fin.                                         De finibus
  Flac.                                        Pro Flacco
  Font.                                        Pro Fonteio
  Har. resp.                                   De haruspicum responso
  Inv. rhet.                                   De inventione rhetorica
  Leg.                                         De legibus
  Leg. agr.                                    De lege agraria

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Leg. Man.                                    Pro lege Manilia or De imperio Cn. Pompeii
  Lig.                                         Pro Ligario
  Luc.                                         Lucullus or Academica posteriora
  Marcell.                                     Pro Marcello
  Mil.                                         Pro Milone
  Mur.                                         Pro Murena
  Nat. D.                                      De natura deorum
  Off.                                         De officiis
  Orat.                                        Orator ad M. Brutum
  Part. or.                                    Partitiones oratoriae
  Phil.                                        Orationes Philippicae
  Pis.                                         In Pisonem
  Planc.                                       Pro Plancio
  Prov. cons.                                  De provinciis consularibus
  QFr.                                         Epistulae ad Quintum fratrem
  QRosc.                                       Pro Roscio comoedo
  Quinct.                                      Pro Quinctio
  Rab. Post.                                   Pro Rabirio Postumo
  Red. pop.                                    Post reditum ad populum
  Red. sen.                                    Post reditum in senatu
  Rep.                                         De republica
  Rosc. Am.                                    Pro Sexto Roscio Amerino
  Scaur.                                       Pro Scauro
  Sen.                                         De senectute
  Sest.                                        Pro Sestio
  Somn.                                        Somnium Scipionis
  Sull.                                        Pro Sulla
  Tog. cand.                                   Oratio in senatu in toga candida (fragmentary)
  Top.                                         Topica
  Tusc.                                        Tusculanae disputationes
  Vat.                                         In Vatinium
  Verr.                                        In Verrem
Cicero, Comment. pet.                       Cicero (Quintus), Commentariolum petitionis
Cichorius, Röm. Stud.                       C. Cichorius, Römische Studien (1922; repr. 1961) (cited by chapter and
CIE                                         Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum (1893– )
CIJ                                         Corpus Inscriptionum Iudaicarum, ed. J.-B. Frey (1936–52)
CIL                                         Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (1863– )
CISem.                                      Corpus Inscriptionum Semiticarum (1881– )
CJ                                          Classical Journal
Cl. Ant.                                    Classical Antiquity
Claud.                                      Claudianus
  Cons. Hon.                                   De consulatu Honorii
  Cons. Stil.                                  De consulatu Stilichonis
CLE                                         F. Bücheler and E. Lommatzsch (eds.), Carmina Latina Epigraphica (1895–
Clem. Al.                                   Clemens Alexandrinus
  Protr.                                       Protrepticus
  Strom.                                       Stromateis
Clinton, Iconography                        K. Clinton, Myth and Cult: The Iconography of the Eleusinian Mysteries
  Sacred Officials                             The Sacred Officials of the Eleusinian Mysteries (1974)
CMG                                         Corpus Medicorum Graecorum (1908– )
CML                                         Corpus Medicorum Latinorum (1915– )
Coarelli, Roma                              F. Coarelli, Guida archeologica Laterza: Roma, 6th edn. (1989)
Cod.                                        Codex
Codd. Lat. Ant. (Lowe)                      E. A. Lowe, Codices Latini Antiquiores (1934–66); Suppl. (1971); 2nd edn. of
                                            vol. 1 (1972)
Cod. Iust.                                  Codex Iustinianus
Cod. Theod.                                 Codex Theodosianus

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Coll. Alex.                                 see Powell
Collingwood–Myres, Roman Britain            R. G. Collingwood and J. N. L. Myres, Roman Britain and the English
                                            Settlements, 2nd edn. (1937; repr. 1963)
Collingwood–Wright, RIB                     R. G. Collingwood, R. P. Wright, and others, The Roman Inscriptions of
                                            Britain (1965– )
Columella, Rust.                            Columella, De re rustica
Comm. in Arist. Graeca                      Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca
Conon, Narr.                                Conon Mythographus, Διηγήσεις
Const.                                      Constitutio
Conway, Ital. Dial.                         R. S. Conway, Italic Dialects (1897)
Cook, Zeus                                  A. B. Cook, Zeus: A Study in Ancient Religion, vol. 1 (1914), 2 (1925), 3
Cornutus, Theol.                            Cornutus (L. Annaeus),
  Graec.                                    Ἐπιδρομὴ τῶν κατὰ τὴν Ἑλληνικὴν θΘεολογίαν παραδεδομένων
Corp. poes. ep. Graec. lud.                 Corpusculum poesis epicae Graecae ludibundae 1: Parodia et Archestratus, P.
                                            Brandt (1888); 2: Syllographi Graeci, C. Wachsmuth (1885)
Cosmopoulos, Mysteries                      M. B. Cosmopoulos, Greek Mysteries: The Archaeology of Ancient Greek
                                            Secret Cults (2003)
Courtney, FLP                               E. Courtney, The Fragmentary Latin Poets (1993)
CPhil.                                      Classical Philology
CPL                                         Corpus Poetarum Latinorum (1894–1920)
CQ                                          Classical Quarterly
CR                                          Classical Review
CR Acad. Inscr.                             Comptes rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres
Cramer, Anecd. Par.                         see Anecd. Par.
CRF                                         see Ribbeck
CronASA                                     Cronache di archeologia e di storia dell'arte
Cron. Erc.                                  Bolletino del Centro internazionale per lo studio dei papyri ercolanesi
CT                                          S. Hornblower, Comm. Thucydides
CTh                                         Cod. Theod.
CSEL                                        Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum (1866 ff.)
Cul.                                        Culex (see appendix vergiliana)
Cullen                                      T. Cullen (ed.), Aegean Prehistory: A review (2001)
Cumont, Rel. or.                            F. Cumont, Les Religions orientales dans le paganisme romain, 4th edn. (1929)
Curt.                                       Q. Curtius Rufus
CVA                                         Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (1925– )
CW                                          Classical World
Cyprian De. idol. vanit.                    De idolorum vanitate
Cyril. Adv. Iul.                            Cyrillus, Adversus Iulianum
Dam. Isid.                                  Damascius, Vita Isidori
Dar.–Sag.                                   C. Daremberg and E. Saglio, Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines
                                            d'après les textes et les monuments (1877–1919)
Davies, APF                                 J. K. Davies, Athenian Propertied Families 600–300 bc (1971)
Davies, EGF                                 M. Davies, Epicorum Graecorum Fragmenta (1988)
  PMGF                                         Poetarum Melicorum Graecorum Fragmenta (1991)
DB                                          Inscription of Darius I at Bisutun
DCB                                         Dictionary of Christian Biography and Literature, ed. H. Wace and W. C.
                                            Piercy (1911)
DCPP                                        Dictionnaire de la civilisation phénicienne et punique (1992)
Déchelette, Manuel                          J. Déchelette, Manuel d'archéologie préhistorique, celtique et gallo-romaine
De Com.                                     see Anon. De Com.
Def. tab. Audollent                         A. Audollent, Defixionum Tabellae (1904)
Def. tab. Wünsch                            R. Wünsch, Defixionum Tabellae (= IG 3/3) (1897)
Degrasi, ILLRP                              see ILLRP
Délos                                       Explorations archéologiques de Délos (1909– )
Dem.                                        Demosthenes
  De cor.                                      De corona
  Epit.                                        Epitaphius
  Lept.                                        Against Leptines

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Meid.                                        Against Meidias
Demetr. Eloc.                               Demetrius [Phalereus], De Elocutione=Περὶ έρμηνείας
Demiańczuk, Supp. Com.                      J. Demiańczuk, Supplementum Comicum (1912)
Democr.                                     Democritus
De Sanctis, Stor. Rom.                      G. De Sanctis, Storia dei Romani, vols. 1–22 (1959–60), 32 (1967–8), 4/12
                                            (1969), 4/2–3 (1953–64)
Dessau, ILS                                 H. Dessau, Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae (1892–1916)
Deubner, Attische Feste                     L. Deubner, Attische Feste (1932)
Develin, AO                                 R. Develin, Athenian Officials 684- 321 bc (1989)
De vir. ill.                                De viris illustribus (auctor ignotus)
DFA3                                        A.W. Pickard-Cambridge, rev. J. Gould and D. M. Lewis, Dramatic Festivals
                                            of Athens, 3rd edn. (1988)
DHA                                         Dialogues d'histoire ancienne
Dial. di Arch.                              Dialoghi di archeologia
Dict. Sci. Biogr.                           Dictionary of Scientific Biography, ed. C. Gillespie (1970–80)
Dict. Spir.                                 Dictionnaire de spiritualité ascétique et mystique (1933)
Did. Iul.                                   Didius Iulianus, see SHA
Diehl. Anth. Lyr. Graec.                    E. Diehl, Anthologia Lyrica Graeca (1925; 2nd edn. 1942; 3rd edn. 1949–52)
  Poet. Rom. vet.                              Poetarum Romanorum veterum reliquiae (1911)
Diels, Dox. Graec.                          H. Diels, Doxographi Graeci (1879)
Diels–Kranz, Vorsokr.                       see DK
Dig.                                        Digesta
Din.                                        Dinarchus
Dio Cass.                                   Dio Cassius
Dio Chrys. Or.                              Dio Chrysostomus Orationes
Diocl. Magn.                                Diocles of Magnesia
Dio Cocc.                                   Dio Cocceianus; see Dio Chrys.
Diod. Sic.                                  Diodorus Siculus
Diogenian.                                  Diogenianus Paroemiographus
Diog. Laert.                                Diogenes Laertius
Diom.                                       Diomedes Grammaticus
Dion. Calliphon.                            Dionysius Calliphontis filius
Dion. Hal.                                  Dionysius Halicarnassensis
  Ant. Rom.                                    Antiquitates Romanae
  Comp.                                        De compositione verborum
  De imit.                                     De imitatione
  Dem.                                         De Demosthene
  Isoc.                                        De Isocrate
  Lys.                                         De Lysia
  Pomp.                                        Epistula ad Pompeium
  Rhet.                                        Ars rhetorica
  Thuc.                                        De Thucydide
  Vett. cens.                                  De veterum censura
Dion. Thrax                                 Dionysius Thrax
Dionys. Per.                                Dionysius Periegeta
Diss. Pan.                                  Dissertationes Pannonicae (1932– )
Dittenberg. Syll.3                          see Syll.3
Diz. Epigr.                                 see Ruggiero
DK                                          H. Diels and W. Kranz, Fragmente der Vorsokratiker, 6th edn. (1952)
DNP                                         Der Neue Pauly
Donat.                                      Aelius Donatus
  Vit. Verg.                                   Vita Vergilii
DOP                                         Dumbarton Oaks Papers
Dox. Graec.                                 see Diels
D Serv.                                     see Serv. Dan.
DTC                                         Dictionnaire de Théologie Catholique, ed. A. Vacant, E. Mangenot, and E.
                                            Amann, 15 vols. (1903–50)
Duff, Minor Lat. Poets                      J.W. and A. M. Duff, Minor Latin Poets (Loeb, 1935; repr. 1968, 1982)
Dumézil, ARR                                G. Dumézil, Archaic Roman Religion (1987; Fr. orig. 1974)
Dunbabin,Western Greeks                     T. J. Dunbabin, The Western Greeks (1948)

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
EA                                           Epigraphica Anatolica
EAA                                          Enciclopedia dell'arte antica (1958– )
Edmonds, FAC                                 J. M. Edmonds, Fragments of Attic Comedy 3 vols. (1957–61)
EEC                                          Encyclopaedia of the Early Church, 2 vols. (1992)
EGF                                          G. Kinkel, Epicorum Graecorum Fragmenta (1877): in part superseded by
                                             Bernabé, PEG
EJ                                           V. Ehrenberg and A. H. M. Jones, Documents Illustrating the Reigns of
                                             Augustus and Tiberius, 2nd edn. (1976)
EGM                                          R. Fowler, Early Greek Mythography 1 (2000), 2 (2013)
Enc. Brit.                                   Encyclopaedia Britannica
Enc. Ir.                                     Enciclopedia Iranica, ed. E. Yar- Shater (1985– )
Enc. Virg.                                   Enciclopedia Virgiliana, 5 vols. (1984–90)
Enn. Ann.                                    Ennius, Annales
Entretiens Hardt                             Fondation Hardt, Essais sur l'antiquité classique (1952– )
Ep.                                          Epistula
Eph. Epigr.                                  Ephemeris Epigraphica, Corporis Inscriptionum Latinarum Supplementum
                                             (1872– )
Epicharm.                                    Epicharmus
Epicurus                                     Epicurus
  Ep.                                           Epistulae
  Ep. Hdt.                                      Epistula ad Herodotum
  Ep. Men.                                      Epistula ad Menoeceum
  Ep. Pyth.                                     Epistula ad Pythoclem
  Sent. Vat.                                    Vatican Sayings = Gnomologium Vaticanum
  RS                                            Ratae sententiae
Epigr. Gr.                                   G. Kaibel, Epigrammata Graeca ex lapidibus conlecta (1878)
Epiph. Adv. haeres.                          Epiphanius, Adversus haereses
Epit.                                        Epitome
Epit. de Caes.                               Epitome de Caesaribus (in Teubner Aur. Vict. Caes., ed. F. Pichlmayer (1911),
Epit. Oxyrh.                                 Epitome Oxyrhynchica of Livy
EPRO                                         Études préliminaires aux religions orientales dans l'empire romain
Eratosth.                                    Eratosthenes
  [Cat.]                                        [Καταστερισμοί]
ERE                                          see Hastings
Ἔργον                                        Τὸ Ἔργον τῆς Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἑταιρείας
Ét. de Pap.                                  Études de papyrologie (1932–74)
Etym. Magn.                                  Etymologicum Magnum
Euc.                                         Euclid
Eudem.                                       Eudemus
Eunap.                                       Eunapius
  VS                                            Vitae sophistarum
Eup.                                         Eupolis
Eur.                                         Euripides
  Alc.                                          Alcestis
  Andr.                                         Andromache
  Bacch.                                        Bacchae
  Beller.                                       Bellerophon
  Cyc.                                          Cyclops
  El.                                           Electra
  Hec.                                          Hecuba
  Hel.                                          Helena
  Heracl.                                       Heraclidae
  HF                                            Hercules furens
  Hipp.                                         Hippolytus
  Hyps.                                         Hypsipyle
  IA                                            Iphigenia Aulidensis
  IT                                            Iphigenia Taurica
  Med.                                          Medea
  Or.                                           Orestes

     Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Phoen.                                       Phoenissae
  Rhes.                                        Rhesus
  Sthen.                                       Stheneboea
  Supp.                                        Supplices
  Tro.                                         Troades
Euseb.                                      Eusebius
  Chron.                                       Chronica
  Hist. eccl.                                  Historia ecclesiastica
  Praep. evang.                                Praeparatio evangelica
  Vit. Const.                                  Vita Constantini
Eust.                                       Eustathius
  Il.                                          Ad Iliadem
  Od.                                          Ad Odysseam
  Prooem. ad Pind.                             Eustathii prooemium commentariorum Pindaricorum, ed. F. W.
                                            Schneidewin (1837)
Eutocius, In Arch. circ. dim.               Eutocius, In Archimedis circuli dimensionem
Eutr.                                       Eutropius
EW                                          East and West
FAC                                         see Edmonds
Facella                                     M. Facella, La dinastia degli Orontidi nella Commagene ellenistico-romana
Farnell, Cults                              L. R. Farnell, The Cults of the Greek States (1896–1909)
  Hero-Cults                                   Greek Hero-Cults and Ideas of Immortality (1921)
Fasti sacerdotum                            J. Rüpke and others, Fasti sacerdotum: die Mitglieder der Priesterschaften und
                                            das sakrale Funktionspersonal römischer, griechischer, orientalischer und
                                            jüdisch-christlicher Kulte in der Stadt Rom von 300 v. Chr. bis 499 n. Chr., 3
                                            vols. (2005)
FCG                                         see Meineke
FCGM                                        see Olivieri
FD                                          Fouilles de Delphes
Festus, Gloss. Lat.                         W. M. Lindsay's second edn. of Festus in his Glossaria Latina, vol. 4
FGrH                                        F. Jacoby, Fragmente der griechischen Historiker (1923– )
FHG                                         C. Müller, Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum (1841–70)
FIRA                                        see Riccobono, FIRA
Firm. Mat.                                  Firmicus Maternus
   Err. prof. rel.                          De errore profanarum religionum
Fittschen and Zanker                        K. Fittschen and P. Zanker, Katalog der römischen Porträts in den
                                            capitolinischen Museen (1983– )
Fleck J. Suppl.                             Fleckeisens Jahrbücher für klassische Philologie, Suppl. 24 (1898)= Neue
                                            Jahrbücher f. d. klassische Altertum
Flor.                                       L. Annaeus Florus
FLP                                         see Courtney, FLP
FOR                                         Forma Orbis Romanae. Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, ed. A.
                                            Blanchet (1931– )
Forbes, Stud. Anc. Technol.                 R. J. Forbes, Studies in Ancient Technology, 9 vols. (1957–64); 2nd edn., 9
                                            vols. (1964–72)
Fornara                                     C.W. Fornara (ed.), Archaic Times to the End of the Peloponnesian War, 2nd
                                            edn.: Translated Documents of Greece and Rome 1 (1983)
FPG                                         F. W. A. Mullach, Fragmenta Philosophorum Graecorum (1860–81)
FPL                                         see Morel-Büchner, FPL
FPR                                         see Baehr.
Frank, Econ. Survey                         T. Frank (ed). An Economic Survey of Ancient Rome, 5 vols. (1933–40)
Fraser, Cities                              P. M. Fraser, Cities of Alexander the Great (1996)
Fraser, GET                                 P. M. Fraser, Greek Ethnic Terminology (2009)
Fraser, Ptol. Alex.                         P. M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria, 3 vols. (1972)
Frere, Britannia                            S. S. Frere, Britannia (1967; 3rd edn., extensively revised, 1987)
FRH                                         H. Beck and U. Walter, Die Frühen Römischen Historiker (2001– )
FRHist                                      T. J. Cornell (ed.), Fragments of the Roman Historians (forthcoming)
Friedländer, Rom. Life                      L. Friedländer, Darstellung aus der Sittengeschichte Roms9–10 (1921–3), rev.
                                            G.Wissowa6; Roman Life and Manners under the Early Empire, Eng. trans.

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
from 7th edn. (1908–13)
Frontin.                                    Frontinus
  Aq.                                          De aquae ductu urbis Romae
  Str.                                         Strategemata
Fronto, Ep.                                 Fronto, Epistulae
FRP                                         A. S. Hollis, Fragments of Roman Poetry c. 60BC–AD 20 (2009)
Fulg.                                       Fulgentius
  Myth.                                        Mitologiae tres libri
Funaioli, Gramm. Rom. Frag.                 H. Funaioli, Grammaticae Romanae fragmenta (1907), vol. 1 alone published.
FUR                                         Forma Urbis Romae, ed. G. Corettoni and others (1960)
G&R                                         Greece and Rome, ns (1954/5– )
Gabba-Vallet, Sicilia antica                E. Gabba and G. Vallet (eds.), La Sicilia antica, 2 vols. in 5 (1980)
GAC                                         R. Hope Simpson and O. Dickinson, Gazetteer of Aegean Civilisation in the
                                            Bronze Age 1: The Mainland and Islands (1979)
Gai. Inst.                                  Gaius, Institutiones
Gal.                                        Galen
  De loc. aff.                                 De locis affectis
  Libr. Propr.                                 Περὶ τῶν ἰδίων βιβλίων
  Nat. Fac.                                    Περὶ φυσικῶν δυνάάμεων
Gantz, EGM                                  T. Gantz, Early Greek Myth (1993)
GB                                          Grazer Beiträge: Zeitschrift für klassische Altertumswissenschaft
GCS                                         Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der erstern Jahrhunderte (1897– )
GCN                                         Groningen Colloquia on the Greek and Roman Novel
GDI                                         H. Collitz and others, Sammlung der griechischen Dialektinschriften (1884–
Gell.                                       Aulus Gellius
  NA                                           Noctes Atticae
Gerber, GLP                                 D. E. Gerber (ed.), A Companion to the Greek Lyric Poets (1997)
German.                                     Germanicus
  Arat.                                        Aratea
Gesch.                                      Geschichte
Gezähmte Götter                             V. Rosenberger, Gezähmte Götter: das Prodigienwesen der römischen
                                            Republik (1998)
GGM                                         C. Müller, Geographici Graeci Minores (1855–61)
GJ                                          Geographical Journal
Gjerstad, Early Rome                        E. Gjerstad, Early Rome, 6 vols. (1953–73)
Gloss. Lat.                                 see Lindsay
Glotz, Hist. grecque                        G. Glotz, R. Cohen, and P. Roussel, Histoire grecque vols. 1–4/1 (1925–38)
GLP                                         see Page, GLP
Gnomon                                      Gnomon, Kritische Zeitschrift für d. gesamte klassische Altertumswiss.
Gomperz                                     T. Gomperz, Griechische Denker (1896); Eng. trans. (‘Greek Thinkers’), vols.
                                            1–4 (1901–12)
Gorg.                                       Gorgias
  Hel.                                         Helena
  Pal.                                         Palamedes
Gött. Anz.                                  Göttingischer gelehrte Anzeigen
Gött. Nachr.                                Nachrichten von der Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen
Gow–Page, GP                                A. S. F. Gow and D. L. Page, The Greek Anthology: Garland of Philip and
                                            some Contemporary Epigrams, 2 vols. (1968)
Gow–Page, HE                                A. S. F. Gow and D. L. Page, The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, 2
                                            vols. (1965)
Graf, Eleusis                               F. Graf, Eleusis und die orphische Dichtung: Athens in vorhellenistischer Zeit
Gramm. Lat.                                 see Keil
Gramm. Rom. Frag.                           see Funaioli; Mazzarino
GRBS                                        Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies
Green                                       R. P. H. Green, The Works of Ausonius (1991)
Greenidge, Clay, Gray, Sources              A. H. J. Greenidge, A. M. Clay, and E. W. Gray, Sources for Roman History,
                                            133–70 bc (1960; 2nd edn., corrected and supplemented, 1986)
Gregory of Tours                            Gregory of Tours

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Hist.                                        Historiae
  Glor. mart.                                  Gloria martyrorum
Grenier, Manuel                             A. Grenier, Manuel d'archéologie gallo-romaine (1931–4); = vol. of
                                            Déchelette's Manuel d'archéologie préhistorique
Grove Encyclopedia                          G. Campbell (ed.), The Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art and Architecture
Gruen, LGRR                                 E. S. Gruen, The Last Generation of the Roman Republic (1974)
Guthrie, Hist. Gk. Phil.                    W. K. C. Guthrie, History of Greek Philosophy (1965–81)
GVI                                         W. Peek, Griechische Vers- Inschriften 1: Grab-Epigramme (1955)
Hainsworth, Iliad comm.                     B. Hainsworth, The Iliad: A Commentary 3: Books 9–12 (1993)
Hainsworth, Odyssey comm.                   A. Heubeck, S.West, and J. B. Hainsworth, A Commentary on Homer's
                                            Odyssey 1: Introduction and Books 1–8 (1988)
Halm, Rhet. Lat. Min.                       K. Halm, Rhetores Latini Minores (1863)
HAMA                                        O. Neugebauer, A History of Ancient Mathematical Astronomy, 3 vols. (1975)
Hammond, Epirus                             N.G. L. Hammond, Epirus (1967)
  Hist. G.                                     History of Greece (2nd edn. 1967; 3rd edn. 1986)
Hansen, Attalids                            C. V. Hansen, The Attalids of Pergamum (1947)
Harding                                     P. Harding, From the End of the PeloponnesianWar to the Battle of Ipsus:
                                            Translated Documents of Greece and Rome 2 (1985)
Harp.                                       Harpocration
Harv. Stud.                                 Harvard Studies in Classical Philology
Harv. Theol. Rev.                           Harvard Theological Review
Hastings, ERE                               J. Hastings, Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, 12 vols. (1908–21); index
                                            vol. (1926)
Haynes, Etr. civ.                           S. Haynes, Etruscan Civilization: A Cultural History (2000)
HCT                                         A. W. Gomme, A. Andrewes, and K. J. Dover, A Historical Commentary on
                                            Thucydides, 5 vols. (1945–81)
Hdn.                                        Herodianus
Hdt.                                        Herodotus
Head, Hist. Num.                            B. V. Head, Historia Numorum, 2nd edn. (1911)
Heath, Hist. of Greek Maths.                T. L. Heath, History of Greek Mathematics, 2 vols. (1921)
Heckel, Marshals                            W. Heckel, The Marshals of Alexander's Empire (1992)
Heckel, Who's Who                           W. Heckel, Who's Who in the Age of Alexander the Great (2006)
Heitsch, Griech. Dichterfr.                 E. Heitsch (ed.), Die griechischen Dichterfragmente der römischen Kaiserzeit
                                            1, Abh. der Akad. der Wissenschaften in Göttingen, phil.-hist. Kl. 3. Folge, 49
                                            (1961;21963), 58 (1964)
Heliod. Aeth.                               Heliodorus, Aethiopica
Hell. Oxy.                                  Hellenica Oxyrhynchia
Heph.                                       Hephaestion
Heraclid. Pont.                             Heraclides Ponticus
Hercher, Epistolog. Graec.                  R. Hercher, Epistolographi Graeci (1873)
Hermes                                      Hermes, Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie
Hermog.                                     Hermogenes
  Id.                                          Περὶ ὶδεῶν
  Inv.                                         Περὶ εὑρέσεως
  Prog.                                        Προγυμνάάσματα
Herod.                                      Herodas
Heron, Pneum.                               Heron, Pneumatica
Herzog–Schmidt                              R. Herzog and P. Schmidt, Handbuch der lateinischen Literatur der Antike
                                            (1989– )
Hes.                                        Hesiod
  Cat.                                         Catalogus mulierum
  Op.                                          Opera et Dies
  [Sc.]                                        Scutum
  Theog.                                       Theogonia
Hesp.                                       Hesperia: Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Hieron.                                     Hieronymus, see Jerome
Hignett, Hist. Athen. Const.                C. Hignett, A History of the Athenian Constitution (1952)
Himer. Ecl.                                 Himerius, Eclogae
  Or.                                          Orationes

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Hippoc.                                     Hippocrates
  Acut.                                        De diaeta in morbis acutis
  Aer.                                         De aera, aquis, locis
  Art.                                         De articulis
  [Ep.]                                        Epistulae
  Epid.                                        Epidemiae
  Morb.                                        Περι? νούσων (On Diseases)
  Morb. sacr.                                  De morbo sacro
  Mul.                                         De mulierum affectibus
  Nat. mul.                                    De natura muliebri
  Nat. puer.                                   Περὶ φύσιος παιδίου (On the Nature of the Child)
  Off.                                         De officina medici
  Virg.                                        De virginibus morbis
  VM                                           De vetere medicina
Hippol.                                     Hippolytus
  Haer.                                        Refutatio omnium haeresium
Hist.                                       Historia, Zeitschrift für alte Geschichte
Hist. Aug.                                  Historia Augusta (see SHA)
HLL                                         see Herzog-Schmidt; see also Schanz-Hosius
HM                                          History of Macedonia 1, ed. N. G. L. Hammond (1972); 2, ed. N. G. L.
                                            Hammond and G. T. Griffith (1979); 3, ed. N. G. L. Hammond and F. W.
                                            Walbank (1988)
Hom.                                        Homer
  Il.                                          Iliad
  Od.                                          Odyssey
Hom. Hymn Dem.                              Homeric Hymn to Demeter
Homil. Clement.                             Clementine Homilies
Honoré 1962                                 A. M. Honoré, Gaius: A Biography (1962)
Honoré 1981                                 T. Honoré, Emperors and Lawyers (1981; 2nd edn. 1994)
Hor.                                        Horace
  Ars P.                                       Ars poetica
  Carm.                                        Carmina or Odes
  Carm. saec.                                  Carmen saeculare
  Epist.                                       Epistulae
  Epod.                                        Epodi
  Sat.                                         Satirae or Sermones
Hornblower, Comm. on Thuc.                  S. Hornblower, Commentary on Thucydides 1: Books 1–3 (1991); 2: Books 4–
                                            5.24 (1996); 3: Books 5.26–8.109 (2008)
HR                                          History of Religions
HRRel.                                      see under Peter
Hsch.                                       Hesychius
Hyde, Greek Mariners                        W. Hyde, Ancient Greek Mariners (1947)
Hyg.                                        Hyginus
  Fab.                                         Fabulae
  Poet. astr.                                  Poetica astronomica
Hymn. Hom. Ap.                              Hymnus Homericus ad Apollinem
     Bacch.                                       ”     ”    ” Bacchum
     Cer. (or Dem.)                               ”     ”    ” Cererem
     Mart.                                        ”     ”    ” Martem
     Merc.                                        ”     ”    ” Mercurium
     Pan.                                         ”     ”    ” Panem
     Ven.                                         ”     ”    ” Venerem
Hymn. Mag.                                  Hymni Magici
Hymn. Orph.                                 Hymni Orphici
Hyp.                                        Hyperides
  Lyc.                                         For Lycophron
IACP                                        M. H. Hansen and T. H. Nielsen (eds.), An Inventory of Archaic and Classical
                                            Poleis (2004)
Iambl.                                      Iamblichus
  Myst.                                        De mysteriis

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
VP                                          Vita Pythagorae
IBR                                         D. and F. R. Ridgway (eds.), Italy before the Romans (1979)
Ibyc.                                       Ibycus
IC                                          M. Guarducci (ed.), Inscriptiones Creticae, 4 vols. (1935–50)
ICS                                         Illinois Classical Studies
IDélos                                      F. Dürrbach (ed.), Inscriptions de Délos (1923–37)
IDidyma                                     A. Rehm, Die Inschriften. Milet 3 (1914)
IE                                          Indo-European
IEJ                                         Israel Exploration Journal
IEleusis                                    K. Clinton, Eleusis. The Inscriptions on Stone. Documents of the Sanctuary of
                                            the Two Goddesses and the Public Documents of the Deme 1 (2005), 2 (2008)
IG                                          Inscriptiones Graecae (1873– )
IGBulg.                                     G. Mihailov, Inscriptiones Graecae in Bulgaria repertae (1958–70)
IGRom.                                      Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romanas pertinentes (1906– )
IJCT                                        International Journal of the Classical Tradition
IK                                          Inschriften griechischer Städte aus Kleinasien (1972– )
ILabraunda                                  J. Crampa (ed.), Labraunda Swedish Excavations and Researches 3 (1 and 2):
                                            The Greek Inscriptions (1969 and 1972)
ILAlg.                                      Inscriptions latines de l'Algérie 1, ed. S. Gsell (1922); 2, ed. H.-G. Pflaum
Il.                                         Iliad
ILCV                                        E. Diehl, Inscriptiones latinae Christianae veteres (1925–31); see ‘epigraphy,
I. l. de Gaule                              Inscriptions latines des trois Gaules, ed. P. Wuilleumier (1963)
ILLRP                                       Inscriptiones Latinae Liberae Rei Republicae, ed. A. Degrassi, vol. 12 (1965), 2
ILN                                         Illustrated London News
ILS                                         see Dessau
IMagn.                                      O. Kern (ed.), Die Inschriften von Magnesia am Maeander (1900)
IMU                                         Italia medioevale e umanistica
IMylasa                                     W. Blümel, Die Inschriften von Mylasa (2 vols., 1987–8)
In Dem.                                     Against Demosthenes
Indo-Germ. Forsch.                          Indogermanische Forschungen
Ind. Stoic. Herc.                           J. Traversa, Index Stoicorum Herculanensis (1952)
Inscr. Ital.                                Inscriptiones Italiae (1931/2– )
Inst. Iust.                                 Institutiones Iustiniani
Instrumenta sacra                           A. V. Siebert, Instrumenta sacra; Untersuchungen zu römischen Opfer-, Kult-
                                            und Priestergeräten (1999)
International Law in Archaic Rome           A. Watson, International Law in Archaic Rome: War and Religion (1993)
IPE                                         Inscriptiones orae septentrionalis Ponti Euxini (1885)
IrAnt                                       Iranica Antiqua
Iron Age in S. Britain                      S. S. Frere (ed.), Problems of the Iron Age in Southern Britain
Isae.                                       Isaeus
ISestos                                     J. Krauss, Die Inschriften von Sestos und der Thrakischen Chersones (1980)
Isid.                                       Isidorus
    De vir. ill.                               De viris illustribus
    Etym.                                      Etymologiae
Isoc.                                       Isocrates
    Bus.                                       Busiris
    Antid.                                     Antidosis
    C. soph.                                   Contra sophistas
    Panath.                                    Panathenaicus
    Paneg.                                     Panegyricus
Ist. Mitt.                                  Istanbuler Mitteilungen
It. Alex.                                   Itinerarium Alexandri
It. Ant.                                    Itineraria Antonini Augusti
IVO                                         Inschriften von Olympia, ed. W. Dittenberger and K. Purgold (1896)
JACT                                        Joint Association of Classical Teachers
Jahrb.                                      see [Neue] Jahrb.
Jahrb. f. cl. Phil. Suppl.                  Jahrbücher für classische Philologie, Supplementband

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
Jahresb.                                         see Bursian
JCS                                              Journal of Classical Studies
JDAI                                             Jahrbuch des [kaiserlich] deutschen archäologischen Instituts (1886– )
                                                 (contains Archäologischer Anzeiger)
Jeffery, LSAG                                    L. Jeffery, Local Scripts of Archaic Greece, 2nd edn., rev. A. Johnston (1990)
JEg. Arch.                                       Journal of Egyptian Archaeology
Jer.                                             Jerome
  Ab Abr.                                           Ab Abraham, the chronological reckoning from the first year of Abraham
                                                 followed in Jerome's translation and enlargement of Eusebius' Chronicle
  Adv. Iovinian.                                    Adversus Iovinianum
  Chron.                                            Chronica=Ab Abr.
  De script. eccles. proleg.                        De scriptoribus ecclesiasticis prolegomena
  De vir. ill.                                      De viris illustribus
  Ep.                                               Epistulae
JHS                                              Journal of Hellenic Studies
JJP                                              Journal of Juristic Papyrology
JNES                                             Journal of Near Eastern Studies
JÖAI                                             Jahreshefte des österreichischen archäologischen Instituts in Wien
JÖB                                              Jahrbuch des österreichischen Byzantinistik (1951– )
Jones, Cities E. Rom. Prov.                      A. H. M. Jones, The Cities of the Eastern Roman Provinces (1937; 2nd edn.
  Later Rom. Emp.                                   The Later Roman Empire 284–602 (1964)
Jord. Get.                                       Jordanes, Getica
Joseph.                                          Josephus
  AJ                                                Antiquitates Judaicae
  Ap.                                               Contra Apionem
  BJ                                                Bellum Judaicum
  Vit.                                              Vita
Journ. Bib. Lit.                                 Journal of Biblical Literature
Journ. Hist. Bio.                                Journal of the History of Biology
Journ. Hist. Med.                                Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Journ. Phil.                                     Journal of Philology (1868–1920); index (1923)
Journ. Sav.                                      Journal des savants, ns (1903– )
JRA                                              Journal of Roman Archaeology
JRGZM                                            Jahrbuch des römisch-germanischen Zentralmuseums
JRS                                              Journal of Roman Studies
JSGU                                             Jahrbuch der schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte
JTS                                              Journal of Theological Studies
Julian.                                          Julianus imperator
  Apophth.                                          Apophthegmata
  Ep.                                               Epistulae (ps.-Julian.=Ep. wrongly attributed to Julian)
  Mis.                                              Misopogon
  Or.                                               Orationes
Just. Epit.                                      Justinus, Epitome (of Trogus)
Justin, Apol.                                    Justin Martyr, Apologia
Juv.                                             Juvenal
JWI                                              Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute
κ                                                κατά
KA                                               see Kassel-Austin
Kaibel                                           see CGF and Epigr. Gr.
Kassel–Austin, PCG                               R. Kassel and C. Austin, Poetae Comici Graeci, vol. 1 (1983), 2 (1991)
Kaster, Guardians                                R. A. Kaster, Guardians of Language: The Grammarian and Society in Late
                                                 Antiquity (1988)
Kaster, Suetonius                                R. A. Kaster, C. Suetonius Tranquillus, De Grammaticis et Rhetoribus (1995)
Kearns, Heroes of Attica                         E. Kearns, The Heroes of Attica, BICS Suppl. 57 (1989)
Keil, Gramm. Lat.                                H. Keil, Grammatici Latini, 8 vols. (1855–1923; repr. 1961)
Kern                                             O. Kern
  Orph. frag.                                       Orphica Fragmenta (1922)
  Rel. d. Griech.                                   Die Religion der Griechen, 3 vols. (1926–38)
Kirk–Raven–Schofield, Presocratic Philosophers   G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven, and M. Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers, 2nd

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
edn. (1983)
Klass. phil. Stud.                          Klassische philologische Studien, ed. E. Bickel and C. Jensen
Klio                                        Klio, Beiträge zur alten Geschichte
Klotz, Scaen. Rom. Frag.                    A. Klotz (ed.), Scaenicorum Romanorum Fragmenta (1953)
Kl. Pauly                                   Der kleine Pauly (1964–75)
Kl. Schr.                                   Kleine Schriften (of various authors)
Körte, Men. Rel.                            A. Körte, Menandri Reliquiae
Kroll, Rhet.                                W. Kroll, Rhetorik (1937): written as article for RE, but published separately
Kron, Phylenheroen                          U. Kron, Die zehn attischen Phylenheroen: MDAI(A) Suppl. 5 (1976)
KRS                                         G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven, and M. Schofield, The Presocratic Philosophers: A
                                            Critical History with a Selection of Texts (1984)
Kühn                                        K. G. Kühn, Medicorum Graecorum Opera
Kunkel 1967                                 W. Kunkel, Herkunft und soziale Stellung der römischen Juristen, 2nd edn.
Lactant.                                    Lactantius
  De falsa relig.                              De falsa religione
  De mort. pers.                               De mortibus persecutorum
  Div. inst.                                   Divinae institutiones
LACTOR                                      London Association of Classical Teachers Original Records
La Mémoire perdue                           C. Moatti (ed.), La Mémoire perdue: recherches sur l'administration romaine
Lambrechts, Sénat                           P. Lambrechts, La Composition du Sénat romain 117–192 (1936)
Latte, RR                                   K. Latte, Römische Religionsgeschichte (1960)
Laur.                                       Laurentian Library
LCM                                         Liverpool Classical Monthly
LdÄ                                         W. Helck, E. Otto, and W. Westendorf (eds.), Lexicon der Ägyptologie (1975–
Le Collège pontifical                       F. Van Haeperen, Le Collège pontifical (3ème s.a.– 4ème s.p.C): contribution à
                                            l'étude de la religion publique romaine (2002)
LEC                                         Les Études classiques
Leipz. Stud.                                Leipziger Studien zur klassischen Philosophie (1878–95)
Lenel, Pal.                                 O. Lenel, Palingenesia Iuris Civilis, 2 vols. (1889)
Lex.                                        Lexicon
Lexikon der historischen Stätten            S. Lauffer (ed.), Lexikon der historischen Stätten von den Anfängen bis zur
                                            Gegenwart (1989)
Lex. Mess.                                  Lexicon Messanense
LGPN 1, 3A, 3B, 4                           P. M. Fraser and E. Matthews (eds.), A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names 1
                                            (1987) 3A (1997), 3B (2000), 4 (2005)
LGPN 2                                      M. Osborne and S. Byrne (eds.), A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names 2 (1994)
LGPN 5A                                     T. Corsten (ed.) A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names 5A (2010)
LH Citadels                                 S. Iakovidis, Late Helladic Citadels on Mainland Greece (1983)
Lib.                                        Libanius
Lib. colon.                                 Libri coloniarum
Liebs 1987                                  D. Liebs, Die Jurisprudenz im spätantiken Italien (1987)
LIMC                                        Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (1981– )
Lindsay, Gloss. Lat.                        W. M. Lindsay, Glossaria Latina (1930)
Lind. Temp. Chron.                          C. Blinkenberg, Die lindische Tempelchronik (1915)
Lintott, Violence                           A.W. Lintott, Violence in Republican Rome (1968)
Lippold, Griech.                            G. Lippold, Die griechische
Plastik                                     Plastik (Handbuch der Archäologie, 1950): in part superseded by J. Floren, Die
                                            griechische Plastik 1 (1987)
Liv. Andron. Od.                            Livius Andronicus, Odyssia
Livy, Epit.                                 Livy, Epitomae
  Per.                                         Periochae
Lobeck, Aglaoph.                            C. A. Lobeck, Aglaophamus (1829)
Loeb                                        Loeb Classical Library
[Longinus], Subl.                           [Longinus], Περὶ ὕψους
LP                                          E. Lobel and D. L. Page, Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta (1955)
LSAG                                        See Jeffery, LSAG
LSAM                                        F. Sokolowski, Lois sacrées de l'Asie Mineure (1955)

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
LSCG                                        F. Sokolowski, Lois sacrées des cités grecques (1969)
LSJ                                         Liddell and Scott, Greek-English Lexicon, 9th edn., rev. H. Stuart Jones (1925–
                                            40); Suppl. by E. A. Barber and others (1968)
LSS                                         F. Sokolowski, Lois sacrées des cités grecques: Supplément (1962)
LTUR                                        M. Steinby (ed.), Lexicon Topographicum Urbis Romae, 6 vols. (1993–2000)
Luc.                                        Lucan
  Alex.                                        Alexander
  Anach.                                       Anacharsis
  Cal.                                         Calumniae non temere credendum
  Catapl.                                      Cataplus
  Demon.                                       Demonax
  De mort. Peregr.                             De morte Peregrini
  Dial. D.                                     Dialogi deorum
  Dial. meret.                                 Dialogi meretricii
  Dial. mort.                                  Dialogi mortuorum
  Her.                                         Herodotus
  Hermot.                                      Hermotimus
  Hist. conscr.                                Quomodo historia conscribenda sit
  Ind.                                         Adversus indoctum
  Iupp. trag.                                  Iuppiter tragoedus
  Luct.                                        De luctu
  Macr.                                        Macrobii
  Nigr.                                        Nigrinus
  Philops.                                     Philopseudes
  Pseudol.                                     Pseudologista
  Salt.                                        De saltatione
  Somn.                                        Somnium
  Symp.                                        Symposium
  Syr. D.                                      De Syria dea
  Trag.                                        Tragoedopodagra
  Ver. hist.                                   Verae historiae, 1, 2
  Vit. auct.                                   Vitarum auctio
Lucil.                                      Lucilius
Lucr.                                       Lucretius
Lugli, Fontes                               G. Lugli, Fontes ad Topographiam Veteris Urbis Romanae Pertinentes, vols.
                                            1–4 (1953–62) 8, 6/2 (1969)
LXX                                         Septuagint
Lycoph.                                     Lycophron
  Alex.                                        Alexandra
Lycurg.                                     Lycurgus
  Leoc.                                        Against Leocrates
Lydus, Mens.                                Lydus, De mensibus
  Mag.                                         De magistratibus
  Ost.                                         De ostentis
Lys.                                        Lysias
MAAR                                        Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome
Macrob.                                     Macrobius
  In Somn.                                     Commentarius ex Cicerone in Somnium Scipionis
  Sat.                                         Saturnalia
Magie, Rom. Rule Asia Min.                  D. Magie, Roman Rule in Asia Minor
Malcovati, ORF                              H. Malcovati, Oratorum Romanorum Fragmenta (2nd edn. 1955; 4th edn.
MAMA                                        Monumenta Asiae Minoris Antiquae (1928– )
Manitius                                    M. Manitius, Gesch. der lat. Lit. des Mittelalters (1911–23)
Marcellin.                                  Marcellinus
Marm. Par.                                  Marmor Parium (IG 12 (5), 444)
Marquardt                                   J. Marquardt
 Privatleben                                   Privatleben der Römer, 2nd edn. besorgt von A. Mau, 2 vols. (1886). These
                                            together make up vol. 7 of Handbuch der römischen Altertümer, by J.
                                            Marquardt and T. Mommsen

    Oxford Classical Dictionary – Abbreviations List
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