Chief Justice John Marshall | Career, Appointment & Significance |
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Chief Justice John Marshall | Career, Appointment & Significance

Lawrence Wallis, Amy Lively
  • Author
    Lawrence Wallis

    Lawrence Wallis has taught history at the college level for over a decade. He has a Masters degree from Monmouth University and two Bachelor’s degrees from Brooklyn College (CUNY) in Economics and Accounting.

  • Instructor
    Amy Lively

    Amy has an M.A. in American History. She has taught history at all levels, from university to middle school.

Learn about Chief Justice John Marshall, and see who appointed him. Explore John Marshall's significance to the U.S. government and how he changed the Supreme Court. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

Why was the appointment of John Marshall important?

John Marshall's appointment to the Supreme Court was important because Marshall created the role that the Supreme Court would play in the new country. President Adams, who appointed Marshall to the court, stated that Marshall's appointment was one of his greatest achievements as president.

What did John Marshall believe in?

John Marshall believed that the Supreme Court should be equal to the legislative and executive branches of government. He also believed that the Court had the power to review state and federal laws to determine if the laws were constitutional or not.

How did John Marshall impact the Supreme Court?

John Marshall created the concept of judicial review. Judicial review is a power that allows the Supreme Court to review state and federal laws for their constitutionality.

What is John Marshall best known for?

John Marshall is best known for being the longest-serving and one of the most influential chief justices on the Supreme Court. He served on the Court from 1801 until his death in 1835.

John Marshall was one of the most important chief justices ever to serve on the Supreme Court.

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Marshall began his career when he started to practice law in 1780. He was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1782. During Shay's Rebellion of 1786–1787, Marshall realized the current Articles of Confederation were insufficient, the Confederate Congress was too weak to meet the needs of the new country, and a stronger government needed to be created. He supported the Philadelphia Constitutional Convention, where a new government was being created. He was elected to the Virginia Ratifying Committee, where he, along with James Madison, one of the writers of the Constitution, would convince the other Virginia delegates of the necessity of the new Constitution.

At various points during his presidency, George Washington asked Marshall to join his government, once as attorney general, but Marshall preferred to maintain his own legal practice. After a diplomatic mission, a term in Congress, and serving briefly as secretary of state, he became chief justice of the Supreme Court. In this role, what John Marshall did was transform the Supreme Court into a coequal branch of government.

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John Marshall began his role in the new government when he was appointed to a diplomatic mission to France that led to the XYZ Affair. He then ran for Congress and was later appointed secretary of state under President Adams.

When Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Oliver Ellsworth resigned due to health issues, Adams, who only had a few months left as president, appointed Marshall after other potential nominees turned Adams down. In late January 1801, the Senate confirmed Marshall as the fourth chief justice of the Supreme Court, and he took office on February 4, 1801. He remained in the position of secretary of state until Adams's presidential term expired on March 4 of that year.

Who Appointed John Marshall?

President John Adams appointed John Marshall as chief justice in January 1801, after Adams's preferred nominee, John Jay, refused the position. Jay had been the first chief justice of the Supreme Court but had resigned in 1795 to become governor of New York state. Jay refused renomination to the Court because he felt that the Supreme Court, as constructed, had little power.

Adams next chose Marshall, who reluctantly accepted. Adams later wrote that the Marshall nomination was the best thing he accomplished as president.

Nomination of John Marshall to the Supreme Court

President Adams Nomination of John Marshall to the Supreme Court

John Marshall's Significance to the Supreme Court

John Marshall became the fourth chief justice of the Supreme Court in February 1801, and served until his death in July 1835. Marshall's significance was that he made the Court an equal part of the federal government along with the legislative and executive branches. This power was based on the cases and decisions the Court issued during his tenure.

Several of the Court's most important decisions under his leadership include the following.

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John Marshall was the longest-serving chief justice of the Supreme Court. In this position, he was fundamental in creating what the role of the Court would be in the new country. Marshall created the idea of judicial review (Marbury v. Madison), the most important power of the Supreme Court. Judicial review allowed the Supreme Court to review laws, both federal and state, in order to determine their constitutionality. The Court, under his leadership, also created the idea that the Supreme Court had the power to review state laws to insure that they were constitutional (Fletcher v. Peck, Cohens v. Virginia).

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Additional Info

Justice John Marshall

Marshall's Early Years

John Marshall's father decided early on that his son would be a lawyer. Never mind the fact that when Marshall was born on the Virginia frontier on September 24, 1755, there were no schools for miles around. Marshall's father knew a few influential Virginians, including a military man named George Washington, and they let Marshall borrows books from their personal libraries. Other than one year at the Campbell Academy, Marshall was educated at home.

Any plans for a law career were put on hold while Marshall served with distinction for five years in the Revolutionary War. When his military service came to an end in 1779, he enrolled in a 6-week law course at the College of William and Mary, which was the extent of his time in law school. Marshall passed the bar exam in 1780.

Marshall Enters Politics

Marshall was not independently wealthy like men such as Thomas Jefferson or George Washington. If he did not work, he did not make money. That made him reluctant to enter politics because being a politician did not pay well. While he was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates in 1782, his primary focus was his thriving law practice. However, Marshall was a nationalist and a firm believer in a strong central government.

When Daniel Shays led an armed revolt against what he believed were unfair tax policies by the Massachusetts government, Marshall spoke out. He saw the uprising as a threat against the nation. Yet, after serving for the Virginia Convention that ratified the Constitution in 1788, Marshall left politics and resumed concentrating on law.

The XYZ Affair

Marshall declined offers to serve as attorney general in 1795 and a minister to France in 1796, but President John Adams was able to convince him to be a minister to France in 1797. Tension was brewing with France because France wanted the U.S.'s help in capturing British ships and in getting Louisiana back from Spain. The U.S. just wanted to remain neutral. Adams sent Marshall, Charles Pinckney, and Elbridge Gerry to Paris to see if they could negotiate an agreement.

They met with three French agents, who Americans referred to as X, Y, and Z. Negotiations fell apart when the Americans refused to give a $12 million loan to France and pay a $250,000 bribe to Prime Minister Talleyrand in exchange for meeting with him. By the time Marshall returned home, he was considered a hero for standing up to France.

Joining the Adams Administration

If John Adams had not been a persistent man, John Marshall may have never made it onto the Supreme Court. When Justice James Wilson died on September 13, 1798, Adams wanted Marshall to replace him. Marshall's conduct in the XYZ Affair had proven his integrity. However, Marshall declined.

He did run for the House of Representatives in 1799 and won. Still, the money he made representing Virginia in Congress was barely enough to pay his bills and his clients in his law practice were leaving him because he was gone so often. Marshall's career in politics was in doubt. Adams finally got his man when he fired Thomas Pickering and named Marshall secretary of state on May 12, 1800. Marshall agreed because the job paid well and he liked foreign policy. It only lasted a year, though, because Adams was not reelected.

Becoming Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

When Adams asked John Jay to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, he declined. Jay did not think the position carried enough authority. Adams chose Marshall instead and this time, there was no hesitation. Marshall became Chief Justice in 1801 and transformed the nation's highest court.

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