43 Facts about the movie Green Street Hooligans - Facts.net
Jammie Valdez

Written by Jammie Valdez

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Amazom.co.uk

Green Street Hooligans is a cult classic movie that delves into the gritty world of football hooliganism in London. Released in 2005, this intense drama gained a dedicated following thanks to its gripping storyline and stellar performances. The film centers around the character of Matt Buckner, a disillusioned Harvard student who finds himself immersed in the violent and unpredictable world of football fandom after moving to London. As Matt becomes a member of the Green Street Elite, one of the most notorious hooligan firms in the city, he discovers a brotherhood like no other but also the consequences that come with it. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the movie, uncovering 43 fascinating facts that you may not know about Green Street Hooligans.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Green Street Hooligans” is a gritty film that explores loyalty, friendship, and the consequences of football hooliganism, gaining a dedicated fanbase despite mixed reviews and sparking debates on its portrayal of violence.
  • The movie’s authentic portrayal of hooliganism, intense fight scenes, and nuanced characters have made it a cult classic, offering a gripping and thought-provoking cinematic experience for fans of football movies.
Table of Contents

The idea for the movie came to Lexi Alexander after she witnessed a brawl between football fans.

While on a trip to England, Alexander stumbled upon a violent clash between rival football hooligan groups, which inspired her to explore the subject in a film.

The screenplay was written by Lexi Alexander and Dougie Brimson.

Alexander collaborated with Dougie Brimson, an author and former football hooligan, to create an authentic and gripping screenplay.

Elijah Wood plays the lead role of Matt Buckner.

Known for his role as Frodo Baggins in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Wood took on the challenging role of an American student immersed in the world of football hooliganism.

Charlie Hunnam portrays the character of Pete Dunham.

Hunnam, who later gained fame for his role in the television series Sons of Anarchy, delivers a powerful performance as the charismatic and feared leader of the Green Street Elite.

The film was originally titled “Hooligans.”

However, the title was changed to “Green Street Hooligans” to emphasize the specific location and setting of the movie.

The Green Street Elite is based on the real-life football hooligan firm, the Inter City Firm (ICF).

The ICF was notorious for their involvement in football violence during the 1970s and 1980s, particularly associated with West Ham United.

Green Street Hooligans was partially filmed on location in London.

The filmmakers wanted to capture the authentic atmosphere of the city and its football culture, so various scenes were shot in real London locations.

Real football hooligans were used as extras in the film.

To add realism to the fight scenes, the filmmakers recruited actual football hooligan groups to participate as extras.

The film explores the themes of loyalty, friendship, and tribalism.

Green Street Hooligans goes beyond the violence and delves into the complex emotions and motivations of the characters involved in football hooliganism.

The movie received mixed reviews from critics.

While some praised its gritty realism and powerful performances, others criticized the glorification of violence and stereotypical portrayal of hooligans.

Green Street Hooligans was a box office success.

The film grossed over $28 million worldwide, surpassing its modest budget and gaining a dedicated fanbase.

The fictional football team portrayed in the film is called West Ham United F.C.

West Ham United is one of the oldest and most well-known football clubs in England.

The soundtrack features a mix of punk and indie rock music.

The energetic and rebellious soundtrack complements the intense and adrenaline-fueled atmosphere of the film.

Green Street Hooligans was released under different titles in various countries.

For example, in Germany, it was titled “Hooligans,” while in Australia, it was released as “Green Street.”

The film has gained a cult following over the years.

Green Street Hooligans has become a favorite among fans of football movies and those interested in the subculture of football hooliganism.

The movie highlights the sense of identity and belonging that comes with being part of a football hooligan firm.

For the characters in the film, the firm provides a community and a purpose.

Green Street Hooligans explores the consequences of violence and the toll it takes on individuals and their relationships.

The film shows the cost of the characters’ involvement in hooliganism, both physically and emotionally.

The story takes unexpected twists and turns, keeping the audience engaged throughout.

Green Street Hooligans balances intense action scenes with moments of heartfelt emotion and suspense.

The film tackles themes of masculinity and machismo.

The characters in Green Street Hooligans navigate societal expectations of toughness and aggression within the context of hooliganism.

Green Street Hooligans was released in 2005.

The film was met with moderate success upon its initial release and has since gained a strong following.

The movie showcases the strong camaraderie among the members of the Green Street Elite.

Despite their violent tendencies, the firm members share a deep bond and loyalty to one another.

Green Street Hooligans presents a nuanced portrayal of the social and economic factors that contribute to football hooliganism.

The film suggests that hooliganism is often a result of systemic issues and a lack of alternative outlets for passion and aggression.

The on-screen violence was carefully choreographed.

Stunt coordinators and fight choreographers worked closely with the actors to ensure their safety during the fight scenes.

The movie explores the clash between different hooligan firms.

Green Street Hooligans delves into the rivalries and tensions that exist between football hooligan groups.

The film emphasizes the adrenaline rush experienced by hooligans during fights.

Through the intense and visceral fight sequences, the movie captures the exhilaration and danger of these confrontations.

Ryan Inman, a former football hooligan, served as a consultant on the film.

Inman’s firsthand knowledge of hooliganism and insight into the subculture proved invaluable during the production.

Green Street Hooligans explores the consequences of choices and the paths individuals take in life.

The film presents characters with different beliefs and motivations, showcasing the impact of their decisions.

The movie challenges stereotypes and explores the humanity of the hooligan characters.

While they engage in violent behavior, the film humanizes them and delves into their individual stories and struggles.

Green Street Hooligans showcases the dark side of football fandom.

The film sheds light on the extreme and dangerous behavior that sometimes accompanies fanaticism for a football team.

The movie includes memorable quotes that have become iconic among fans.

Lines such as “There’s no right or wrong in this world, only what you can get away with” have resonated with audiences.

Green Street Hooligans features a talented ensemble cast.

Apart from Elijah Wood and Charlie Hunnam, the film also stars Claire Forlani, Marc Warren, and Leo Gregory, among others.

The film’s editing and cinematography add to its gritty and visceral atmosphere.

The fast-paced editing and handheld camera work contribute to the intense and immersive viewing experience.

Green Street Hooligans has inspired debates and discussions on the portrayal of hooliganism in cinema.

The film elicited conversations on the ethical responsibility of filmmakers when depicting real-life issues such as football violence.

The movie explores the psychology behind football hooliganism.

Green Street Hooligans delves into the motivations and underlying factors that drive individuals to engage in violent behavior in the name of football.

Green Street Hooligans showcases the emotional toll that hooliganism takes on the characters’ families.

The film depicts the strain and fear experienced by loved ones as a result of their family members’ involvement in the firm.

The performances in the film were praised for their authenticity.

The cast’s portrayal of the hooligan characters and their emotional journey received accolades for their realism and depth.

Green Street Hooligans highlights the blurred lines between right and wrong when it comes to loyalty and friendship.

The film explores the moral gray areas that the characters navigate in their pursuit of loyalty and protection.

The movie presents the consequences of devoting oneself entirely to a violent and dangerous lifestyle.

Green Street Hooligans examines the personal sacrifices and risks that come with embracing a life of hooliganism.

Green Street Hooligans depicts the bond that forms between the American protagonist and British hooligans.

Through unexpected friendships, the film explores the power of human connection and understanding.

The film showcases the adrenaline rush and addiction that some individuals experience from engaging in violence.

Green Street Hooligans delves into the psychological aspects of hooliganism and the allure of danger.

Green Street Hooligans presents hooliganism as a form of tribalism.

The characters’ loyalty to their respective football clubs becomes an integral part of their identity and sense of belonging.

The movie’s plot is driven by themes of betrayal and revenge.

Green Street Hooligans weaves a tale of betrayal and its consequences, ultimately leading to a journey of redemption.

Green Street Hooligans has become a cult classic among fans of football films.

The film’s gritty portrayal of hooliganism, compelling performances, and thought-provoking themes have solidified its status as a fan favorite.

These 43 facts about the movie Green Street Hooligans provide a deeper understanding of the film’s origins, themes, and impact on audiences. Whether you’re a fan of football movies or simply intrigued by the world of hooliganism, Green Street Hooligans offers a gripping and intense cinematic experience.


In conclusion, Green Street Hooligans is a gripping and intense movie that takes viewers on a journey into the world of football hooliganism. With its compelling storyline, strong performances, and realistic portrayal of the hooligan subculture, the film has amassed a dedicated following over the years. Whether you’re a fan of football or not, Green Street Hooligans delivers a thrilling and thought-provoking experience that will leave a lasting impact. So, if you haven’t watched it yet, grab some popcorn and prepare to be transported into a world where loyalty, violence, and friendship collide.


Q: Is Green Street Hooligans based on a true story?

A: While the movie draws inspiration from real-life events and the football hooligan subculture in England, it is not a direct adaptation of a specific true story.

Q: Who are the main characters in Green Street Hooligans?

A: The movie features Charlie Hunnam as Matt Buckner, Elijah Wood as Pete Dunham, and Claire Forlani as Shannon Dunham.

Q: Why is the movie titled “Green Street Hooligans”?

A: The title refers to Green Street, a real-life street in East London notorious for its association with football hooliganism.

Q: Are the fight scenes in the movie realistic?

A: The fight scenes in Green Street Hooligans are choreographed to appear as realistic as possible, with input from professionals in the field of cinematic combat.

Q: What is the age rating for Green Street Hooligans?

A: The movie is rated R for strong brutal violence, language, and some drug use.

Q: Is Green Street Hooligans a standalone film or part of a series?

A: Green Street Hooligans is a standalone film. However, it has spawned two direct-to-video sequels: Green Street 2: Stand Your Ground and Green Street 3: Never Back Down.

Q: Can I watch Green Street Hooligans with my family?

A: Due to its rating and intense content, Green Street Hooligans may not be suitable for younger audiences. It is recommended to view the film with discretion and consider the age appropriateness for your family.

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